This is the thread which cherry boys write only in English.
This isu a pen
I am a virginity
×I am a virginity.
○I am virginity.
Ore wa Omanko wo nametai.
Why don't we go to the soap land!
Have you ever sucked a pussy ?
no I have
I want amature pussy
アイ アム ア ペン
>>7 Yes, of course!
I like it very much.
we spend so much time.
we have little money,little experience,
and no work,no love.
I can not suck in cunt my penis.
>>12 get out here!!!!!!!!!
>>10 I recommend you a professional pussy.
Because an amateur's pussy is dirty and stinky.
Women trample on my heart
I am a nurupo
Is Miki Fujimoto a virgin ?
( ・∀・) | | Ga!
と ) | |
Y /ノ 人
/ ) < >__Λ∩
_/し' //. V`Д´)/
>>19 (_フ彡
I wanna have a sex with junior high school girl.
Oh,How pitiful
>>1 ここは英語で話すスレでつ
>>3 漏れは童貞でつ
>>6 なんで俺たちソープで捨てないのかね?
>>8 汚いじゃん
>>7 セクースしたことある?
>>9 ない
>>12 勿論。大好きです。
>>13 「俺たちはすでに多くの時間を費やしてしまった。
I can't understand difficult English.
Please easy English!!
>>16 Do you know good spot?
hahaha! There are a lot of impolite men-!
Let`s make love
If we become thirty years old without experience of sex.
We will be able to use a magic spell.
A sweetheart wants, he wants work and a friend also wants.
There is a thing needed too much and it is troubled.
It is the highest if it can have a sex with a dear woman quantity student.
>>30 I sometimes go to Shibuya Kadoebi.
It's reasonable but quality is not so low.
It costs 17000yen and we can do a "Honban".
40 :
('A`) :04/03/09 19:38
lets go downtown and talk to pretty!
they are waitting you all !
hey cherrys!LETS GET VIRGIN!
please give me your love or money!
>>34 really!?
it is fantastic!!!!
I want to use a magic that can make love easier with prety girls!
may i? may i?
Since there is little television which he watches this time, it is disagreeable.
You speak English well.
>>40 Yes,sir!!
I follow you!!!
It does not understand well only in what or difficult English. Are all heads good as it is?
>>41 really!?俺外人と仕事でメールしたけどそんなことなかったよ
48 :
('A`) :04/03/09 19:42
>>41 huh? you really baka
>>39 39very much!
it's so reasonable! i'll go there someday
>>39 please could you tell me more information
It is the sureddo which becomes wise.
you must write in englush
>>52 Sorry, you belive your time. I belive my time.
did all you use with translate software?
ヽ( ・∀・)ノ bitchhhh
no i don't. do you have good software?
To speak in English is tired.
my software is stupid.
i do not recomend for a beginner
How does it think of the man who plays a woman?
I want to ask you for a couple of hours.
I'm here
>>61 You should say "exactly".
I was tired in the company explanation meeting.
I think women love Ikemen.
Because Ikemen have aggressive mind.
The Shiites' most influential cleric,
Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Husseini al-Sistani, issued a religious edict saying he had reservations about the interim constitution and that it will gain legitimacy only when adopted by an elected assembly.
His supporters on Iraq
Governing Council pledged to try to amend parts of the charter,
saying they effectively give minority Kurds and Sunni Muslims a veto over a permanent constitution due to be drafted and put to a referendum next year.
>>63 they have only a good face.that is all!
actually,they can do noting like us! however they can fack pretty girls
who may become our wife in future.
Hey guys. Why don't you talk about cherry boy in America.
Are there many cherry boys in America?
74 :
ひみつの文字列さん:2025/01/22(水) 22:50:00 ID:MarkedRes
>>71 You are a opportunist.
>>73 i know there are a lot of cherry boys look like a fat monster in usa!
i guess they do not mind and care their body and face.
it obviously does not matter for us.
>>80 plese could you take care your body very carefully.
if you can do it.may be you will get a pretty girl.
then you can play and fack alot with her.
good luck.
A strange person is mixed together.
And that person's name is DIO?
>>81 thank you. but i think it's needless to worry about that.
I am just seeing AV to comfort me
>>82 please show us res. number.
