7 dec * ships 10x rarer * fixed trap door bug on some maps requireing client restart due to lock up * fixed ancient vamp av hands not moving, and nightmare pixel (thx mort) (run the patcher by hand) * Greene's lens quest now removes the lens upon completion * ench carrots will cure blindness before improving nightvision (but not both at same time) * renamed Orcasaurus mob to Orcosaurus to be consistant * fixed treasure map getting negative y co-ord * changed trident to piecing * fixed bodwin pilage typo * ye old shopppe no longer pvp enabled * can no longer id pseudo items (such as ore spawners) * can now drop items when flying
11 dec * fixed igoring typo * fixed fishing+when dead bug * when treasure (from cartog) is placed all items in that spot are first removed, so it can't get placed under something that isn't yours * made small shield light, so it shouldn't drop as steel any more * seize works on neutral, hamstrings players 2 sec * cannot curse flags * valley of trolls is fully non blinkable again * roar no longer works on neutral * shields now work with fast equip bind keys * random caves hopefully should no longer have braziers or fountains that completely block pathways, time will tell though
10 dec * GM crafting max cooloff 2 sec * if run out of ingreds or any crafting error cooloff is reset and repeat making cancelled if it was engaged * can now shoot with ctrl+any direction * fixed stuck on book screen when disconnected and reconnecting
9 dec * fixed mage av 0x351 weapons not showing * added gnarled staff to craft list (so it can be deconstructed), should also help with bumping woodcrafting skill (it's placed between bucket and raft) * can now consistantly deconstruct all cursed & blessed items * silvengard tower weapon bosses drops should now decay and be owned * white stone must be in inventory in order to be activated * fixed chests+merchants /sort command * fixed copper weapons not showing speed decrease in stats * fixed intro music not playing when going back to intro screen * fixed bug with music volume when starting game * fixed enchanted weapons, artys, leeching weapons showing incorrect damage in stats screen
barbedなfoils持ってたら影ヲリもおすすめ City of shadowsとDeJavuに影ヲリのみ食える場所がある 防具はASアクセ類が欲しいけど無ければ紫PotでAS補強するのも手 人間だったらVig装備ある程度つけてManiかけながら殴ればPot消耗も無い foilsでガンガン弾けるからFlurryのほうは怖くないが万一Cleave食らったら即出血治療しないと死ぬのでそこだけ注意
エンチャはLvの高い一般宝箱からも出るので、そちらで集めるのがいいかも、15地図もでるし 地図は13〜15でAddy+9狙い Tangled Forestの中央一番下に、トラップに囲まれた祭壇の最深部と Valley of the trollsの左中央黒ドラ近くの最深部に、地図集めに便利なところがあります
29 May (0.99.8) * cursed named weapons glow red (呪われたnamed weaponは赤く光る) * fixed new style named items naming when size-up, on ground, transitions, etc (新方式のnamed weaponを装備中に見られたり地面においたり移行?等した際のネーミング?を修正) * fixed wishing well fortune typo (なんかの誤字を修正?フォーチュンクッキー?) * fixed Leeroy incorrect quest message (Leeroyクエの不適当なメッセージを修正) * VM cooloff on NG fixed at 7sec (NG鯖でVas Maniのクールオフを7秒に修正) * thunderclap para up to 4 sec (from 3) (メイスSPMの麻痺を3秒から4秒に) * shield bash para down to 3 sec (from 4) (シールドバッシュの麻痺を4秒から3秒に)
* added mage spell VEU (lighter load) - adds up to 300 carrying capacity (mageスペルVas Ex Uus追加 積載量300増加?) * jewelry of attack now improves damage given as well as AS (AS装飾品のAS増加実装?) * fixed named items (with spaces in names) not appearing on ground * fixed named items in merchants/chests
* added VEU to the trainer in bucc den (バッカニアーズ・デンのスペルトレイナーにVas Ex Uus追加) * allow tomes to go beyond spell id 0x7f (needs patch - then add VEU drop to weekly) * meditation on lava with dragonscale boots now regens mana (dragonscale bootsを装備している時は溶岩上での瞑想においてもマナが回復するようになった?)
