Korea only ! Japan you make me upset in your behavior. 1question.. (韓国だけ!日本あなたの態度が私を怒らせるのは(日本は韓国にだけ優遇してる)。一つ聞きたい) how do you feel after you win and kill enormously hope from some team in ASEA like you.. (あなたが勝利し(多分、五輪出場を決め)、そして、あなたと同じアジアのチームの大きな希望を奪い去った気分はどうですか?) you are satisfied? (あなたはそれで満足なの?) Deepbite9 年齢 24 国 タイ
このコメントはスパムとして報告されています After Serbians and Japs got tied by 2:2 as premeditated, ridiculously absurd plays by Jap players in set 5 even more vividly supports the suspicion. For people who don't know, Japan and Japanese companies have been the number one sponsors (i.e. financial sources) for FIVB (and figure skating, too). Money seems to change things easily in some sports, unfortunately. That's why Japan and Japs are severely blamed here. No evidence, though. That's why Japs say here that they have done nothing wrong. youngk9lover 4 分前 このコメントはスパムとして報告されています Why are Japs blamed? Nobody thought that Japs would defeat Serbians even before this match. To go to London over Thailand, Japs needed to win 2 sets against the mighty Serbians, which looked unrealistic. During and after this match, a strong suspicion came to surface that it had already been fixed between the two teams. Fixed to be 3:2 between Serbians and Japs. For Serbians, there is no difference whether they win Japan by 3:0, 3:1 or 3:2 since Serbians can go to London anyways. youngk9lover 4 分前
このコメントはスパムとして報告されています Typical behavior of Japan fixing matches, it can be seen in Miss Universe contest(high officials and sponsors are from Japan), figure skating(chairman who is japanese fixated rules to benefit Asada Mao who still could not win any medals), volley ball matches(lost to Serbia purposely to face easier opponent in next round) drsnowmon
作成者: drsnowmon 最新アップデート: 2012/05/30 登録日 2006/01/16 国 アメリカ合衆国 お気に入り動画 Sistar - Alone Short Dance Cover Xia Junsu "Tarantallegra" - Kpop Music Monday Bloopers Kim Yeon Koung & Korea Comfort Thailand Volleyball Team I love Korea because This is Adi's contribution to the Video contest "Why I love Korea!".
このコメントはスパムとして報告されています After Serbians and Japs got tied by 2:2 as premeditated, ridiculously absurd plays by Jap players in set 5 even more vividly supports the suspicion. For people who don't know, Japan and Japanese companies have been the number one sponsors (i.e. financial sources) for FIVB (and figure skating, too). Money seems to change things easily in some sports, unfortunately. That's why Japan and Japs are severely blamed here. No evidence, though. That's why Japs say here that they have done nothing wrong. youngk9lover 4 分前 このコメントはスパムとして報告されています Why are Japs blamed? Nobody thought that Japs would defeat Serbians even before this match. To go to London over Thailand, Japs needed to win 2 sets against the mighty Serbians, which looked unrealistic. During and after this match, a strong suspicion came to surface that it had already been fixed between the two teams. Fixed to be 3:2 between Serbians and Japs. For Serbians, there is no difference whether they win Japan by 3:0, 3:1 or 3:2 since Serbians can go to London anyways. youngk9lover 4 分前
韓国人がなんか変なコンテストやってたらしいぞ。その名も I love Korea becauseコンテストwwwまあ別に勝手にやってりゃいいが気味が悪い感じはするがな。 This is Adi's contribution to the Video contest "Why I love Korea!".
でその中に、ちょっと気持ち悪い(好きなら別にいいんだがマジで反日反中が混ぜてある)内容のこのビデオ。 "I love Korea, because..." Video Contest.wmv http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NzGpkJZzXW8 ここでこんなコメ このコメントはスパムとして報告されています Korean cannot catch the Nobel Prize not evaluated cooking in Michelin either music copies U.S.A. cocktailget1 1 か月前 しかし同じ奴がなんかAKBのアメリカでの?なんかの動画では AKB48 in LA レッドカーペット http://www.youtube.com/all_comments?v=NpH1F94Z3Y0 このコメントはスパムとして報告されています 日本人はなにをやっても無駄よ しったかぶりだらけの日本人てredcardです cocktailget1 1 年前 このコメントには否定的な投票が数多く寄せられました。 韓国アイドルグループなら一回めで 超満員なるとおもいますよ 日本人は勘違いしすぎです チビ 顔もあまり 歌も下手 おどりが幼稚 世界をあまくみすぎですね cocktailget1 1 年前 このコメントはスパムとして報告されています 日本人はなにをやっても無駄よ しったかぶりだらけの日本人てredcardです cocktailget1 1 年前 このコメントには否定的な投票が数多く寄せられました。 韓国アイドルグループなら一回めで 超満員なるとおもいますよ 日本人は勘違いしすぎです チビ 顔もあまり 歌も下手 おどりが幼稚 世界をあまくみすぎですね cocktailget1 1 年前
このコメントはスパムとして報告されています After Serbians and Japs got tied by 2:2 as premeditated, ridiculously absurd plays by Jap players in set 5 even more vividly supports the suspicion. For people who don't know, Japan and Japanese companies have been the number one sponsors (i.e. financial sources) for FIVB (and figure skating, too). Money seems to change things easily in some sports, unfortunately. That's why Japan and Japs are severely blamed here. No evidence, though. That's why Japs say here that they have done nothing wrong. youngk9lover 4 分前 このコメントはスパムとして報告されています Why are Japs blamed? Nobody thought that Japs would defeat Serbians even before this match. To go to London over Thailand, Japs needed to win 2 sets against the mighty Serbians, which looked unrealistic. During and after this match, a strong suspicion came to surface that it had already been fixed between the two teams. Fixed to be 3:2 between Serbians and Japs. For Serbians, there is no difference whether they win Japan by 3:0, 3:1 or 3:2 since Serbians can go to London anyways. youngk9lover 4 分前
@unkeihokusai 한국팀의 팀장은 한국내 인터뷰에서 일본 아사히 TV에서 방송한 내용이 사실이 아니라고 말했습니다. 그리고 한국인들은 아사히 TV에게 일본어 더빙이 없는 인터뷰 원본을 보여 달라고 했습니다. 그러나 아사히T V로 부터 전혀 응답이 없습니다. 아사히 TV의 번역을 믿지 못하는 근거 하나를 보여 주겠습니다. 위의 comments 4개를 아래에서 부터 읽어 보세요. youngk9lover unkeihokusai さんへの返信 (コメントを表示) 10 か月前