>>86 567 ◆Anyi.3PvAA sage 04/03/09 12:54
>>564 エラーこないから送れたっぽい!サンクスヒホー
574 ◆Anyi.3PvAA sage 04/03/09 13:01
>>570 どの板って、喪板だろ
575 ◆Anyi.3PvAA sage 04/03/09 13:02
579 ◆Anyi.3PvAA sage 04/03/09 13:06
>>578 こっちに流れ込んでこなきゃいいよ
>>82 Everyone, How is this sight ?
>>91 you can describe that in English.
>>89 all, right. we are name-rare-teru.
I'll go there to wirte "unko-"
How many persons here?
Sir!! Yes,Sir!!
one hundred!!
100 :
('A`):04/03/09 20:28
yes sir!!
anyway!plese show me the pretty girl who is felling in love with me immidiately!!
101 :
('A`):04/03/09 20:28
961 名前: ('A`) 投稿日: 04/03/09 20:27
ヽ( ・∀・)ノ bitchhhh
is this your job?
102 :
('A`):04/03/09 20:29
103 :
('A`):04/03/09 20:30
>>101 You shouldn't ask his job・・・・.
oh, this thred is interesting.
105 :
('A`):04/03/09 20:31
I tried 3 times. but, i can't damage them...
106 :
('A`):04/03/09 20:34
beautiful girl is bitch?
107 :
('A`):04/03/09 20:34
actually my friend wife was AV actress.therefore they devorced.
do you want to the wife like that?
108 :
('A`):04/03/09 20:36
>>107 no ploblem!
i wanna marry her.
109 :
('A`):04/03/09 20:36
this thred is very difficult.
110 :
('A`):04/03/09 20:39
111 :
('A`):04/03/09 20:41
>>108 sir-!are you sure!?
may be you have a brave heart!
I just guess if you marry to a AV actress like mai.
she will want to hard and unusual sex every night!
plese dont forget! alot of person know your wife body even
Sexual organs!!
112 :
('A`):04/03/09 20:45
113 :
('A`):04/03/09 20:45
>>111 yeah...
but I don't have a right to choose !!!!!!
114 :
('A`):04/03/09 20:45
Oh really?
I want to use that site,but I have worry thing.
Is tranceration site charged for or being free?
115 :
('A`):04/03/09 20:46
116 :
('A`):04/03/09 20:46
117 :
('A`):04/03/09 20:47
118 :
('A`):04/03/09 20:47
>>113 you are man of the man!
119 :
('A`):04/03/09 20:47
>>114 that site is free. no problem
120 :
('A`):04/03/09 20:48
121 :
('A`):04/03/09 20:49
122 :
('A`):04/03/09 20:49
123 :
('A`):04/03/09 20:52
>>113 by the way
actually sir...
are there a few merit to marry to a AV actress.
in general.she has a lot of many and a more than average face.
her sex skill is obviously professional so you can get alot of fan during
124 :
('A`):04/03/09 20:53
125 :
('A`):04/03/09 20:53
sorry retreat now.
by the way
actually sir...
there are a few merit to marry to a AV actress.
in general.she has a lot of money and a more than average face.
her sex skill is obviously professional so you can get alot of fan during
126 :
('A`):04/03/09 20:56
>>125 professional......sounds great
>>125 It means she is just a bitch.
You guys better go soap.
129 :
('A`):04/03/09 21:01
130 :
('A`):04/03/09 21:02
>>117 訳
>>118 訳
>>119 訳
>>120 訳
>>122 訳
>>123 訳
アクチュアリーな旦那 (意味不明)
AV女優と結婚していいことあんのか? (疑問系じゃねえのかな?)
131 :
('A`):04/03/09 21:03
>>125 やっぱな
132 :
('A`):04/03/09 21:03
Doesn't it do?
133 :
('A`):04/03/09 21:05
134 :
('A`):04/03/09 21:06
>>132 訳
やんねーのか? (こういうのが一番わけわかんねー英語だな)
I aiming for a IKEMEN crass
136 :
('A`):04/03/09 21:14
how about do you think the man who resinged school then became a blue color
137 :
('A`):04/03/09 21:16
>>135 you can use present simple or present continue
what means crass?
138 :
('A`):04/03/09 21:17
139 :
('A`):04/03/09 21:20
140 :
chanko-masuda:04/03/09 21:27
otaku is beautiful
141 :
('A`):04/03/09 21:27
142 :
('A`):04/03/09 21:29
>>141 無理
143 :
('A`):04/03/09 21:30
>>141 うん。日本人は発音を気にしすぎるからよくないらしいよ。
Hello everyone.
I am doutei.
