* オニギリ@Lookイラネ joined the partyline!
<オニギリ@Lookイラネ> こん
* eno joined the partyline!
http://e-jts.com/~shitucho/kiken/iframe.html 誰かここのロムと同じ物落とせた方いますか?二つリンク切れが
* air joined the partyline!
<オニギリ@Lookイラネ> あって・・
* ケミスト joined the partyline!
* Rimokon joined the partyline!
* ケミスト left the partyline (Normal client exit).
* spy joined the partyline!
* ろあ joined the partyline!
* air left the partyline (Normal client exit).
* air joined the partyline!
http://e-jts.com/~shitucho/kiken/iframe.html * オニギリ@Lookイラネ left the partyline (ポルンガ).
オニギリがスパフリかよwロバ鯖行けってシッシ イヤ-----(*゚∀゚*)-----ン!!!