【野球】セ、パ両リーグ同時開幕に22万人 WBC優勝に沸いた熱気そのままにスタート[04/03]


ESPN Sports Poll recently asked almost 30,000 people (ages 12 and higher) to name their favorite spectator sport.

Following are the top spectator sports names from January - December of 2005. Note: For the purposes of this poll,
a spectator sport is defined as one in which you attend games or matches, watch them
on TV, listen to them on the radio or read about them.

Top spectator sports:

1.) NFL - 23.30%
2.) MLB - 12.97%
3.) NBA - 8.03%

7.) NHL - 2.89%

Notes of interest. The PGA Tour ranked 17th with 1.08%. MLS was 20th at 0.79%.

>MLS was 20th at 0.79%.
