Post here only in fucking English
1 :
いに・・・ :
2007/03/09(金) 05:25:48 Now it's time to start a thread like this, allies, writing something in English. Start learning it.
2 :
いに・・・ :2007/03/09(金) 05:28:44
Starving now, in the night. I wanna have a bite. Now it's time to cook. She seems not to come back.
3 :
いに・・・ :2007/03/09(金) 05:30:29
O, it's just wasting my fxxking precious time, y'know.
4 :
いに・・・ :2007/03/09(金) 05:34:52
Now, anyway, something completely different. Anyhow, the song, that "Don't think twice, it's alright", by Bob Dylan is good, massive. I feel something, very human, or how can I explain that, so... stupid, no something miserable. Used to dislike that kinda attitude, but now I feel something more than miserable, something. I got older and it's not bad, anyway.
5 :
いに・・・ :2007/03/09(金) 05:40:00
It's also, I like the accent or you could say, like, y'know, broken English, and it sounds nice. I can't say more than nice, it's just nice, and I like it. I have been fascinated by dialects, or more smartly you could say it, varieties. But actually, since I hate American English, I didn't go further into its variation, dialects. So seems really new to me. It's the southern accent? or something cow boy stuff? It's new. Whatever they are bored or not.
6 :
いに・・・ :2007/03/09(金) 05:45:24
So, "l" looks totally the same as a capital "i", then, any how I was thinking they use a small "i" for the singular 1st person "i" these days. And it's probably 'cause, how do you say, that you feel lazy about that, that feeling in English? Anyhow they use the small "i", so that they don't need to
7 :
鈴木 :2007/03/09(金) 05:57:45
WareZ君へ 投稿者:KKC 投稿日:1月27日(月)19時22分18秒 wareZ君、”ワレズ”には笑わせてもらったよ。 しかし、私は君のような馬鹿にはきて欲しくない。 だから教えてやろう。だが二度とここにくるな。 WareZ isn't soft. WareZ is name of bad copy soft. Do you understand? You never come here. あまりに簡単すぎる英語で書きました。 これで分かるかな? 馬鹿だからわかんないかもね You is a big fool man. Hahahaha.
8 :
いに・・・ :2007/03/10(土) 02:35:50
It's so funny...
9 :
いに・・・ :2007/03/10(土) 02:54:14
On number 6, I tried to say, what's happen if I use a large "l" for "I", I mean, instead of "i"? Then it'll be so easy, man.
10 :
いに・・・ :2007/03/10(土) 02:56:59
Now, l try. How do you feel? l suppose you couldn't even notice the use of "l". The case is now over.
11 :
いに・・・ :2007/03/10(土) 03:02:44
One for the Dagger and another for the one you believe.
12 :
いに・・・ :2007/03/10(土) 03:06:00
No one really can dive into the thread, only Suzuki's post from somewhere else. He's finally became just a bore, can't say anything without some one's oppinion, geek.
13 :
いに・・・ :2007/03/10(土) 03:09:38
Suzookey, Kawasarkey, Daihartsoo.
14 :
いに・・・ :2007/03/10(土) 03:15:05
lts gonna be my thread...!
15 :
いに・・・ :2007/03/10(土) 06:55:13
Y'know, Get up and go by Rutles, also good. Nice piece to play. After THE Chelsea Dagger, l will try maybe.
16 :
いに・・・ :2007/03/10(土) 06:59:53
Nice to watch these comedies from 60's which l liked very much, when l was young.
17 :
いに・・・ :2007/03/10(土) 07:02:20
They are sometimes slow in tempo, y'know, but still something. We can't leave further from what you liked before, especially when you young.
18 :
いに・・・ :2007/03/10(土) 07:04:38
Get up and go...funny.
19 :
いに・・・ :2007/03/10(土) 07:10:01
We expect something international here in Europe, but yknow, it only happens in big cities. What is now here going on is something provincal, yknow. Off course, they're better than Asia, at least interEurope. However their basic atitude toward Asian is just nihao stuff. They just recognise us as some nihao people.
