
270( ´∀`)さん
          I see a red door and I want it painted black
          No colors anymore I want them to turn black
  I see the girls go .,;,. by dressed in their .,:,.   summer clothes
  I have to turn   ,;' ';  my head until   .,;' ';,  my darkness goes
  I see a line of  ,;"  ";, cars and they're..;'  ";, all painted black
  With flowers and,:;'    ';, my love both ,;:"   ";, never to come back
  I see people  ,;"     '";, turn their  ,;"       ";, heads and quickly look away
  Like a    .,,:;'"       "'; . ,,...,,.,,..,.. ,;"        ";,. newborn baby it
         .;''"           '""    ""'          ""';, just happen every days
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         ";,       ";,                .,;"      .,;"            MOGYAA
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