Sajwar Sohail ?@Sajwar7 22分
Japan game was boring as hel. まじで退屈だった
Mahmoud Zaki ?@zakimahmoud41 32分
Greece vs Japan:0-0 it was boring. 退屈
steffan wiliam ?@mallos1 8時間
Japan v Greece - Possibly the most boring game I've ever had the misfortune to watch - hope they both lose. 今までで一番退屈。見て損した。両方とも負けちまえ
Hendrick Manas ?@ohmlebethe 1時間
@SABreakingNews of course! Greece and Japan are the most boring teams in the world. ギリシャと日本は世界中で最も退屈なチームだ
Jorge Ag?ela ?@JorgeAguela 3時間
Today's Japan vs. Greece match was mega boring.. メガ退屈
Twitter reacts to ‘boring’ goalless World Cup match between Japan and Greece
Friday 20 Jun 2014 12:53 am