3ヶ月後 英語のテストガンバロー!


Where is the information counter?
Could you hurry please? 中澤
Where is the nearest bus stop?
What is the next stop? 辻
Where shall we go for dinner? 飯田?
Is there a hospital nearby? 保田
This is a bit expensive. 吉澤
I'll get off here. 石川
Could you give me a discount? 加護
May I use the phone? 辻
Where is the nearest subway station? 矢口
I can't find my way around. 吉澤
Do you have cheaper ones? 保田
May I have the bill, please?飯田
I’ll take this one, please. 石川
Which direction is north? 加護
May I take this seat? 後藤
May I have a pair of chopsticks? 矢口
Could you speak a little slower, please. 安倍
Ayaka's class is closed today.
What's the name of this place? 後藤
I'll get off here. 石川
Is it far from here? 安倍
I think this is too expensive. 飯田
It's too cold in this room. 保田
I'd like to take this out. 後藤
May I have a receipt, please? 飯田
When is the next train coming? 石川
I'll have one of this, please. 加護
Am I headed for the right direction? 石川
Does this bus stop near the zoo? 安倍
May I have a map for the subway route? 保田
Would you please take me to this adress? 中澤?
I'll eat here. 辻