I want to be a jpop idol (join akb48) [転載禁止]©2ch.net

I really want to join akb48.
I am not Japanese. Infact I'm Australian, but I have brown eyes, and look a bit asian? (Not that this helps :( )
I mean I don't even speak Japanese and have never been to Japan T_T
I just would like to know, because I am 14 by the time I am 16 if I work really hard at losing weight, practicing singing and dancing,
learning japanese and earning money to live in Japan, will I ever have a chance?
I would love to be singing and dancing on that stage with all the other members :(
I often wonder if its even possible for me :(
Oh well, I hope you weren't bored out by my complaining
2名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/02/08(日) 23:42:36.53 0
go to underground thread
3名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/02/08(日) 23:43:09.23 0
4名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/02/08(日) 23:44:17.88 0
fuck off bitch48
5名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/02/08(日) 23:47:32.10 0
6名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/02/08(日) 23:47:45.63 0
pachinkonouhiawase nohohon nohohon
spread your pussy