現代数学の系譜11 ガロア理論を読む6

509現代数学の系譜11 ガロア理論を読む
で、Terence Taoが、Vesselinの言っていることは正しそうと

29 Terence Tao on September 26, 2012 said:
It looks like Vesselin has located a serious “red flag” in Mochizuki’s argument, in that the main Diophantine inequality claimed in IUTT-IV appears to have a robust family of counterexamples
(assuming the truth some plausible conjectures, including abc): http://mathoverflow.net/questions/106560/philosophy-behind-mochizukis-work-on-the-abc-conjecture/107279#107279

This doesn’t tell us exactly where the source of the error is coming from, though, or how fixable it would be.
But it would be difficult to be optimistic about the proof until this issue is somehow resolved.