146 :
('A`):04/03/09 21:35
but I can't have a girl friend・・・.
147 :
('A`):04/03/09 21:36
>>146 you still have a chance
148 :
('A`):04/03/09 21:38
No future No future No future For KIMOMEN.
Everything has gone will so bad far in my life.
Choice suicide only. _| ̄|○
Repeat after me.
150 :
('A`):04/03/09 21:40
151 :
('A`):04/03/09 21:41
152 :
('A`):04/03/09 21:43
153 :
('A`):04/03/09 21:43
>>147 Thanks.
I don't make a feeling.
Because,There are many friends instead of it
154 :
('A`):04/03/09 21:45
>>153 you mean yaranaika?
>>151 It is too early for us to care about it.
156 :
('A`):04/03/09 21:46
157 :
('A`):04/03/09 21:47
158 :
('A`):04/03/09 21:47
159 :
('A`):04/03/09 21:48
160 :
('A`):04/03/09 21:53
161 :
('A`):04/03/09 21:55
I talked with blond hair girl student from US yesterday.
I was verry happy.
162 :
('A`):04/03/09 21:58
>>161 Therefore, it is what・・・・・ヽ(`Д´)ノUwaaaan.
163 :
('A`):04/03/09 22:00
>>161 really?????
is she cute?
>>161 I guess that conversation was a kind of like this.
“Excuse me, will you show me the way to the station please?”
“そ,sorry.....I, I きゃんt speak いngりっしゅ?”
“Never mind.”
JPN or JAP ?
166 :
('A`):04/03/09 22:05
外人 『Japanese! Japanese!』
俺 『うっせえよ毛唐、英語が世界の共通語とかナチュラルに思ってんじゃねえよ』
外人 『hmm…』
俺 『Fack you』
外人 『oh』
外人 『miss spell』
外人 『Fuck you』
俺 『Fuck you』
外人 『good!』
167 :
('A`):04/03/09 22:08
168 :
('A`):04/03/09 23:25
169 :
('A`):04/03/10 03:40
i have no lover ,
i have no friend,
i have no future.
i wanna die
170 :
('A`):04/03/10 03:43
I have to go to OMIYA tomorrow.
B'coz my friends invite with me to go to theater.
171 :
('A`):04/03/10 03:44
アイ アム ア ペン
172 :
('A`):04/03/10 04:00
173 :
('A`):04/03/10 10:10
174 :
('A`):04/03/10 10:55
Hello all
This is just to let everyone know I feel here.
I can understood almost. Well.
See ya.
175 :
('A`):04/03/10 11:14
/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
| just,just wait !
>>171 said something !!
, ,-;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:,. ヽ─y────────────── ,-v-、
/;:;:;:;:;:;:ミミ;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;`、 / _ノ_ノ:^)
/;:;:;:;:彡―ー-、_;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;| / _ノ_ノ_ノ /)
|;:;:;:ノ、 `、;;:;:;:;:;:i / ノ ノノ//
|;:/_ヽ ,,,,,,,,,, |;:;:;:;:;:;! ____/ ______ ノ
| ' ゚ ''/ ┌。-、 |;:;:;:;:/ _.. r(" `ー" 、 ノ
|` ノ( ヽ ソ |ノ|/ _. -‐ '"´ l l-、 ゙ ノ
_,-ー| /_` ”' \ ノ __ . -‐ ' "´ l ヽ`ー''"ー'"
| : | )ヾ三ニヽ /ヽ ' "´/`゙ ーァ' "´ ‐'"´ ヽ、`ー /ノ
ヽ `、___,.-ー' | / / __.. -'-'"
| | \ / | l / . -‐ '"´
\ |___>< / ヽ
176 :
('A`):04/03/10 16:28
I'm the cherry boy.You know?
yes, we are.
178 :
('A`):04/03/10 16:51
We are most cherriest boys in the world。
You probably lost "the".
And you used 。.
I see... your English skill is ....ops..... I cannot say any more .......
This thread is more slowly than yesterday
181 :
('A`):04/03/10 17:02
× thread
○ sled
The meaning should be well-informed.
Good mornin' guys, I can't sleep last night too......
Please somebody give me good sleep...
184 :
('A`):04/03/11 12:13
Sir!! Good Afternoon,Sir!!
185 :
('A`):04/03/11 12:14
186 :
('A`):04/03/11 12:23
187 :
('A`):04/03/11 16:03
a,ah, it is fuckin cloudy today.
