Mauricio Miguel Pereira, known in the Jiu-Jitsu milieu as “Mauricao from Hunter,” died early today in Rio de Janeiro. According to information provided by black-belt Marcio Corleta, Mauricao, coach to, among others, Pride fighter Fabricio Werdum, was shot twice and, despite being taken to Sao Bernardo hospital, in Barra da Tijuca, didn’t resist the bleeding.
According to Corleta, measures concerning the funeral and burial are still being taken by the family. “I still can’t say where he will be buried. I’m going to Rio to help the family at this hard time,” said a much moved Corleta, by phone , from Rio Grande do Sul.
"Mauricao from Hunter,"として柔術界で知られている、マウリシオ・ミゲルペレイラが本日早朝、 リオデジャネイロで無くなりました。Marcio Corletaらの情報によると、彼は2発銃弾を打ち込まれ、 Sao Bernardo病院に運ばれましたが出血多量で死亡したとのことです。