I greatly agee with Mr.PEACE. US should not attack any other nations for this case. Most people of the nation which US suspects have nothing to do with the last terror. If US exerts its military power on such a region or country, that would be another terror.
21 :IMAGINE born in 1961:01/09/20 18:16 ID:vXcWTmmQ
>>20 Why not? Let`s make a better day. AYAKO501, join us! keeping silent is another terror for those evacuees who are rushing to the boderline or for those who are going to be attacked.
名前とメールアドレスと国名(japan), および ZIP/Postal code(郵便番号のこと)が求められます. Anonymous にすれば名前は web には出てきません. State (州) は non US にしとけばよいです. 署名理由はなくても簡単なものでもかまいませんが, 日本語や全角文字はまずいと思います.
I have already signed. I saw more than 163,200 people from all over the world had signed. I was deeply impressed that‘I` not the only one' to see those people from various countries having gathered.
♪Imagine there`s no possesion (Yes, I have no possesion. T_T) Imagine there`s no religion It`s easy if you try
You may say I`m a dreamer but I`m not the only one I hope not someday but right now you join us
The terrorist acts that took place in New York & Washington on Tuesday Septembre 11, 2001 are appalling. To avoid that more lives be taken and that other similar tragic events happen again, we request that the main leaders concerned choose NON-VIOLENT sanctions. Violence only leads to the escalation of violence and terror. Terror leads to terrorism. We cannot solve conflicts that currently ravage the world through the use of violence. If the United States retaliates by using bombs, how will we prevent further terrorist acts from happening?
Let's rally together! Let's pressure the leaders who hold our fate in their hands to find solutions that will not put other innocent lives in danger. Humans, as well as the humanity found in each and everyone of us, call for a
planetary solidarity via this peaceful action. We must do it for ourselves, for our family, and for future generations.
Let's circulate this petition. Let's act so that countries unify and adopt a NON-VIOLENT solution that will overcome terrorism. It's a matter of survival for each and everyone of us.
HOW TO PROCEED? 1. copy this message 2. put your name and city 3. email this message to all the names in your address book (do not forward but copy & paste to avoid making this message too large) 4. If you are the 25th person on the list, send this petition ASAP to president George W. Bush at: [email protected] with cc to vice-president Dick Cheney at: [email protected] and [email protected]
In case you decide not to sign this petition, please give this effort as well as non-violence a chance by sending it to other people.