188 :
('A`):04/03/11 16:58
After all,
most of Japanese girl is a son of a bitch.
189 :
('A`):04/03/11 16:59
leave me alone!
190 :
('A`):04/03/11 17:01
kiss my ass!
191 :
('A`):04/03/11 17:06
My name is Dokuo.
Nice to meet you.
ah...I'm a Cherry Boy.
But I don't care.
Because I like YAKINIKU.
Oh I'm sorry HIGESORI.
Wow!!HO-HO!! lol :-)
192 :
('A`):04/03/11 17:08
193 :
('A`):04/03/11 17:08
ok ok ok ok
ya ya ok ok
you know…ah…no no ok
195 :
('A`):04/03/11 17:20
How are you going?
I am fuckin' fine.
196 :
('A`):04/03/11 21:10
I'm going to be THE WIZARD.
how much
198 :
('A`):04/03/11 22:43
Good evening cherry boys!
How's it going ?
199 :
('A`):04/03/12 00:33
thanks i'm fine.
couse i got some girl friends.
so i never angry tonihgt.
200 :
GREAT MANKO:04/03/12 06:50
Hey guys!! Wanna Penetrate her MANKO with your TIMPO?
But,sorry to say,THAT’S IMPOSSIBLE!!!
201 :
('A`):04/03/12 06:51
I am cherry boy!!
202 :
GREAT MANKO:04/03/12 07:01
We are ALL cherry boys!! We don't have to be ashamed of it!!
what a good topic this is!!
>>202 i can see what you want to say,
but we have to be ashamed of it!
we have to fuck with girls as fast as we can!
we only use our dick for mustervation now.
we all want to insert our dick to pussy!!
i wish we could fuck!GOOD LUCK!
204 :
('A`):04/03/12 10:51
r‐-、._ ,,. r─-、.,
/" ミミ/⌒ ヽ、\ 生
x 〃⌒ヾ / ⌒ \))ソ
ド.〉 = 、 `〃ニヽ、ソ,ィ彡゙i 涯
}ミ.i|ト⌒ ⌒ヾノ/:|〃イ
〈_|゙((⌒ ヽリ/ i彡゙;) 童
_ {,i ゙Yi⌒ )),ソ ,. j彡ィ_
! .yi´``V、,, ,,..ノ"_ くィクf`l 貞
\゙.| `゜>t(イ ゞ゜'´ 〕くi ゙i
ヽヽ _| -、 /.i|.-'/ だ
じ.ヽ トYj^ \ l ,/|_/
ノi人‐< t_ヘ- ノ /从 も
イリ|ト 〉-‐'" /リハ!
|!yノi / iリソil ん
Y从ヽ-‐t" }リ夊
乂 / / \_,-、_ で
,. -‐v ,/ ./、`´゙‐、
205 :
('A`):04/03/12 11:01
ワギナ × 、バギナ △、ヴァギナ ◎
206 :
('A`):04/03/12 11:21
Manko makes men mad.
207 :
('A`):04/03/12 11:58
pussy is very gurotesc !!!!
but my dick is pretty :-)
208 :
('A`):04/03/12 12:06
209 :
('A`):04/03/13 01:30
210 :
('A`):04/03/13 01:34
Vagina: ヴァギナ(誤)ヴァジャイナ(正)
211 :
('A`):04/03/13 02:23
Amuro, I'm Comming
212 :
('A`):04/03/13 03:21
Where are you coming?
213 :
('A`):04/03/13 21:19
am i a cherryboy all my life ?
214 :
('A`):04/03/13 21:24
Sir!! Yes,Sir!!
215 :
('A`):04/03/13 21:26
The level became low suddenly.
216 :
('A`):04/03/13 21:43
I am at the lowest level in the mankind.
217 :
('A`):04/03/13 23:55
Oh sorry, the other one.
218 :
('A`):04/03/14 00:47
Is there anybody?
So spooky,so cool?