20 :
いに・・・ :2007/03/10(土) 19:22:59
Now, I got to the 20. The next target is 50, l'm aiming at you.
21 :
いに・・・ :2007/03/11(日) 15:12:37
MP Ape
22 :
いに・・・ :2007/03/11(日) 15:18:24
l worry what comes after the MP Ape. Ape is a stupid spoiled kid. The whole nation is now insane. Stop post rubbish, go and vote.
23 :
いに・・・ :2007/03/12(月) 16:20:42
Busy, busy. l should have cared about the name of the thread, which had to be "thread without Jpns", then l could have used Chinese as well.
24 :
いに・・・ :2007/03/12(月) 16:22:18
l can't even write in Dutch or French. That's pretty tough.
25 :
いに・・・ :2007/03/12(月) 16:24:15
Anyhow, soon or later the thread gonna be like that, you could write in any language save for Jpns. Cause here is getting my thread.
26 :
いに・・・ :2007/03/14(水) 17:04:49
Just kick it up.
27 :
なくちゃん :2007/03/14(水) 17:56:57
I'm naku,Glad to meet you. Let's be friends with each other.
28 :
なくちゃん :2007/03/14(水) 18:09:57
I'm“2ch”beginner! Well,I must be going.
29 :
カリブトの大冒険 ◆7RlXmyIevA :2007/03/14(水) 18:18:23
30 :
いに・・・ :2007/03/15(木) 03:17:34
>>27 Hi, nice to meet you.
I was just really bored 'coz no one comes, so really glad to see someone.
>>28 A beginner?
How long have you been here in the 2ch?
Well, please come back and post here in English sometime.
You are always welcome.
31 :
いに・・・ :2007/03/15(木) 03:19:38
>>29 See the meaning.
It's dead rice!!!
That's cool, like, good to know how they define shit.
32 :
いに・・・ :2007/03/15(木) 03:20:34
>Naku Where your name comes from? I mean how do you choose the name?
33 :
なくちゃん :2007/03/15(木) 12:38:44
>>30 Nice to see you here.
My joy is more than I can bear♪
I'm tried “2ch”this year.
>>32 …secret..
34 :
名無し戦隊ナノレンジャー! :2007/03/15(木) 12:50:20
English? I find it amusing that my first experience with 2ch is not in japanese.
35 :
津波の愛 :2007/03/15(木) 12:59:09
>>28 I'm new here too.
2ch is kind of weird, but it is very funny.
I dont think I've ever seen anything like it before.
36 :
鈴木 :2007/03/15(木) 13:44:33
37 :
なくちゃん ◆cWOLZ9M7TI :2007/03/15(木) 17:24:04
>>35 Your beginner? What a coincidence to meet you here!
Let's be friends♪
38 :
なくちゃん ◆cWOLZ9M7TI :2007/03/16(金) 12:58:38
Good afternoon. It is very cold outsaid. I have a bath. See you soon!
39 :
なくちゃん ◆cWOLZ9M7TI :2007/03/16(金) 13:58:14
>>32 I feel lonely because you are not here.
I haven't seen him for a long time...
40 :
なくちゃん :2007/03/16(金) 20:52:01
I like “sake”&“wine”&“beer” I'm gets drunk easily.
41 :
ミッチー ◆Michy/YYVw :2007/03/17(土) 03:43:18
42 :
なくちゃん :2007/03/18(日) 19:56:39
43 :
いに・・・ :2007/03/19(月) 16:42:56
I'm just busy, please keep on.
44 :
まま :2007/03/19(月) 16:57:18
45 :
いに・・・ :2007/03/21(水) 17:51:51
>>33 Now, you are a fresh man.
>>34 I find it very nice as well.
>>35 Not that funny at all, isn't it?
All good children have already left to mixi, I thing.
46 :
いに・・・ :2007/03/21(水) 17:54:33
>>38 It's freezing here, too.
A couple of days ago, I felt like spring has come, but actually it went back to the winter.
