以下はマドンナの記述のある部分の抜粋: It is not possible in the scope of this book to cover how every sector of our lives are controlled. Those who are interested need to read some of Fritz Springmeier’s other writing including Be Wise As Serpents. However, it would be appropriate to cover how television shows and Hollywood are intimately linked to Monarch Mind-Control programming. A great deal that is coming out of Hollywood is linked to mind control in some fashion. Some of the hottest enterta iners are Monarch slaves, such as Madonna, a Marilyn Monroe replacement . Co-author Fritz was given a catalog to Vidimax, which is an New Jersey occult porn video club by someone wanting to help his research. This cult video club sells actually snuff films. They sell the real life footage of cannibalism, virgin sacrifices, occult rituals, and worse. When Madonna was a teenage slave with the name Louise Chiccone living in NY East Village, a real life film was made of her being raped (a setup), and then her cult family taking the rapist and sacrificing him. Vidimax sells this for $19 to their members. Some of their videos are live footage of how kidnapped people have been tortured into becoming slaves. One of the catalog listing says, "tortured until their wills are broken and they become Olga’s submissive slaves!...WARNING EXTREME GRAPHIC VIOLENCE...BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND." By the way, the Illuminati have their own private porn distribution. Many people ask, "Why do they need mind-controlled slaves?" Part of the answer is they need them to make their sick porn.
>>35 おお、兄者・・・((((((;゚Д゚)))))) ガクガクブルブル 拙者、決して英語に強い方ではないが(というかほとんど分からない)、こ、これは!! 特に Mind-Control programming. A great deal that is coming out of Hollywood ってトコロが・・・。こ、これって相当ハリウッドセレブがqあwせdrftgyふじこlp
>>63 それはサイエントロジー。また別物かと。 ところで>>46のサイトのAppendix One The Programmers (付録1 洗脳執行者) (ttp://www.whale.to/b/sp/app1.html)見てみたら、メンバーが凄すぎ。 以下、ヤフー翻訳して有名どころを抜粋(面倒だから英文直してないけど)