219 :
('A`):04/03/14 00:50
/ / \/ \
/ |i::::::::. / \
\;;;; ヽ::::::::::. /;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;/
\;;;;/\__________-‐‐ /\;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;/
|:::ト_、,,δ _-=-, |::::::L、:::::::::|
|::iiili゚マフヽ ':: マ・フ |::::::| ):::::::::::|
|::ii||´'' ̄/  ̄ '' |:::::レiii::::::::::::| _____________
|:::::ハ く |::::|iiiiiiii:::::::::::| /
|:::::|iiiiヽ ―- /::::|iiiiiiiii::::::::::| < I'm disapointed at you dead.
|::::::|iiiiiii\ ~ ,/|::::::|iiiiiii::::::::::| \_____________
|:::::|iiiiiiiiiiiilヽ─~ .|ii|::::::|iiiiii:::::::::::|
|::|iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii|i~~TTT~ ̄|:::::::|iii:::::::::::::|
|::|iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii|i | i | |:::::::|iiii::::::::::::::|
|::|iiiiiiiiiiiiiノ | i | |:::::::|iiii::::::::::::::(
人|;;;;;;<く ノ人 -~|::::::|iiii::::::::::::::::)
220 :
('A`):04/03/14 00:56
don't worry
221 :
('A`):04/03/14 00:57
i was the ikemen.
222 :
('A`):04/03/14 00:58
me too
223 :
('A`):04/03/14 00:59
/ / \/ \
/ |i::::::::. / \
\;;;; ヽ::::::::::. /;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;/
\;;;;/\__________-‐‐ /\;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;/
|:::ト_、,,δ _-=-, |::::::L、:::::::::|
|::iiili゚マフヽ ':: マ・フ |::::::| ):::::::::::|
|::ii||´'' ̄/  ̄ '' |:::::レiii::::::::::::| _____________
|:::::ハ く |::::|iiiiiiii:::::::::::| /
|:::::|iiiiヽ ―- /::::|iiiiiiiii::::::::::| < Get out of my sight!! Go away!
|::::::|iiiiiii\ ~ ,/|::::::|iiiiiii::::::::::| \_____________
|:::::|iiiiiiiiiiiilヽ─~ .|ii|::::::|iiiiii:::::::::::|
|::|iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii|i~~TTT~ ̄|:::::::|iii:::::::::::::|
|::|iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii|i | i | |:::::::|iiii::::::::::::::|
|::|iiiiiiiiiiiiiノ | i | |:::::::|iiii::::::::::::::(
人|;;;;;;<く ノ人 -~|::::::|iiii::::::::::::::::)
224 :
('A`):04/03/14 01:00
225 :
('A`):04/03/14 01:02
now bimyomen.
cos my head has been bald.
226 :
('A`):04/03/14 01:05
/ / \/ \
/ |i::::::::. / \
\;;;; ヽ::::::::::. /;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;/
\;;;;/\__________-‐‐ /\;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;/
|:::ト_、,,δ _-=-, |::::::L、:::::::::|
|::iiili゚マフヽ ':: マ・フ |::::::| ):::::::::::|
|::ii||´'' ̄/  ̄ '' |:::::レiii::::::::::::| _____________
|:::::ハ く |::::|iiiiiiii:::::::::::| /
|:::::|iiiiヽ ―- /::::|iiiiiiiii::::::::::| < Die Duch libe das Kouchen?
|::::::|iiiiiii\ ~ ,/|::::::|iiiiiii::::::::::| \_____________
|:::::|iiiiiiiiiiiilヽ─~ .|ii|::::::|iiiiii:::::::::::|
|::|iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii|i~~TTT~ ̄|:::::::|iii:::::::::::::|
|::|iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii|i | i | |:::::::|iiii::::::::::::::|
|::|iiiiiiiiiiiiiノ | i | |:::::::|iiii::::::::::::::(
人|;;;;;;<く ノ人 -~|::::::|iiii::::::::::::::::)
227 :
('A`):04/03/14 01:10
German! German!
228 :
('A`):04/03/14 11:19
229 :
('A`):04/03/14 11:33
i am gonna jerk off as soon as i get back to my home.
i love yada akiko. i think she is very pretty.
you know i do not have a girlfriend and never had sex since
i was born. is there any possiblity that i have sex with somebody
else? i can not endure my miserable life. thank you for reading.
230 :
('A`):04/03/14 11:35
231 :
('A`):04/03/14 11:59
hi cherry guys,
Why don't you lose your virginity in fuuzoku ?
232 :
('A`):04/03/14 12:01
If you can speak English fluently,
I doesn't make sense as long as you are a cherry boy.
What a joke ! ha ha ha
234 :
('A`):04/03/14 12:05
bacause I'm not interested in an omanko at all.
235 :
('A`):04/03/14 12:08
>>233 I think doutei's pride is very trivial thing.
Become brave ! Shall we go to the soapland !!
