
564【新聞部】taku1531 ◆NEWS/fBFGM
┃|  ARI TIMES[There is anything and, anyway, the board     ┃      ┃
┃|   Daily ant. │delivery member etc. are recruiting it.]    ┃      ┃
┃| Friday, May 21 .|Tot 7 can participate on the way..         ┃      ┃
┃|_______|──────────────────‐┃◎Mos ┃
┃   It is self-made PC Janez today. Both must hold out.    ┃      ┃
┠──────────────────────────┨tly Dai ┃
┃     [It is a back of the handbill today. I'm sorry. ]      ┃      ┃
┃The tournament starts from 3/1 and three months or less alr.┃ly.___.  ┃
┃eady.The decisive battle of the victory approaches. Board sp~┃      ┃
┃lendidly..list..afterwards..hit..newspaper..first..issue.A newspaper.┃There...┃
┃at that time was poor only of changing sentences of Kiza time┃      ┃
┃s of Kiza times. It is thanks to everybody that the newspaper ┃is anyt.┃
┃grew up to such pat here that doesn't come. ARITIMES runs _┃      ┃
┃fast to the Toname end.                            ┃hing..  ┃
┠──────────────────────────┨      ┃
┃Participation is recruited seven Tonametot on the way     ┃      ┃
┃One of Sre below in detail                           ┃      ┃
┃      http://etc4.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/vote/1116414163  .┃      ┃
565【新聞部】taku1531 ◆NEWS/fBFGM :2005/05/20(金) 19:09:32 BE:39190638-#
┠──────────────────────────┨      ┃
┃    ∧∧ The gold medallist of rhythmic gymnastics of the  ┃      ┃
┃   (*゚ー゚) Olympics also practices it.The thigh and the calf.....┣━━━┫
┃  ⊂ノ  )つbecome thin, and hips go up, too. The easy move .┃Any b...┃
┃  と ) ノ   ment that the bowleg improves is taught. Physical~┃oard ..~┃
┃     ヽ)  exercise rhythmic gymnastics.The specially-made...┃ ..it is..~┃
┃       health drink is being distributed.                ┃Issue ...┃