* weapons now have a maximum effective +9 even if they are labelled as being greater than +9 * hell cat's OG replaced with VOG (hell catの使用スペルをOGからVOGに変更) * changed Freezing wind dmg to 3d8+int/15 (it's now more influenced by INT) * frost mephit's GP replaced with Freezing wind (frost mephitの使用スペルをGPからFreezing windに変更) * fixed some black tiles in Mountain Pass (Mountain Passのいくつかの黒いタイルを修正) * added new orb artifact 'Eye of the Beholder' (pray it doesn't shatter! didn't test that XD) (アーティファクト“Eye of the Beholder”追加 まだテストしてないので割れないことを祈れ) * wearing a spiked collar will make throat strikes against you ineffective (spoked collar装備時はthroat strikesを無効化?) * armoury player profiles now have a paper doll (公式ページのarmouryでのプレイヤープロフィールにペーパードール追加) * cross server global chat (異なるサーバー間でのグローバルチャット追加) * tweaked item decay / maps unloading to make them reset more aggressively (アイテムの消失やマップのアンロード・リセットを積極的に行うように再調整?) * monk trainer only spawns when fighting unarmed (モンクのトレーナーは素手及び格闘武器で戦っているのみ登場?) * monk masters can't stone form when chocking or asleep (モンクの師匠は窒息や睡眠状態ではstone formを使用しない) * uncursed all permacursed braziers --; (呪われっぱなしだったbraziersを解呪 --;) * made ignore and global off work for cross chat (サーバー間グローバルチャットのオン・オフ及び無視機能追加) * searching a untrapped chest will automatically open it ("S"earchで罠を外した宝箱は自動的に開くようになった) * added pet intelligence wand - bumps pet int by 20% - craftable by enchanters, ingredients: essage rage, ench wood, brilliant blue shard. Skill req 82. (pet intelligence wandを追加 petのintを20%増加 enchantingにて作成 必要スキル82以上) * pet const wand: replaced bril blue shard req with bril red. Moved it's skill req to make to 60. (pet constitution wandの必要スキルとレシピの変更 必要スキル60以上) * added improved pet INT and pet HP wands - available at the Cashe Shoppe - they again just add +20% but they stack on top of the crafted wands. (improved pet INTとHP wandの追加 課金アイテム 生産スキルで作ったwandを使用した上から使うことでさらに20%能力増加?) * all pets can now level to 75 (ペットのレベル上限が75に) * fixed Tristin's neg xp bug on PD ... XP is now capped at 2,147,483,647 (2^32/2-1)
* added detailed stats for when you look at your pet - includes monster type, hp, MR, Int, perks, spells, etc (自分のペットのステータスが"l"ookで見られるようになった) * dropped gold on death will now decay (死亡時に落としたお金は消失するようになった?) * newbie dungeon update - made easier, added signposts, scrapped Hydra's Island which was my least favourite map (newbie dungeonのアップデート) * search will not attempt to auto open if chest locked (宝箱に鍵がかかっていない状態で"s"earchをすると宝箱が自動的に開くようになった) * redid the phantom spawners in Goblin Crypts * brown pot now lasts for 5 mins, improved lasts for 10 mins (brown potionの効果時間が30秒から300秒に増加 improved brown potionは600秒に) * polypile weapons & armour (excludes leech, ench but includes named! will fix this) (新方式の武器防具ポリパイル実装 leechとenchはまだポリパイル対象にできない いずれ直す?) * steel shields add a bonus to block & mitigate damage (same value as copper) (steel製のシールドはブロックとダメージ軽減のボーナスを増加させるようになった copperと同性能?) * you can disable the IVPY/quake effect by putting dont_show_quake=1 in your client.cfg (thunderclap still shows however) (IVPYや地震のエフェクトをオフにできるようになった cliant.cfgにdont_show_quake=1を追加 メイスSPMのエフェクトは消せない?) * weekly pd: if no winner, rebuild the continent & random maps even though not wiping everything * fixed charge bounce (chargeによる跳ね返り?を修正) * disabled strength req for equipping items (装備品の要求STRを廃止) * added grey bits to all weapons & armour so that tints show (色付き武器防具タイルに灰色部分を追加) * fixed client not showing artifact armour tints (鎧アーティファクトが色付きであるかどうかが見えなかった問題の修正?) * fixed (hopefully) client health bars going black when overflowing (オーバーフロー時のヘルスバーが黒くなる問題を修正…されたことを願う) * all chars get +25 load capacity (全てのキャラクターの積載量が25増加) * added vigour line to stats display (ステータス部分にvigour合計値を追加) * grappling hook now drops (also quest reward no longer sb) (grappling hookがドロップするようになった?また、クエストで手に入る物はsoulbondではなくなった?)
