↓翻訳サイト http://www.excite.co.jp/world/text/ ↓ The right usage of a translation site. I will translate noted ZERIFU of animation or a game! Example: Animation RUFI of a dress I become a pirate king! ↓ Japanese -> English I become a pirate king! ↓ English - > Japanese I become an literary piracy king! It is interesting in this way. Otherwise, it is selfish fairy MIRUMO and is methamphetamine ! etc. ゆ- things -- the noted words of an animation game etc. -- あ つめます ↓ translation site http://www.excite.co.jp/world/text/ ↓ 翻訳サイトの正しい使用法。私は、アニメーショ ンあるいはゲームの注意されたZERIFUを翻訳しま しょう!例:服のアニメーションRUFI、私は著作権 侵害王になります!↓の日本の->英語Iは著作権侵 害王になります!↓の英語の->日本語Iは文学の著 作権侵害王になります!それはこのように面白 い。そうでなければ、それは利己的な妖精MIRUMO で、メタンフェタミンです!など、ゆ-事態(アニ メーション・ゲームなどの注意された単語)あつ めます↓翻訳サイトhttp://www.excite.co.jp/世 界/テキスト/
次は、目黒、目黒、お出口は、右側です。 東急目黒線、地下鉄南北線、都営地下鉄三田線は、お乗換えです。 ↓ 日→英 Next, Meguro, Meguro, and an exit are right-hand side. The Tokyu Meguro line, a subway north-south line, and Toei Subways Mita Line are changes. ↓ 英→日 次に、目黒、目黒および出口は右側です。Tokyu目黒ライン、地下鉄の北の南のラインおよびToei地下鉄三田ラインは、変更です。
まもなく、1番乗り場に、普通、高槻行きが、7両で参ります。危険ですから、ホームの内側へ、お下がりください。1番乗り場に、列車が参ります。ご注意ください。 ↓ 日→英 Soon, the one for Takatsuki usually calls at a No. 1 bus stop by seven cars. After it is dangerous, please give a hand-me-down to the inner side of a home. A train calls at a No. 1 bus stop. Be careful. ↓ 英→日 すぐに、高槻用のものは通常呼びます、で、1つの、7台の自動車で1番バス停留所。それが危険だった後、家の内部の側にお下がりの衣類を与えてください。列車は呼びます、で、1つの、1番バス停留所。注意してください。
such a thing -- >>1 -- hear it slightly SURE and massage -- although it is not related -- さ It is the neighboring Yoshino 家行ったん yesterday. Yoshino house. if it そ -- something -- people are messy -- it is full and cannot sit down if it comes out and often sees -- something -- the bottom of a curtain -- て -- 150 yen is written to be influence It is already with whether it is AHO. Or [ being foolish ]. you -- じゃ which is not coming to the Yoshino house to which it is not coming by 150 yen influence 如き usually - dotage the price is 150 yen -- 150 yen It is し [ there is a parent-and-child companion ] something. It is the four families. Is it the Yoshino house? loving - . よ- carrying out -- papa -- 特盛頼んじゃう - and having said It already sees and there is [ do not shine and ] nothing. you -- ら -- since 150 yen is done -- the 席空け ろ Yoshino -- 家って -- you should suppose that it is bloodier Whenever a quarrel may start with the fellow who sat on the other side of the character table of U, is it - in じゃ which is not amusing, in which it can be stuck or which such an atmosphere does not say whether it stabs? A female child is すっこん and ろ. when thinking whether it was able to sit down at last by coming out, the next fellow is the Omori rainy season -- く -- と -- it has said Then, it strikes again and is a piece. it is that rainy season -- it is fashion んね - ん in く etc. these days Dotage proud -- a face is carried out and what is a rainy season -- く -- だ you are a rainy season truly -- I want to ask whether want to consume く I want to question closely. I want to question closely for small 1 hour. they are you and a rainy season -- it is くって言いたい -- well [ stingy ゃ ] -- か if allowed to say from me of the Yoshino 家通, the newest fashion between the Yoshino 家通 will be a Welsh onion too now -- く and this it is a large serving of Welsh onion -- く GYOKU How this asks 通. it is a Welsh onion -- as for くって, the Welsh onion is more mostly contained There is a little little meat instead of そん. Be fastidious. It comes out and is a large serving of GYOKU (egg) to it. This the strongest. However, the sword of many edges accompanied also by risk of saying that it will be marked on a salesclerk from the next if it asks this. It cannot recommend to an amateur. well -- you -- an amateur -- it lived also on [ the 牛鮭 table d'hote ], and it said in a lack and was fastidious
♪ズチャチャラチャララン・・・ まもなく、5番線に、品川、渋谷方面行きが参ります。危ないですから、黄色い線の内側まで、お下がりください。 ↓ 日→英 ♪ ZUCHACHARACHARARAN ... Shinagawa and the direction going of Shibuya are soon defeated by the 5th track. Please give a hand-me-down to the dangerous inner side of a line yellow [ therefore ]. ↓ 英→日 ♪ZUCHACHARACHARARAN 品川、および渋谷を行く方向は、第5の軌跡によってすぐに破られます。ラインの危険な内部の側にお下がりの衣類を与えてください、黄色[したがって]。
私はラーメンが食べたいのだが、 ワイフはパスタが食べたいと言う。 これはもはや裁判を起こしてでも 亭主としての尊厳を守るべきだと私は思うがね。 ↓ Although I want to eat ramen noodles, a wife says that he wants to eat a pasta. Although I think that it should protect 尊厳 as a husband even if this already causes a trial. ↓ 私はramenヌードルを食べたいが、 妻は彼がパスタを食べたいと言います。 これが既に試みを引き起こしても それが夫として尊厳を保護するべきであると私は思いますが。