Or another winter, I don't know.
>>40 I like wine, but beer makes you cold inside.
47 :
いに・・・ :2007/03/21(水) 17:57:06
>>44 Don't try to be so rude, you the most famous wanker in the board.
Better than your thread.
Just your wanking show, isn'i'?
my tinko is awesome so, please try tobe asshole for my son.
49 :
いに・・・ :2007/03/24(土) 18:34:27
But the tinko of Jesus is way cooler than yours. Please try this first.
50 :
いに・・・ :2007/03/24(土) 18:36:35
My tinko is brilliant, My tinko is pure
51 :
いに・・・ :2007/03/24(土) 18:40:05
I like sex.
52 :
いに・・・ :2007/03/26(月) 15:31:05
Love sexy
53 :
いに・・・ :2007/03/29(木) 00:45:02
Still alive! Jolly good! Brilliant!
54 :
いに・・・ :2007/03/31(土) 16:50:37
The first goal im aiming at is 100.
55 :
いに・・・ :2007/03/31(土) 16:51:29
i turn the 55!
56 :
負け組 ◆D0e9WJr27M :2007/03/31(土) 17:57:20
ジャンクスん家の書棚には、 たいがいゴラスの「怠けもののさとり方」がある。 “対抗しないこと、あるがままに、ながれのままに“系の代表的な一冊ではねーべか。 ちなみに「チベット死者の書」のカセットテープ版つーのを昔、買ったがこれはひどかった。 安っぽいヒーリング曲に乗せて、とつとつと語るおばちゃん。 「あなたは光を見るでしょう、その白いヒカリに少しづつ歩み寄ってゆくのです。さ〜あ至福のとき」 MASAYAかよ。 紙食って聴いたが、癒されるどころかイヤシーキモチになりますた。
59 :
いに・・・ :2007/04/04(水) 05:43:45
...Nothing i can say to you...
60 :
まま :2007/04/04(水) 06:00:55
61 :
名無し戦隊ナノレンジャー! :2007/04/04(水) 07:04:27
∧_∧ ∧ ◯( ´∀` )◯ ∧_( ´∀ \ / ∧_∧ ∧_( ´ (つ. _/ __ \_ ∧_( ´∀∧_∧ ∧_( ´⊂ 人⌒l(_/ \_) ( ´ (つ ⊂( ´∀∧_∧ (´∀( つ ノ ノ し(_) ∧ ∧_∧(○ | ( / ( ´∀`) ⊂二、 \ヽ (_ノ、_ノ 僕は、神山満月ちゃん! ( ´.( ´||し⌒/ ⊂ ノG( こ ∧_⊂(´∀`⊂(_(__) ⊂ ( | .|,ノ し (_,\ ( (´∀` ) / / / 〈 〈 .) (_) (_ ⊂ (ノ (ノ (__)_) (__(__)__) (__)_)
62 :
いに・・・ :2007/04/04(水) 15:38:34
Mama-shi, you are so innocent like a child...
63 :
負け組 ◆D0e9WJr27M :2007/04/04(水) 22:22:50
真っ暗な地下の病室で、目の無い患者が 大勢でうーうー言ってんだって。 何でも幻覚が怖くて、自分で目をくりぬくんだそうな。 それでも、幻覚だけに防ぐことが出来ず、苦しむんだって。 俺も後一歩の処で同じ世界に踏み込むところだったなー。
64 :
いに・・・ :2007/04/05(木) 17:59:59
>>63 You need to know the world, don'cha?
Then you will know you are actually living in a small well.
I just wonder why the people in the 2ch trying to pretend mentally sick.
Go just the way you are.
