
48( ´∀`)さん
I went Yoshinoya near my house yesterday.
To suprise,I couldn't sit on a seet since there were so many people in there.
And after carefully watch,I found a drop cartein saying "$1.25 off".
I thought 'Shit! You all are son of a bitch!'
They didn't go Yoshinoya generally,did they? Ought to "$1.25 off".
It is only $1.25. $1.25.
There was fuckin' family. Hey,you comes to here with four member of family? It is GOOD.
I couldn't help disgusting with his saying "Well,I'll order L size, my son and daughter!"
Hey fuckin' Japs, Get out of here since I'll give $1.25.
Yoshinoya should be more brutal and bloody.
There is no knowing when a fight start with Chicken who sit U-type table's opposit.
It's good such an atomosphere that it can't suppose whether Dead or Alive.You DQN,Get out of here.
And,I could sit at last,neighbors said "M size with Tsuyudaku,please."
Then,My temper was lost again.
Hey boy,It's not fashion Tsuyudaku any more.
Aren't you fool saying "Tsuyudaku,please"so proudly?
I'll question and question for about an hour whether you truly want to order Tsuyudaku or not.
You only want to say"Tsuyudaku",aren't you??
It's "Negidaku" that most contemporaly fashion in Yoshinoya expart such of me.
"Negidaku" contains more Welsh onion but less beef.It's so good.
And I'll order L size egg,too.It's marvelous.
But next time you'll be marked by staffs if you order them.It's the double-edged sword.
I can't recommend it to beginner.
Well, I'll recommend that you fuckin' beginner will eat beef and salmon table d'hote.