* finished glass coin merchant & lesser artifacts for sale (glass coin商人と下級アーティファクトの実装) * new trailer park - down near the shrine of Justice SW of izumi - it has a more gridded placement system and should fit 36 homes (新しい住宅地?正義の神殿ちょい北かizumi西側) * house deed borders reduced - you may yet be able to squeeze into a spot in the existing trailer parks * fixed moagl names not centered in 2d mode, book colours * fixed moagl fullscreen toggle being really buggy esp in 2d mode * WoT can now transfer slaying off/onto gloves & jewellery (Wand of Transferrenceで手装備と装飾品のASを扱えるようになった?) * scripted merch support (to make adding massive glass coin armour lists easier) * glass has a visible tint (like a light blue/green) (glass素材の物は色付きとして青緑色のような感じで見えるようになった)
* updated rewards for all of the first 3 town's guard quests - including silver coins to spend on newbie artifacts (ガードから受けられるクエ報酬にsilver coin追加? newbie artifactの購入に使える?) * finished mythical crafting (let the details emerge in their own time) (神話的生産?の追加 要はスキル100の生産レシピがもう一個増えたよって感じ) * crafting ingredient list is back to one item per line, max 12 ingredient types (which covers just about everything) * fishing now about 2x as fast (as in the cast->reel time) (釣りスキルの過程が約2倍の速さで動作するようになった) * shields & orbs with +AS/dmg now actually add damage (magic & normal) (盾とオーブのAS増加が実装?魔法と物理両方に機能?) * reagants now drop (秘薬がドロップするようになった?) * you can only get beer from polypile if you are a dwarf (ドワーフのポリパイルでビールができる?) * added support for leeching & enchanted weapons to polypile (leechとench武器がポリパイルの対象にすることができるようになった) * crystal shields and jewelry can now drop (クリスタル素材の盾と装飾品がドロップするようになった) * tint rarity changes: diamond & BR more common, crystal MUCH rarer (tint品のレアリティ変更 ダイヤモンドとブラックロックが出やすくなり、クリスタルはレアに) * weekly: not rebuilding continent if there is no winner & wipe (it really only just needed rebuilding just this once since it was gammy) * items left behind on weekly should decay faster, and not decay to 'no owner'
* fixed bug where MR from weapons (eg walking stick) was not being counted (武器でのMR増加に関するバグ修正?) * fixed Old Sam & his gremlin quest in Tangled Forest (Tangled ForestのO;d samとグレムリンのクエの修正?) * fixed chests tinting like regular items
* scroll of galvinisation no longer fully heals (scroll of galvinisationは使用時に体力回復しなくなった?) * fixed philosopher stone spelling (philosopher stoneの綴りを修正) * mythic imbued item nolonger s/b * better low-skill fail message when using the facilitator * fixed mythic not showing on armoury (mythic素材が公式のarmouryで確認できなかったバグを修正) * when using facilitator, it will fail if there are more than just the required ingredients (so the extras are not destroyed) * fixed some problems with WoT (Wand of Transferrenceのいくつかの問題を修正) * plus you can now WoT slaying onto shields (加えてWand of Transferrenceで盾にASを移すことができるようになった) * removed MR and def from mythic weapons (mythic武器からMRとDEF上昇を削除)
・AS+4武器、DEF+3防具それぞれ3つによるポリパイルからtint ench品確認 ・ドケチ向け、大きな武器や防具をWand of Deconstructionで分解してからdaggerやgauntlet3つにしてポリパイルし直す手もあり ポリパイルで武器や防具の種類は恐らく参照されないはず ・Wand of Deconstructionはいつの間にか分解できるアイテムの種類が増えた? 例えばpeergemを分解するとdull red shardやrubyが出来たり出来なかったり