65 :
鈴木 :2007/04/05(木) 18:16:48
\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ ここから超濃厚なホモスレになります!ご期待下さい! /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
66 :
腐ベクトル ◆abFHy1gLOM :2007/04/06(金) 01:41:05
カフェ・・少しセレブになれる空間。 スタバ、やっぱりここのコーヒーが一番だわ。値段は高いけど。 ドトール、 ミラノサンドのアボカドがお勧めよ。 サンマルク 焼きたてのチョコクロワッサンが美味よ。 カフェドクリエ ここの店員のエプロンがいいのよ。イケメンしかいないわ。 エクセル ここはケーキがおいしいのよね。 ソファーがあるカフェは好きだけど、私は木製の椅子がいいわ。 しかしここ数年でカフェは数を増やし、不相応な客が増えすぎだわ。 私はカフェは静かな空間であってほしいの。 ベラベラしゃべる高校生はマックへ。オヤジどもは喫茶店へ。 自由が丘のオープンカフェは、犬の散歩ついでに寄るセレブたちが優雅にときを過ごしてる。 これこそが理想のカフェ。読書もいいわね。 自己紹介はこのくらいにして、いい男でも探してくるわ。 >1のいにひこさんの様な・・・
67 :
いに・・・ :2007/04/06(金) 13:18:04
>>65 It's gay.
>>66 First youd better know what self introduction is.
Or go to a hospital.
68 :
いに・・・ :2007/04/06(金) 13:21:58
Still occupied by slackers, here. Sign...
69 :
名無し戦隊ナノレンジャー! :2007/04/06(金) 14:13:00
70 :
いに・・・ :2007/04/06(金) 18:05:07
>>89 Look up your old dictionary, thats my advise.
71 :
いに・・・ :2007/04/06(金) 18:08:49
They dont try, therefore they cant speak. afrayed to mayk misstayx. Thats boring.
72 :
腐ベクトル ◆abFHy1gLOM :2007/04/06(金) 22:54:32
明日は、ゲイのパーティーがあるの。。 男を掘りまくってくるわ、、、 あ、運営の芋掘りじゃなくてよ! ほ・ん・も・の・お・と・こ・の・こ ウフ、楽しみだわ。。。楽しんでくるわね☆ミ
73 :
いに・・・ :2007/04/07(土) 00:30:17
Now, it's gay.
74 :
いに・・・ :2007/04/08(日) 17:54:46
Knuuut, Knuuut, der kleine Eisbär aus 'em Zoo.
75 :
いに・・・ :2007/04/08(日) 17:57:00
Absolutely adorable.
76 :
いに・・・ :2007/04/11(水) 18:26:25
Now, something completely different...
77 :
いに・・・ :2007/04/11(水) 18:27:49
78 :
いに・・・ :2007/04/12(木) 17:22:33
im fixing a hole where the rain gets in.
79 :
いに・・・ :2007/04/13(金) 18:32:07
No one does really try English here, i could have made easier one for the residents.
80 :
C ◆7sqafLs07s :2007/04/13(金) 23:40:17
Fuck yourself, fuck yourself, you piece of shit why don't you just kill yourself?
81 :
いに・・・ :2007/04/14(土) 00:33:07
O, i just waiting fer ya.
82 :
いに・・・ :2007/04/14(土) 00:34:30
>>80 I don't know why yer so angry.
Something bad happened?
83 :
名無し戦隊ナノレンジャー! :2007/04/14(土) 00:36:00
84 :
名無し戦隊ナノレンジャー! :2007/04/14(土) 01:17:43
C逃げた プゲラ
85 :
C ◆7sqafLs07s :2007/04/14(土) 01:35:27
Angry? Is this a kindergarten joke or something? I just quoted from Tool's lyrics. The theme is posting with English not talking with. Fuck yourself selfish bitch.
86 :
名無し戦隊ナノレンジャー! :2007/04/14(土) 12:48:05
tool is all i need
87 :
いに・・・ :2007/04/14(土) 16:30:43
>>85 Oh, you crack me up.
Nice, i like that one.
You didn't mean to swear at me, but you just picked up some lyrics, that's funky.
Just wondering why you're obsessed by that teen-age lyrics.
88 :
C ◆7sqafLs07s :2007/04/14(土) 19:51:45
>>86 I love their music too.
But 'he' don't understand the value.
Maybe 'he' just google about Tool and write childish impression.
