10 'Nazo-no Program 20 screen 3: cls 3 30 line(0,160)-(330,160) 40 line(0,240)-(330,240) 50 for S=-1 to 1 step 2 60 for T=int(-sqr(2000)) to 60 70 X1=T: Y1=sqr(3600-X1^2) 80 X=X1+330+int(sqr(2000)): Y=-Y1*S+200 90 pset (X,Y) 100 next: next 110 for R=1 to 10 120 for S=0 to 14 130 for T=7 to 0 step -7 140 for U=0 to 15 150 circle (460+S*25,200+2*S^2),U,T 160 next: next: next: next 170 line input "CLS 3 OK?";A$ 180 cls 3 190 end