1 :
優しい名無しさん :
04/11/22 18:33:36 ID:SZ1fEuoD ネットの自殺系掲示板で、 知り合った3人が兵庫県でなんたらかんたら。 ふざけんな
4 :
http://blog.livedoor.jp/crrdx/ :04/11/22 18:40:26 ID:x5VpGUEz
whenever something happens , taking up a DRUGz , she cries "i'm going to explain it!!!!!! to die!!!!!!!" woh what a IDIOT -o-
5 :
http://blog.livedoor.jp/crrdx/ :04/11/22 18:58:33 ID:x5VpGUEz
the peoplez sad ... "you mustn't spare your efforts so that u can realize your dream in the future" haha , powned. can u imagine our life without drugz ? woh sucks. damn damn damn fuckers lol
6 :
http://blog.livedoor.jp/crrdx/ :04/11/23 23:09:14 ID:efr4nQho
he was eager to exceed human capabilities so he took the powerz DRUGz.
7 :
http://blog.livedoor.jp/crrdx/ :04/11/23 23:58:03 ID:efr4nQho
haha. "be careful not to abuse medicinez" "do not hesitate to ask if u need any help" ^o^ to what ? to fuckerz. many beautiful salons are spoiled by damnsuckerz.
8 :
奥山代表 :04/11/23 23:59:24 ID:jVsHnVH+
_.. ..‐::´/ @ またおまえかよ
_/::::::::::::/ @ そうそこのおまえ
_/:::::::::::::/ ____ @ おまえだよおまえ
,..::::´::::::::::::::::::::: ̄:::::::::::._/ @ __|__ __|_ ヽ_
/:::::::::::::::::| ヽ、:::::;::::::::::::/ @ _| ヽ _|_  ̄ /
/:::::::::::::::::::::|´|ヽ |/_:::.::/ + @/ |`ヽ _| /
_ .. -─':::::::::::::::、::|`' , .!::∠ @ ヽ_ノ ノ (_ノヽ、 /`\_
`'' ‐-.._:::::::;-‐、`(●) (●)|::::`::-、 +@
=ニ二::::::::::::::::|6 ,,ノ(、_, )ヽ、,| -──` + @ _ __|_ / _/ l
‐=.二;;;;;`‐t `-=ニ=- ' ノ + @  ̄ `ヽ _|_ / / ̄ ヽ, | | |_
` ー`ニニ´- ' @ _ノ _| / / _| | | __|
http://d.hatena.ne.jp/khj/ @ (_ノヽ /´\_ノ (_,ノヽ レ (_ノヽ、
9 :
http://blog.livedoor.jp/crrdx/ :04/11/24 00:03:08 ID:y1GnzkMA
in this trashy speechez they make frequent use of the same opinion. lol lol lol
10 :
http://blog.livedoor.jp/crrdx/ :04/11/24 00:04:55 ID:y1GnzkMA
>>8 sorry , stop writing so.
11 :
優しい名無しさん :04/11/24 00:10:09 ID:Gfhu0fa8
12 :
りゅおん :
04/11/24 00:10:29 ID:+krR9n13 感情でものを言うと頭悪く見られるわよ