>>101 It is not correct. It revealed that the importance of this should affect every aspect of our life. I quote that seminar below for your understanding. “When you look at this actually, these three lines as I(that I) smelled(marked) red now. It is not as(really) red as(on) protection(projector). It is red if you(here on) mind(my) note control(book though). You might wanna recover the racefully(gracefully) promit(from it), and that(not) just stop. Some of our srided(strategies) (have) implemented though. Because it is used in other test case. You wanna be lowest(robust) what you(I just) said that. So testing func(focus) autotest framework lies in the so many many people think of a bit of (different) (things) what(when) he(they) is talking about testing. I think autotest is very well situated in the sieve(vicinity:近所) and(of) uni(t) test and integration test. It is very not as good as the system test. Automated strategy might not always be able to satisfy. It’s not, it doesn’t accept testing ・at all. Because we don’t have corresponding requirements to process automatic(ally). On the other hand, if you do have created the(unit) test or integration test that reveal the bug, ・due to integration with mal-unitest(manual unit testing) basically can feedback an extracted ・form, extracted witness of your(the) automatically generated test, to your regression test {you} too in(be) executed next time alone(around). So if you have for example automated strategy, you’ll be sure that this interesting case, because this(it) reveal a problem. It will be executed next time around, not only have a chance to(of) be(ing) executed next time around.”