I'm so freaking tired of hearing about Macross and Minmay, guys. I know you guys are fans. To me, it was a job. I got paid like $40 per episode just like you do when you work at Starbucks or maybe McDonald. It was an after school activity for me at first before it went crazy. It didn't create my 30 year career. It's only a part of it. I know IT's HUGE for you fans. But I don't think about it like ...you guys do. I was once in it, but I got out of it 28 years ago. Sure it's still a part of me because the franchise never died. Surprise, surprise. I never thought about 30 years into the future when I took the job. Now, I only deal with it when they ask me to do something. Isn't it time for you guys to let me loose and free from that "image"? I don't really enjoy discussing about it after I gave some inspirational speech about life. I'm sharing my insight with you because maybe . . . maybe I thought it would inspire you also. I don't live in the past. I'm here now. I might do something for ITs' 30th Anniversary. But my 30th Anniversary as a recording artist, singer & songwriter is coming up and my focus is on that.
I'm not Minmay. I love her. But I'm not her. Do you understand? She is a character I played. I was never Minmay. I contributed my voice for the project. My feelings for the project is neutral. But I don't want to constantly talk about it on my facebook Music page which is about my life and my music. It's about the "NOW" and my honesty.
My name is Mari IIjima (I'm not Mary either, haha). I'm a multi instrumentalist, composer, producer, musician. Thanks for reading. I'm not upset. I feel a little bit silly though. I just want you to understand once for all. Thanks.
Every time I speak my mind about Macross or Minmay, people take it negatively. Like I don't like it / like her or I haven't accepted it as a part of my life. Maybe you guys have NEVER been typecast as one thing for years and years in life?
We all need to move on in life. I do daily. More than anyone! But at the same time, my life is like the film The Groundhog's Day for the last 30 years. I move...d to the States I thought it would ease my frustration but guess what, it didn't. Surprise, surprise. lol If you hear the same thing again and again, over and over for 30 years every day, even YOU can get tired of it.
Is there anyone who is willing to put yourself into my shoes? I guess not . . . instead, people just start criticizing me like I'm bad mouthing your favorite anime. I simply get tired of hearing about it from time to time.
I can hold for a while. But today . . . after I talked about how inspired I am musically and shared my insight with you, I couldn't bare hearing about it again. Even if I was talking about let's say . . . my poop or boobs, you guys start talking about Macross right away. How crazy is that. I'm completely being honest here.
I didn't build my career based on Macross. I'm ALL ABOUT MUSIC. Take it or leave it. If you hate me because of my honesty, what can I say. I guess we are not on the same wave length.
I gotta get back to my life. My sons are graduating from college tomorrow. I'm a mom also. I raised them as a divorced single mother since 1996 and I'm darn proud of it. And!!! I'm in the middle of making my 22nd original full album. Thanks guys.