Because I love you.
237 :
('A`):04/03/14 12:09
238 :
('A`):04/03/14 12:10
I am afraid of going to soapland
239 :
('A`):04/03/14 12:10
>>237 We never go to fuuzoku with fear of sexual desease !
240 :
('A`):04/03/14 12:11
241 :
('A`):04/03/14 12:13
>>238 If you have a sex experience in the soap, you'll get used to woman.
So you'll have more opputunities to have fuck with amateur women.
242 :
('A`):04/03/14 12:15
Please don't fear the manko !
243 :
('A`):04/03/14 12:21
>>241 I am doutei throughout life!!
244 :
('A`):04/03/14 12:24
245 :
('A`):04/03/14 12:26
Yeah hail ! doutei!
246 :
('A`):04/03/14 12:27
247 :
('A`):04/03/14 12:28
How does Joshi-kousei's manko smell ?
248 :
('A`):04/03/14 12:29
I don't know
249 :
('A`):04/03/14 12:31
This is tintin
250 :
('A`):04/03/14 12:32
Do you want to sex?
251 :
('A`):04/03/14 12:33
Move bitch!
252 :
('A`):04/03/14 12:35
Ishikawa never do shit
253 :
('A`):04/03/14 12:37
No! People = shit!!
254 :
('A`):04/03/14 12:38
255 :
('A`):04/03/15 06:59
>>250 It's a stupid question !!!
256 :
('A`):04/03/15 07:42
I need manko
257 :
('A`):04/03/15 10:16
I need meet W.C
258 :
('A`):04/03/15 10:20
Watashi ga eigo wakarimasen.
259 :
('A`):04/03/15 10:21
My mother is Dog.
My father is Cat.
260 :
('A`):04/03/15 10:21
Fuck me!
262 :
('A`):04/03/15 10:27
263 :
('A`):04/03/15 10:48
You have a Manko.
Can I use your manko?
−−−−−−−−−−−−☆Worst Fixed Handle"Onna Koichi"☆−−−−−−−−−−−
The tone which imitated the strangely dear child is a provoking woman too many.
The woman is depreciated very much. However, it continues staying on here.It is
very impudent.If this woman is, the atmosphere of the thread will become bad.
Let's banish "Onna Koichi" from this BBS."Onna Koichi" should disappear immediately now!
265 :
素人童貞君:04/03/15 22:17
I am a last cherry boy in the Tokyo city.
I was pesu.
we didn't touch the white day.
we talked only soap.
268 :
('A`):04/03/16 20:04
I want an elder sister.
269 :
('A`):04/03/17 05:23
270 :
('A`):04/03/17 05:48
>>269 maybe, he is anime otaku.
271 :
('A`):04/03/17 08:11
kegrk'n qilarle da zundoco evbnet seynd bustemoufse chop chop
272 :
('A`):04/03/17 08:14
Fuck You
273 :
('A`):04/03/17 21:37
everybody study now
274 :
('A`):04/03/17 23:35
I have a younger sister.
She has already married, but I have not yet.
275 :
('A`):04/03/17 23:37
suck my dick!!
276 :
('A`):04/03/17 23:41
I have two younger sisters.
They already lost their virginity,but I still keep my virginity.
277 :
('A`):04/03/17 23:43
I'm proud of my virginity.
278 :
('A`):04/03/17 23:44
280 :
('A`):04/03/18 02:32
>>277 you are man of the man!!
281 :
('A`):04/03/18 02:34
Gomen ore Eigo MURI.
282 :
('A`):04/03/18 02:34
283 :
('A`):04/03/18 02:36
284 :
('A`):04/03/18 02:38
286 :
('A`):04/03/18 02:40
You son of a bitch!
287 :
('A`):04/03/18 02:47
>>284 NO,NO,NO DOHTY chauwa!
288 :
('A`):04/03/18 02:54
>>287 Ha,haha You kidding!
289 :
('A`):04/03/18 02:56
all of DOHTY over 15 is MOIKEY! A-HA ha haha!
290 :
('A`):04/03/18 04:13
>>286 No, I'm sun of a beach.
291 :
('A`):04/03/18 04:20
I cannot have.
PUPEPO GACCHAN too,(oh,yeaha-han)bomb the FUCKIN'
Dreamin'bomb(be careful)smiling sun&Mr.PIG XXXX
C'mon everybody PENGUIN villege, How there do? coming coming HA! SUCK!!