scroll of galvinising - Inscription(全能力+5%、時間経過とともに増加値減少、噴水buffと併用不可) ?blank scroll
Rod of Power (gold) - Enchanting(左手装備、HP10%増加とAS+3増加) ?wand of transferrence ?wand of petrification ?dull red shard ?dim red shard ?bright red shard ?brilliant red shard ?dull blue shard ?dim blue shard ?bright blue shard ?brilliant blue shard
Philosopher's Stone (gold) - Alchemy(左手装備、HP10%増加とvigour+8) ?khaki potion (2) ?essence of fire (3) ?essence of lightning (3) ?essence of rage (3) ?preserved brain (5) ?preserved eye (5) ?spores (5) ?shadow dust (5) ?mandrake root (10) ?nightshade (10)
Mythic material - No skill required(要求スキル無し) ?deconstruct any not-tinted artifact(普通素材のアーティファクトをWand of Deconstructionで分解)
・ready box now shows your stats so you can see them change as you ready/unready items ・only UA shield off attack adds to magic damage (Unarmed・盾無し時の攻撃は魔法ダメージが増加する?) ・open/search now works on the tile you are standing on ・scavenger hunt gem requirement changed to body parts (日替わりクエで要求される宝石類をモンスターパーツに変更) ・respec certificate can now be used to /respec2 - which as well as letting you rejig your stats, strips 38 levels which you an remed at versatility, or wherever (ステータス再分配時のコマンド“/respec2”追加 Maeondirの神殿を利用できるように38レベル分の余白を開けてくれる?) ・horn renamed to shadow horn (hornのアイテム名をshadow hornに変更) ? added base UA shoe 'sandals' (Unarmedの靴ベース装備にサンダル追加) ? added Ironfist sandals (Ironfist sandals追加 アーティファクト?) ? tranquil/sanguine/adept/apprentice lesser arties are now based on the UA sandals (モンクセットの各種lesser artifactの靴のベースがsandalに変更?) ? added snake & crocskin boots of str & int to the glass coin merch (glass coin商人のsnake及びcrocskin靴にSTRとINT上昇品を追加) ? fixed portal animation in moagl 2d mode (too hard basket 3d mode atm) (ポータル生成時のアニメーションを修正 2Dクライアントのみ) ? added MR to medium & light armour (いくつかのmediumとlightの防具装備時にMRが増加するようになった) - medium head/torso slot items: 20mr - medium leg slot items: 10mr - light head/torso slot items: 10mr ? mobs can equip weapons and they are visible - however it's cosmetic and has no effect yet on AI or damage they do
* WoT guard reward now soulbound (クエ報酬で貰えるWand of Trancefellenceはsoulboundとなった) * you can now fish up as many dragonscale boots as you like (dragonscale bootsの1キャラ1個制限がなくなり、好きなだけ釣れるようになった) * fixed WoT not failing when gem requirement failed
* fixed monster names fleeing etc (モンスター逃亡時にモンスター名が空白だったバグを修正) * fixed clones not having correctly cloned weapons (クローンが所持武器をちゃんとコピーしてなかったのを修正) * took out half of the chests of the vot & valor shrine treasure rooms (Valley of the TrollとValor shrineの宝箱部屋の宝箱の数を半分に) * treasure chests now respawn at a much lower rate - the better the chest the slower it respawns (宝箱の再生成時間を遅くした?) * fixed a bug with leeching+x gloves where the +x wasn't adding any value (手装備のleechにおける+x部分が価値としてカウントされてなかったのを修正?)
* can now disenchant sigils * added epic Cassandra's Tower, Tangled Forest * added heroic Dead Forest, City of Shadows * added some glass coin jewellery (グラスコインで買える装飾品の追加)
Sun Feb 03, 2013 8:51 pm * AI update: all dragons (drakes, dragon & the wyvern) will now never retreat before casting - they will happily cast & attack you melee while standing adjacent (AI挙動のアップデート ドラゴン連中のスペル使用時の後退がなくなった?)
