数学できるやつは、数式を読むが如く、真の英語力を培う。 数学において、対訳する能力などそもそも必要ないんだよ! そんなものは腐れ文系が英語を読めない古参の教授陣や、 頭の悪い国民にちっぽけな特殊技能を用いて些細な還元を与える、 その程度の仕事! "A lucid representation of the fundamental concepts and methods of the whole field of mathematics!
because -- although there are always a motive and a cause although an offender runs to a crime, for example, it is based also on the grade of the crime when a motive is a grudge etc. -- a partner's victim even if a fault may be able to be referred to as being and it is an egocentric crime -- a cause -- 少 It is because it thinks that it is also in the environment which surrounds inside ず犯罪者.