【最強?】Linux ザウルス SL-6000シリーズ vol.1
3) Install Libpcap using the package manager (Add/Remove Software from the Settings menu)
4) Soft reset (may not be required)
5) Install Kismet and Kismet-qt using the package manager
6) vi /home/root/usr/local/etc/kismet.conf to enable source=prism2,wlan0,prism2source. You may also want to turn off GPS support (unless you have one).
7) To prevent the Wireless Interface from timing out (and killing the kismet session) a Ad-Hoc Network Service is created. In the network app create a new service
(I call mine “war-walk”). “any” for ssid. Ad-hoc type and then setup a bogus static IP address scheme with a class A mask. (IP ? Mask - Gateway DNS
8) Connect to this service.
9) Set Kismet GUI to run as root. Then run the Kismet GUI and watch the networks appear...