狼のハロプロ英語スレ [転載禁止]©2ch.net

2名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 17:51:00.02 0
3名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 17:51:12.53 0
4名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 17:51:38.28 0
5名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 17:52:09.84 0
Sayashi is so cute
6名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 17:52:29.44 0
maaf ya, aku cuma ngomong bahasa indonesia aja loh...
7名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 17:53:05.28 0
What is LOVE?
8名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 17:53:30.56 0
9名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 17:54:11.19 0
I want Morning Musume'15 to become global icon.
10名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 17:54:38.14 0
Jaup to Jump!
11名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 17:54:44.81 0
oda is ugly
12名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 17:56:19.41 0
Does Chinami live in China?
13名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 17:56:30.89 0
Please be my friend?
14名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 17:56:37.12 0
Make me Woman!
15名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 17:56:50.79 0
Wolfers cannot speak good English lol
16名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 17:57:13.29 0
Kiddin! No way!
17名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 17:57:25.00 0
Haruna Ikubo's voice lokes like Mickey Mouse's one.
18名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 17:57:27.67 0
Morning Musume is best idol
19名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 17:58:15.31 0
20名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 17:58:15.83 0
21名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 17:58:25.21 0
Obama’s State of the Union Addresses was "Hello!Project is cute"
22名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 17:59:00.26 O
从*´∇`)<I think so genius me.
23名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 17:59:42.36 0
I want to marry Miki Nonaka
24名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 18:00:11.07 0
Guess whose chin is geeting longer day bye day!
25名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 18:00:57.65 0
Are you serious?
How old are you?
26名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 18:01:39.73 0
Riho inspects this thread.
27名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 18:01:49.91 0
Makino center will be worldwide hit
28名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 18:02:12.62 0
I like meet
29名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 18:02:40.33 0
Takeo is crazy.
30名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 18:02:58.01 0
31名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 18:03:09.78 0
Ikuta can't read social cues.
Maa-chan can't read Japanese
32名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 18:03:31.27 0
Where is Miss Makoto Ogawaw?
33名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 18:03:31.79 0
34名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 18:04:02.13 0
35名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 18:04:04.07 0
24 years old.
36名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 18:04:44.37 0
No. The subtitle is too bad.
37名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 18:05:36.08 0
Kamei's refridgerater cheese
38名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 18:05:53.05 0
Hey! wash your eyes!
The growth of Miya's chin already stopped!
I think her chin is getting shorter a little by little!
39名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 18:06:10.40 0
I feel privacy here.
40名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 18:06:35.75 0
I think it's pretty good!
41名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 18:07:08.52 0
To be honestly I think recent Hello Pro is useless.
I follow Berryz forever.
42名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 18:07:14.70 0
Akane's fan is Lolita complex.
43名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 18:08:04.25 0
My American wota friend said to me "EDM is uncool now"
He said TIKI BUN is painful.
44名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 18:08:33.13 0
Sayashi is ugly
45名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 18:08:40.00 0
Frill club? Frill only?
46名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 18:09:01.16 0
Do you know mass conservation law of Berryz?
Risako has gotten skinny. and Maasa also lose her weight.
Who is increasing her wight now?
47名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 18:09:10.79 0
48名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 18:10:03.93 0
I can't push the parment link without no explanation!
49名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 18:10:07.43 0
If frankly we talk about EDM I think Perfume is more interesting.
50名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 18:10:11.32 0
51名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 18:10:47.57 0
false: without no explanation
true: without explanation
52名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 18:10:53.30 0
53名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 18:11:26.05 0
54名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 18:11:42.74 0
Mizuki is called "Fukuhime" by foreign wodas.
55名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 18:13:04.47 0
I wish I can understand English.
I want to understand Foreign fan.
56名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 18:13:30.15 0
OH! My! I didn't know that!
I know Oda looks chubby recently
57名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 18:13:32.99 0
Why oversea fan hate Sayashi???
58名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 18:13:56.33 0
59名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 18:14:16.19 0
Yeah! Fu*k Hime is cute!
60名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 18:14:16.45 0
Meimi likes crowded trains.
61名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 18:14:24.28 0
I want to sex Maimi Yazima
62名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 18:15:01.36 0
If Riho graduate this year Morning Musume will be famous.