Mon Feb 04, 2013 8:50 pm * updated rogue tute errors (ローグチュートリアルの修正) * shortened & prettied up newbie island, map updates, got rid of max * revised starting 'classes' ... instead of fighter there is swordsman, macefighter, spearman, axeman, and so on: each is a class package with a bunch of skills * newbie dungeon beautification (newbie dungeonがちょっとだけかっこよくなった)
Wed Feb 06, 2013 6:37 pm * removed damage bonus from offhand items (AS bonus remains) (利き手ではない側の装備アイテムのAS削除)※ 盾のみ? * added AS bonus from offhand non-weapon items (利き手ではない側の武器でないアイテムによるASボーナスの追加) * reenabled phase beasts inside phase anomalies & other temp maps (地図等のゾーンインスタンス内にもphase beastが出現するようになった) * added blank rods & runes to drops (you can WoT onto them) (能力のないロッド・ルーンのドロップを追加 WoT可能) * fixed scavenger hunt still requring rings, etc (you won't see it fixed tho until it resets) * you can now polypile orbs, rods and runes (オーブ・ロッド・ルーンのポリパイルが可能になった)
* corrected a typo in named.dat - battle sigils now have mr or def too (battle sigilの能力とnamed.datの誤字?を修正) * added more /name*slot* commands (武具の命名が指・首以外の部位にも可能となった)
* selectable titles (称号の選択が可能になった) * armoury shows correct player title, not just bought titles (公式キャラページで選択した称号が表示されるようになった?) * scrapped future high scav hunt, changed references to medium hunt to high hunt (予定していたhigh scavenger huntを廃止し、現在のmediumをhighに) about the titles 2 new / commands (2つの新しい/コマンドを追加)
* stealth: all races will not leave the shadows when holding the walk key down if stealth skill is 100% - however your stealthed movement speed is exactly the max speed at which you could optimally move by tapping the move keys, not your walking speed ステルス技能100の場合gnome以外でもキー押しっぱで移動できるように gnome以外は速度ペナを受ける
種族ボーナス変更 * orc: scrapped tactics bonus, scrapped rage->mr, replaced with +10% MR, +15% rage gain Tacticsボーナス及びrageのMR変換撤廃を撤廃 変わりにMR+10%とrage増加15%upを追加
* shadowfolk: scrapped skill bonuses, added 10% str, +3NV. Changed shadowmeld to give 20 sec of regular invisibility (you can walk, med etc) スキルボーナス撤廃 変わりにSTR10% NV+3追加 種族専用技能を通常のインビジと同じ性能に
* skeletuns: fully scrapped fire weakness, but put MR down to 15% 火炎ダメージが弱点だったのを撤廃 変わりにMRボーナスを15%に弱体化
* gnome: walk 15% faster than all other races while stealthed (probably slightly slower than what they were walking at tho, but I felt that was too fast) ステルス中の移動速度が他の種族より15%速い(多分変動無し?)
デュアルクラス関連 Designed to make multiclassing without being a priest more attractive 意訳 サブクラスがプリーストばっかりなので他のクラスも魅力的になるように調整
* if you have points in fighter, then you can hide successfully in medium armour (only if you have points in stealth of course) 戦士技能持ってたらMediumの防具でもステルス成功するよ!
* the cooldown for mage spells when casting w.o staff is reduced a little, but staff still gives best cooldown 杖装備してない状態の魔法のクールダウン短くしたよ!
* monk aspects stack again with other classes - ie aspect is not reset when weapon changes nor requires hands equipped when setting モンクのスキルを武器変更しても効果が切れないように戻したよ!
