Dransik V1.06 goes into Live Testing... 6/11/2003 9:42:11 PM
Dransik V1.06 is currently going into live testing on the Test Server. The update will migrate into the other servers soon. If the first 12 hours of testing go well then V1.06 will be Released to ALL servers by the end of the day on the 12th of June (Thursday).
Listed below are some of the changes with V1.06:
Paperdolling - Fixed bugs relating to Thongs and Bras - Fixed bugs relating to Shields - Added Crossbow and Bow attack/stance animations - Added Torch Animations - Added Hair Styles and Hair Colors - Fixed a bug relating to Female Armor overlays - Modified Elf Male walk - Modified Female Human/Elf walks - Fixed bug which caused players to burst into flames - Magic Items now have special appearances - Adjusted colors on all paperdoll overlays
Follower - New Interface added (Box Select, right click and hold for menu, release to select ) - Use a whip to tame animals - Attack = selected followers will attack a selected target - Assist = selected followers will attack what you target - Protect = selected followers will attack anything that targets you - Dismiss = selected followers will be released - You take reputation hits for attacking NPC's and Players. - Followers can be opened by the owner and carry objects.
Bug Fixes - Fixed bug relating to guards not reacting to red alignment players in good towns - Fixed bug relating to Logout Timer - Fixed a bug preventing guild memebers from communicating in chat when in newbieland - Fixed a bug relating to trade item usage
New Content - Added a feature where client notifies servers of a crash. - Added many new magic items - Added more wearables
>>978 anvil of veldan 鍛冶スキル+10床に置けばいつでも鍛冶が出来る farming Almanac 持ってるだけで植えスキル+10 Chefs cap パン焼き、肉焼きスキルともに+20 potion of Tanning 皮をいつでも早くなめせる Scythe of Uthien 刈り取り成功率うp