63名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 18:15:13.81 0
We likes Korean food !!!
64名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 18:15:41.70 0
You all are funny lol!
65名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 18:15:48.28 0
66名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 18:15:56.02 0
Who is the captain of the Bakuwara Generation?
67名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 18:16:13.03 0
68名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 18:17:14.02 0
I've been a big fan of H!P for a long years. However, I can't remember well.
Meimei, Maimi, Maimai.
Isn't it difficult? :D
69名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 18:17:49.26 0
Perfume EDM is more easy listen to than Morning Musume EDM
70名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 18:18:23.33 0
71名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 18:18:30.71 0
Maro is too excentric
But Maro is too exotic!
72名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 18:19:21.53 0
At the time I went to NY to see the concert I had sex in the night with American Oda fan.
She was too crazy!
73名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 18:20:48.24 0
Sayashi fans is blind. You love the ugly child.
74名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 18:21:17.98 0
Oh! lucky you!
I thnk your face looks like an alien like Oda!!
75名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 18:22:06.79 0
Meimei and Aiai are Maimai oshi.
76名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 18:22:17.08 0
AKB48 is more popular overseas than Musume.
Do you look at Stage48?
The access is more popular than Hello!Online.
77名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 18:23:16.06 0
Please be nice to Oda.
Her American fan is sexy.
78名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 18:23:47.16 0
Ayano looks like Yukarin.
79名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 18:24:58.44 0
This website is funny.
Many fans write bad things in secret. lol
80名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 18:25:04.30 0
Yuukari is white!
81名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 18:25:26.80 0
Asami Konno is cutest.
82名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 18:26:11.91 0
Bad taste!
83名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 18:26:18.48 0
I want to become a translator for Hello! Project.
Their English skills are too poor and ANGERME was a embarrassing moment.
84名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 18:27:00.63 O
Why looking for Bakuwara?
85名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 18:27:38.60 0
Hello Project idol is too ugly for world stage.
Momokro will beat them.
86名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 18:28:49.14 0
When she appears on TV Tokyo, I fixed the aspect ratio.
Then, Kumai-chan looked taller than usual in The Girls Live!
87名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 18:29:01.38 0
Foreign fan have bad taste.
They hate Sayashi. They like Oda. Are they stupid?
88名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 18:29:37.62 0
Kumai is godzilla
89名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 18:30:10.42 0
unwillingly I accept defeat

tikibun tikibun
90名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 18:30:42.15 0
I enjoyed the new PV
91名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 18:31:17.66 0
Ahh, I have to explain this first.
Japanese judge persons with only faces.
But we love total. atmosphere and etc.
I think it's a big difference between us!
92名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 18:31:17.91 0
Morning Musume formation dances are so stupid!
Return to foremer routine!
93名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 18:32:21.93 0
Oh! Are you the foreign one?
I have question to ask.
94名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 18:33:18.19 0
95名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 18:33:54.85 0
96名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 18:34:01.94 0
i wanna be doing creampie with Karin's pussyyyyyy!!!!!
97名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 18:34:27.21 0
Because Bakuwara is undetectable by radar like a stealth aircraft.
98名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 18:34:43.24 0
ayumi is japanese beauty
99名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 18:35:47.75 0
Foreign fan enjoy Goto or Takahashi type with a star quality.
Sayashi type without talent or persona is unappealing to the eyes.
100名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 18:36:16.46 0
What do u say?
Nan no koto desuka?
101名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 18:36:23.24 0
I want to eat Wada
102名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 18:36:41.38 0
103名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 18:37:00.90 0
104名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 18:37:39.97 0
Sayashi center is lame!!
105名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 18:37:59.66 0
106名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 18:38:19.86 0
I feel worry when Hello Pro goes overseas I am scared of foreign fan looks their way
107名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 18:40:02.25 0
I like to read Hello!Online
108名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 18:40:10.78 0
109名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 18:41:03.90 0
She is so tiny like Japanese animation characters!
So I love her!