89 :
名無し戦隊ナノレンジャー! :2007/04/14(土) 19:58:08
90 :
C ◆7sqafLs07s :2007/04/14(土) 20:00:26
91 :
いに・・・ :2007/04/15(日) 00:30:48
>>89 I suppose, if he uses that, he doesn't forget "s" for the finite verbs.
92 :
C ◆7sqafLs07s :2007/04/15(日) 02:00:16
I がすぐi になる奴に指摘されることじゃないよ(苦笑)
93 :
いに・・・ :2007/04/15(日) 03:23:21
Oh, come on, i didn't mean to point out your grammatical mistake, but just, y'know, i wanted to give a certain evidence that you didn't use any translation pages. People do make mistake, we are not native speaker of English. How we don't? Though using of the small "i" is widely accepted on Internet communication.
94 :
いに・・・ :2007/04/15(日) 03:30:14
More likely to bring some phrases from lyrics or something.
95 :
いに・・・ :2007/04/15(日) 03:32:58
So, you've got your Tool mate, haven't you? It would be nice you guys talk about the band further, if the guy really exists.
96 :
C ◆7sqafLs07s :2007/04/15(日) 03:34:08
ネイティブだってスペルミスくらいするよ。 日本語をまともに書けないおまえみたいなのが実例だ。
97 :
名無し戦隊ナノレンジャー! :2007/04/15(日) 03:35:11
98 :
C ◆7sqafLs07s :2007/04/15(日) 03:36:56
99 :
C ◆7sqafLs07s :2007/04/15(日) 03:37:45
100 :
C ◆7sqafLs07s :2007/04/15(日) 03:41:31
Toolが何かも知らずにteen-age lyricsとか書いてる自称国際人。 大体Fuck yourselfくらいでteen-ageの表現になるならこのスレのタイトルを見て首吊れよ。
101 :
いに・・・ :2007/04/15(日) 03:43:15
Already give up to use English? Sigh.
102 :
いに・・・ :2007/04/15(日) 03:44:31
>>96 That was the grammatical mistake, wasn't it?
103 :
いに・・・ :2007/04/15(日) 03:45:25
Anyhow, we made it! Over 100 posts!
104 :
C ◆7sqafLs07s :2007/04/15(日) 03:52:16
"We" means almost "You". The worm eating into your brain is "self-satisfaction".
105 :
いに・・・ :2007/04/15(日) 16:26:07
No, no, it's the royal "we".
106 :
いに・・・ :2007/04/15(日) 16:27:50
Please say 96, 98, 99 and 100 again in English. If you can't, you can say so.
107 :
いに・・・ :2007/04/16(月) 17:21:25
The Tool guy disappeared, when C disappeared.
108 :
C ◆7sqafLs07s :2007/04/17(火) 01:37:46
85 名前: C ◆7sqafLs07s 投稿日: 2007/04/14(土) 01:35:27 Angry? Is this a kindergarten joke or something? I just quoted from Tool's lyrics. The theme is posting with English not talking with. Fuck yourself selfish bitch. 86 名前: 名無し戦隊ナノレンジャー! 投稿日: 2007/04/14(土) 12:48:05 tool is all i need これが同じ時間帯に見えるらしい。英語はコピペで対応できても算数はダメみたいだな。
109 :
いに・・・ :2007/04/17(火) 02:24:51
>>108 No, no, I mean, you guys are fans of the band.
Then you guys could talk about the band, but actually the guy posted just once, in good timing.
Are you tired of copying English?
