■アデレードサポ http://www.footballnews.com.au/forum/viewtopic.php?f=35&t=30338 most japanese clubs just rip off chants an banners from euro leagues, probly no connection they just think it's cool. i think thats correct That pretty much sums up Japan. Not that it is cool
■シドニーサポ ttp://sfcu.com.au/index.php?option=com_smf&Itemid=28&topic=11066.50 LOL @ Gamba Osaka's fans stealing almost everyone of their chants from various Serie A clubs. I've counted around 5 diff chants, but the one now "Ale ale ale ale FORZA GAMBE ale ale...FORZA GAMBA ALE ALE ALE!" lol They were also copying the "Siamo Noi" chant for quite a bit.
ワロタwww ガンバのファンはほとんど全部のチャントをいろんなセリエAのクラブから盗 んでるよ。数えたら5つぐらいはあったよ。それにしても、今度は "Ale ale ale ale FORZA GAMBE ale ale...FORZA GAMBA ALE ALE ALE!" ってwww あいつら、"Siamo Noi"チャントもちょっとパクってるし。
■豪州在住のラツィオのサポ http://www.footballnews.com.au/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=29906&st=0&sk=t&sd=a The Urawa Reds are IMO the most overrated group of fans in the world. Copying the terraces of Europe doesnt mean sh*t. Look at Gamba's terrace. All their banners and chants are in Italian. Wtf would they know about Italian football. Ripping off slogans like "vinci per noi" might make them look good, but any real fan would just laugh.
浦和レッズのサポは俺が思うに世界一過大評価されてるね。ヨーロッパをコピーしたって クソほどの意味もないんだよ。ガンバのスタンドを見てみ。バナーやチャントは全部イタ リア語だ。いったいあいつらにイタリアのフットボールの何が分かるっていうんだ。 "vinci per noi"みたいなスローガンをパクれば見た目はいいかもしれないが、まともなファ ンなら単に笑うだけだろ。
So if anything, the bandwagoners are those like the Japanese who instead of creating their own culture, as done in Europe and Sth America, just copied others.