* sigil level requirements * sigil must be destroyed by with a scroll before new sigil applied (this stops accidental sigil removal) * unequip sigil scrolls: remove the sigil from the slot and return it to inventory: 10 addy coins * finished reviewing+pasting Morty's map fixes * added potion shop to newbie island * newbie island merchs are now all-hours
Sun Mar 17 * upgrade wands - craftable via blueprint, which you can buy for crystal coins - lets you upgrade a +14 vig item to +15, or a +4 MR item to +5 (アップグレードワンド クリスタルコイン商人より購入可能な設計図にて作成可能 vig+14を+15に、MR+4を+5にすることが可能) * added range of vermilion weapons (and gloves) blueprints at the crystal coins shops - vermilion items are blackrock weapons with a Vas Flam enchant (ヴァーミリオン武器・小手を追加 クリスタルコイン商人より購入可能な設計図にて作成可能 ヴァーミリオン装備は全てVas Flamエンチャントのブラックロック製) * added blackrock dragonscale saw blueprint at the crystal coin shop (ブラックロックdragonscale sawを追加 クリスタルコイン商人よりry) * added scroll of demythification to the addy coin scroll shoppe that strips mythic of an item and gives you the ingredients (and item) back (addy coinショップにscroll of demythification追加 mythic化した装備を非mythicし、mythic essenceに分離することが可能) * added incandescent prism: craftable (enchanting) non-depletable lightsource
* LOTL no longer needs to use destroy sigil scroll to replace a sigil (they get no warning however so be careful) * polypile now places resulting item in inventory (ポリパイルの結果がインベントリに直接入るようになった) * can't ID items in other people's houses (他人の家に置かれている未識別アイテムを識別できなくなった)←サーセンwwwwwwwwwwww * new characters now start with 20 pieces of bread (up from 3) (新しく作成したキャラはbreadを20個持つようになった 元々は3個) * pets res with 1/3 health via standard raise pet scroll (普通のraise pet scrollによるペットの蘇生時の体力が1/3になった) * vamp in sun fixes - s/b more dangerous, bandage doesn't work nor any of the regens, med, HoT etc - please post any other sun workarounds in the bugs thread
* statue hunt - make a statue a day for crystal coins - find the petrified turkey in Nordhaven (石像漁り? 日替わりで指定される石像とクリスタルコインの交換が可能になった Nordhavenにいる石化した七面鳥にて) * /nameitem max length increased to 20 (/nameitemによる命名が20文字までに増加した)
new * ebony wands (unbreakable) of disench, deconstruction, polypile, craftable via blueprints (disenchanting・deconstruction・polypileの各種エボニーワンド追加 壊れない 設計図にて作成可能) * BR lockpick, probe, superior fishing rod (ブラックロックのlockpick・probe・superior fishing rod追加) * added vermilion neko de for keighn McD (ヴァーミリオンneko de追加) * magic spleens sometimes found when butchering (モンスターの死体を捌く時に時々magic spleensが手に入るようになった?) * alchemy recipe 'essense of magic' (from guess what, magic spleen) (alchemyのレシピにessence of magicを追加) * wand of magic amplification : craftable by enchanters, req magic spleen and other stuff, used to add +1 to any STR,DEX,INT item up to 14, and DEF up to 3, and AS up to 4 (魔力増幅ワンド:enchantingにて作成可能 低修正値装備品の修正値増加?) * adamantium transmutation apparatus: tinkering item, made with blueprint, can convert any glass weapon into adamantium (アダマンチウム変性装置:設計図を手に入れることでtinkeringにて作成可能 glass武器をadamantiumに変換可能) * enchanting recipes for making less bright soul gems : eg brilliant->bright, bright->dim, dim->dull (enchantingのレシピに各種shardの下位化を追加)
tweaks * vigour drops now up to +15 (from 14) (vigour+15のドロップ解禁) * snakes & water demons won't spawn on newbie island (newbie islandに蛇とウォーターデーモンが出現しなくなった) * gave Lord Nubis job keyword (mewbie islandのNPCであるLord Nubisとの会話にキーワードを追加) * removed noblink from montors, and added locked secret door to a certain npc's jail cell (montorのブリンク禁止を解除と施錠されたシークレットドアの追加?) * mobs won't spawn on doors & secret doors (モンスターがドアやシークレットドアの上に出現しなくなった) * no phase beasts in non pvp maps (ie towns, newbie island) or instances (ゾーンインスタンス内・非PvPエリア内にてphase beastが出現しなくなった)
fixes * fixed assassins not getting backstab (キャラメイク時にassassinsを選択した時にbackstabを持っていなかったのを修正) * fixed exit of double phase anomaly * fixed typo with Artannis (Atrannisの誤字を修正) * fixed: ironfist GM's no longer have weapons (ironfist GMは武器を持たなくなった) * finally uploaded dionaea script --; * fixed henry quest typo (ヘンリークエの誤字修正)