110 :
C ◆7sqafLs07s :2007/04/17(火) 02:28:14
それが自演なら一回で消えるはずがないよね、普通に考えて(笑) 自演認定なんてアホのやることに必死になっちゃって。物知りキャラも台無しだな。
111 :
C ◆7sqafLs07s :2007/04/17(火) 02:31:28
>The Tool guy disappeared, when C disappeared. 大体ここでのwhenは(おおまかな意味での)同時性を表現しているはずだが 何故か言い訳では「in good timing」なんて表現をずらしてる。 指摘されて必死にごまかそうとしてる感が哀れみを誘いますな。
112 :
C ◆7sqafLs07s :2007/04/17(火) 02:33:12
英語をあきらめたのかとか疲れたのかとか書いてるけど 誰も相手しない過疎スレに趣旨を守って投稿したら アホみたいに煽ってくるスレ主だし 煽り合いスレならみんなにもわかりやすい日本語のほうがいいだろう。 そもそも自分のHNからして英語じゃないしな。
113 :
いに・・・ :2007/04/17(火) 02:35:16
114 :
C ◆7sqafLs07s :2007/04/17(火) 02:38:04
英語を扱いなれてないのか一方的に書くときは早いけど 相手の文章にレスするときは妙に時間がかかるんだよな。 表現は画一的で引き出し少ないし 文法的な正しさみたいなものを指摘する割に 自分はネットでしか通じないような崩れた表現を使う。 この板の多くが英語なんてわからないだろうという先入観で とにかく英文書いとけば凄いと思われるだろうみたいな 薄っぺらい虚栄心を満たそうとしてるんですかね。 小物ですね、自称言語学の達人さんは(苦笑)
115 :
いに・・・ :2007/04/17(火) 02:38:40
116 :
名無し戦隊ナノレンジャー! :2007/04/17(火) 02:45:51
117 :
名無し戦隊ナノレンジャー! :2007/04/17(火) 02:50:10
Cとイニヒコが何を喧嘩してるのかわからんw 説明してくれw
118 :
いに・・・ :2007/04/17(火) 17:59:17
I really don't know why he feels so flustrated? You did forget the "s". But that's it. Don't hesitate to use the language! Keep it up!
119 :
いに・・・ :2007/04/17(火) 18:01:54
>>117 We are not arguing, just he got flustrated, cus he can't use English any more in this English thread.
I think he's done pretty well.
120 :
いに・・・ :2007/04/17(火) 18:02:41
Now we soon will be on the 200.
121 :
いに・・・ :2007/04/17(火) 18:06:50
And of course you may join the the thread, and you may use Japanese, C. I hope you soon will be ok. I never compel you to use English. I am terribly sorry.
122 :
いに・・・ :2007/04/17(火) 18:57:12
123 :
C ◆7sqafLs07s :2007/04/17(火) 20:00:21
今度は一方的なよくあるレッテル貼り 「俺たちは争ってるんじゃなくてあいつがいらついてるだけ」 「あいつはうまく英語使えなくていらついてるんじゃないの」 「でもあいつはよくやったと思うよ」 だってさ。 英語でも日本語でもやれることは典型的な2chねらごっこ。 さすが言語学の自称達人さんは違いますね(苦笑)
124 :
いに・・・ :2007/04/17(火) 20:03:27
125 :
C ◆7sqafLs07s :2007/04/17(火) 20:27:28
126 :
いに・・・ :2007/04/17(火) 20:30:16
127 :
名無し戦隊ナノレンジャー! :2007/04/17(火) 20:31:36
>>985 でつっかかってるのはなんでなの?
128 :
C ◆7sqafLs07s :2007/04/17(火) 20:37:11
俺も是非知りたいね。正直、このアホみたいな低劣なやりとりを いつまで続けなきゃいけないのかって思うし(笑)
129 :
いに・・・ :2007/04/18(水) 17:27:59
>>125 If you can follow, I could tell you on linguistics as well, but you can't probably follow the subject.
You have even great difficulty to keep on using plain English, how could it be possible?
Just blush up on your English for a while.
Or you can just start the cognitive archaeology stuff as well.
130 :
いに・・・ :2007/04/18(水) 17:32:10
>>127 I really wanted to hear about the subject, I mean, the relation between cognitive archaeology and basic linguistics.
So, y'know, just drove him here in English thread.
I didn't bargain for he's so incapable.
131 :
いに・・・ :2007/04/18(水) 17:34:20
>>128 You are banging on about nothing.