110名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 18:41:37.85 0
I show my America friend Sayashi photo
He said she is not cute :(
111名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 18:43:04.23 0
           γq' ミ'wシ
           从#゙゚'ゥ゙゚) I want to eat Wada
       (⌒ヾヽ、 人 ノ人⌒)
      n ,V,シヽ(こノこ'ノミ,.'V、__n_               ヾ(w)ツ
     ミ_}{_ij_,ノ )にノこ( ヽ、ji_}{ 彡              (  0Y0)
          /^ヽ,元,/^ヽ                  川;´゙゚'_゙゚|| Gahhhhhhh!!
         (,.-、)川、,.-、)                ⊂ノ   /つ
          ト-イij jト-イ                  / _ ニニニつ
         (__) (__)              ⊂ニ_/
112名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 18:43:15.12 0
im shot my heart completely...
113名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 18:43:22.27 0
I want a single for Ayumin and Maria center.
They have star quality.
114名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 18:44:21.65 0
Kamei's refridgerater cheese
115名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 18:45:22.39 0
The first love was when I watch ASAYAN and Rika appear
116名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 18:45:50.75 0
haga is minisayu
117名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 18:46:33.90 0
Takahashi Ai famous quote I AM A WHORE
118名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 18:47:08.02 O
In other words,the Bakuwara is a Airial weapon.
119名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 18:47:08.15 0
I want to suck out Fruiche which was poured into Haruka's pussy.
120名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 18:47:25.17 0
kyou wa hellostation!
121名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 18:47:37.08 0
∬ ´▽`)<You are good
122名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 18:48:14.14 0
honestly,i wanna get marry to H!P member.
but now im NEET.
im ought to work,but Hatarakitakunaidegozaru…
123名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 18:48:14.48 0
Nonaka will be Utada Hikaru within Morning Musume
124名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 18:48:47.69 0
I hate fucking Sayashi!
125名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 18:49:49.36 O
Me too.
126名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 18:50:21.08 0
The music only I like now is johnny's and ANGERME
I like to flow it together
127名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 18:50:54.88 0
Haruka is ugly
Can you suck out ugly
128名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 18:51:40.80 0
Honestly, Sayashi body is looks child.
I feel vomit.
129名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 18:52:00.54 O
Where did Rishako disappear into?
130名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 18:53:13.84 0
oh,u have no sense.
131名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 18:53:57.36 0
132名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 18:54:24.16 0
I just love cute things.
I'm not a pedophile
133名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 18:54:46.10 0
I like to study English.
I want to exchange information with younger people.
134名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 18:56:26.08 0
never go overseas
you may be arrested
135名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 18:56:27.93 0
I do not understand whether you look at the child and can enjoy it.
This child is not pretty, too.
136名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 18:57:00.43 0
who girl do yourecommend?
137名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 18:57:09.51 0
oda is popular overseas because she is cute
138名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 18:58:22.62 0
Oh! Boy, If you write "I love to study English", I'd raise my hand
From a gay boy ;D
139名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 18:58:32.18 0
Morning Musume is boring recently.
A new girl is pretty, but I do not know them well.
In addition, it is Morning Musume music that becomes the garbage.
140名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 18:59:37.73 0
sayashi fan are pedophile
141名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 19:00:26.98 0
142名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 19:01:05.05 0
Book mark
143名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 19:01:09.66 O
I'd like to study English, too.
144名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 19:01:24.12 0
Don't feed the trolls.
145名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 19:01:35.19 0
Fukumura is fat too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
146名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 19:02:17.88 0
147名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 19:02:35.98 0
oh, im so sad about your sight.
A developing body is the best term of woman life.
148名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 19:02:51.45 0
This is good way to learn English. My book is boring.
149名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 19:03:37.35 0
This year Sayashi fan will move to Shimamura OR Morito.
150名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 19:04:29.88 0
I hate famous wota living in overseas
We just love the information of H!P but they all misunderstand they are popular and become rude.
151名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 19:04:32.53 0
152名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 19:06:29.46 0
Not fat. just chubby
153名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 19:06:45.89 0
Production company is profitable, so no problem.
154名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 19:07:06.44 0
No, the most of the Japanese Idol Fan are pedo.
So U re not exception.
155名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 19:07:34.78 0
My thoughts exactly
156名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 19:08:21.08 0
Do u say about me?
157名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 19:08:45.55 0
When I see Momoiro Clover PV I cry.
They surpass Morning Musume.
