怖いことがわかったぞ。 一郎さんの牧場で♪って歌の正式なタイトルは「楽しい牧場」 で、原曲は「Old McDonald」ってアメリカ民謡なんだよ。 歌詞は、 ♪Old MacDonald had a farm Ee i ee io And on his farm he had some chicks Ee i ee io (マクドナルドじいさんは、むかし、農場をもってたんだ あー うー あー その農場では鶏を飼ってたんだってさ あー うー あー)
Old MacDonald had a farm Ee i ee i o And on his farm he had some chicks Ee i ee i o With a cluck-cluck here And a cluck-cluck there Here a cluck, there a cluck Everywhere a cluck-cluck Old MacDonald had a farm Ee i ee i o
Old MacDonald had a farm Ee i ee i o And on his farm he had some cows Ee i ee i oh With a moo-moo here And a moo-moo there Here a moo, there a moo Everywhere a moo-moo Old MacDonald had a farm Ee i ee i o
Old MacDonald had a farm Ee i ee i o And on his farm he had some pigs Ee i ee i o With an oink-oink here And an oink-oink there Here an oink, there an oink Everywhere an oink-oink Old MacDonald had a farm Ee i ee i o
Add in other animals that you teach on the farm like : dogs - woof-woof cat - meow-meow sheeps - baa-baa horses - neigh-neigh