If you want, as I told you, you can start the cognitive archaeology stuff.
132 :
いに・・・ :2007/04/19(木) 01:05:16
Now, the rampage seems to have died down. Then something completely different....
133 :
いに・・・ :2007/04/19(木) 16:48:25
134 :
いに・・・ :2007/04/19(木) 16:59:21
Eddie Izzard. I kind of like it.
英語の読み書きは苦手だけど翻訳すればなんとかなる まあ趣旨とかけ離れてるけど
136 :
いに・・・ :2007/04/20(金) 16:35:57
>>135 Yeah.
That's why C could understand what I wrote.
But, the problem is, you can't write proper English with that method.
That's why C couldn't react in English.
Then, soon will be caught out.
137 :
いに・・・ :2007/04/22(日) 16:55:15
Yesterday I saw the German episodes of Monty Python for the first time. I suppose they speak German pretty well. Especially, Cleese and Palin. Jetzt, etwas ganz anders...
138 :
いに・・・ :2007/04/22(日) 16:56:43
Still about 60 posts there till 200. Now ve toym to wroyt rude.
139 :
いに・・・ :2007/04/22(日) 16:57:40
Anihow, go to ve 140.
140 :
いに・・・ :2007/04/22(日) 16:58:36
Now, i turn 140.
141 :
いに・・・ :2007/04/24(火) 17:52:09
Ick goa na Dusseldorp in de Mei Feiern, dus muut ick daar efkes Düütsch bestudieren.
142 :
いに・・・ :2007/04/24(火) 17:53:34
Liever op Nederdüütsch snacken, ook hier.
143 :
いに・・・ :2007/04/24(火) 17:55:43
Ick dacht eerder dat ick kene swaarheid kost om Platt to verstaon. Awer et was nech so eenfack.
144 :
いに・・・ :2007/04/26(木) 00:21:31
Nich eenvoodig.
145 :
いに・・・ :2007/04/26(木) 17:24:48
Ick find de utdruck "efkes" netsches.
146 :
いに・・・ :2007/04/27(金) 15:31:47
anneng hasipni'ka?
147 :
いに・・・ :2007/04/27(金) 15:33:00
'Chigum'kaji Wu'chey jinayss no?
148 :
いに・・・ :2007/04/28(土) 17:14:41
Amwudo igey Hangwukmali rago saynggak-haji anhay...
149 :
いに・・・ :2007/04/28(土) 17:16:01
Onulun 150'kaji ga go shipe.
150 :
いに・・・ :2007/04/28(土) 17:17:53
Daychwun ije 'pelljesssupnida.
151 :
御幸ob :2007/04/29(日) 14:49:13
>>いに・・・ 判らない英文があったらyou を翻訳soft 代わり にuseしちゃってもいいかな?
152 :
御幸ob :2007/04/29(日) 14:53:06
To be to be ten made to be 訳してplease
153 :
いに・・・ :2007/04/29(日) 17:39:22
>>151 Free of charge? No way.
>>152 Yo, yo. If you really want me to translate it, write down from which language to which.
Then I translate it to Korean.
Na ra ra na ra ra hanul 'kaji na ra ra
154 :
いに・・・ :2007/04/29(日) 17:45:35
For the day I die, I'mma touch the sky.
155 :
御幸ob :2007/04/29(日) 18:09:50
>>153 japaneseに約してplease
156 :
いに・・・ :2007/04/30(月) 04:32:36
>>150 Are you avin' a laugh??
"Tobe, tobe, ten-made tobe".
IT IS a Japanese sentence.
そういうことか・・・アハ。 あーりがとさんっ
158 :
いに・・・ :2007/04/30(月) 17:49:56
159 :
いに・・・ :2007/04/30(月) 17:52:41
That could be "ten made to doke" as well. All the "shine" things.
160 :
いに・・・ :2007/05/01(火) 05:21:36
amby worry arrimaska?
162 :
いに・・・ :
2007/05/06(日) 20:35:59 Funny guy, isn't he? But i couldn't post there. Pitty.