The jimuso is fucking cheap!!
158名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 19:09:21.69 0
I change to Maria
159名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 19:10:07.05 0
How many Hello Project overseas boards exist?
I only know Hello Online
160名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 19:11:13.08 0
suzuki eats hamburger
161名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 19:11:58.24 0
>>148 "I want to eat Wada" is good?
162名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 19:12:53.11 0
don't cry KISS is owakon
163名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 19:14:24.95 0
H!O is the page for famous Senapi members.
They are a little bit rude.
It's not good for talking.
So it's got smaller.
164名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 19:16:09.77 0
Wolfer say Sasaki is ugly but she look like Disney star.
She will be important overseas.
165名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 19:17:54.42 0
166名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 19:19:57.44 0
AKB48 is stronger overseas.
When I look at tumblr.
167名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 19:25:42.66 0
sayashi and oda are double busaiku
168名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 19:26:08.34 0
It's just Rikako has a hater or two already.
Good sign that she's getting popular.
169名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 19:29:16.46 0
∬´▽`)<If we go, the mob will be panicked.
170名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 19:31:42.08 0
What do you think of current Musume?
171名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 19:34:09.58 0
Kudo is looking at me!
Kudo is looking at me!
172名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 19:36:18.14 0
I feel Sayashi center will be displaced this time.
Sato and Ishida have good opportunity!
173名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 19:36:37.39 0
Robin <tanoshi katta hito-? (did you guys enjoy the concert?)
174名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 19:38:31.68 0
Nonaka, hello
175名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 19:41:54.28 0
pachinkono uchiawase nohohon nohohon.
176名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 19:44:01.90 0
What is good idol PV to show foreign friend?
Momoiro Clover is impossible.
177名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 19:45:06.69 0
Please remember the meaning of "break your legs"
178名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 19:45:32.13 0
what ethnicity friend?
179名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 19:46:46.88 0
180名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 19:50:33.28 0
Portugal person
181名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 19:52:56.92 0
Foreign fan is disgusting.
They only fan Suzuki because she is fat.
So they think "I can become glamorous too"
Do not idolize body fat. You too, Fukumura fan.
182名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 19:55:27.58 0
183名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 19:57:18.52 0
I don't think foreigners use "Fat"
Japanese won't understand what is fat.
they are chubby
184名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 20:08:37.50 0
Hello from the land of oheso
185名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 20:11:17.00 0
186名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/21(水) 20:17:01.01 0
岡田ロビン翔子 @xoxorobin19 5分前
#櫻井さん #ありがとうございます
187名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/22(木) 02:39:31.67 0
188名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/22(木) 06:18:04.99 0
Who wants to learn english?!?!
189名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/22(木) 06:31:39.94 0
I want to lick Maimi stomach
190名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/22(木) 06:36:36.24 0
honestly, I think RR21 is good.
PV has flavor of 90s black music like TLC.
It leaves a good impression.
191名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/22(木) 08:01:40.50 0
Sakura is Obama
192名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/22(木) 09:18:30.09 0
maimai is my wife
193名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/22(木) 11:30:47.45 0
On tumblr and forum I notice many AKB oversea fan is ex-H!P fan.
They say they switch to AKB longing for H!P glory day similarity.
Oversea fan is easily becoming unloyal,, how disturbing.
194名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/22(木) 11:39:33.94 0
195名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/22(木) 11:51:02.07 0
Frankly speaking,
nice idol must pure.
196名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/22(木) 11:56:31.59 0
unloyal fan is uneeded
197名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/22(木) 12:20:28.45 0
Many Japanese fans have become AKB fans, also.
198名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/22(木) 12:54:59.54 0
Peak time of Morning Musume is most popular here and oversea.
Many subtitled Musume video is from the peak time.
Platinum time repel a lot of fan, unfrtounately.
199名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/22(木) 13:08:00.57 0
ogawa, robin, nonaka stop responding!!!!!!
200名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/22(木) 13:23:05.26 0
Gotou is an angel
201名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/22(木) 13:55:26.36 0
When I eat lunch I pretend the coworkers are Berryz
202名無し募集中。。。@転載は禁止:2015/01/22(木) 19:15:09.19 0
May I fuck Airi?
Will Sayashi disappear affected from scandal?