ジェラルド・クロワゼット氏スレ 伍

The Oval

Dr Douglas Buxton Hendrickson had meanwhite been conducting his own search for the children with the assistance of his 14 year old son.
Hendrickson was digging in dunes near the oval belonging to the Minda Home, a home for retarted children. He had been digging for
a month with his son and a member of the Minda Home staff. The only things they found were a dead crow, part of the sleeve of a football guernsey, and a straw hat.
The last find excited them and they contacted Croiset to tell him the news. Croiset replied on 20 September that the children were within half a metre of where the hat was found.

By 24 September Croiset had changed his mind. The children were buried within 16 metres of where Hendrickson had uncovered the hat.
A container with red, yellow and blue stripes, or a green bag, would be found 120 centimetres from the bodies. Beside this would be a "kinderwagen".
The next day the remains of a pram were found. The searchers were excited, but then found out that an inmate of the Home had left it there, trying to be helpful. Nothing more was found.

Hendrickson refused to give up. Despite the area being extensively searched, he was sure that people had not dug far enough. He continued to try to find the remains of the children.
His digging was eventually restricted to hours of darkness, so after he had finished work each day he would head for the dunes armed with his spade. He never found anything.
The dunes have since been leveled and replaced with a football field.