
1陽子:2014/10/07(火) 19:17:04.30 ID:TblxnPJ/0
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2文責・名無しさん:2014/10/07(火) 19:22:28.90 ID:Pux16tGo0
3Yoko:2014/10/07(火) 19:41:50.99 ID:TblxnPJ/0
When the mad cockroach is coming near, I feel sick.
My husband says you should not approach, but the cockroach is flying to everyone.
If that stays somewhere clean place, the dirtiness stands out.
Every time I see that pest, my body is falling apart.
Because the pest comes into my horoscope charts of the 6th house of the sickness, and the 8th house of the death.
Do you understand this tragedy?
Could you understand that I has become to suffer, to be disturbed?
Of course, you know the human relation may sometimes become bad.
This is the relationship of the worst, though.
When I already see that cockroach, I felt dizziness several times.
And I fell down.
4Yoko:2014/10/07(火) 19:42:34.05 ID:TblxnPJ/0
My body do not feel alive.
I would like to ask the one man to seek the feeling alive of myself.
But it has been said in the general public, it is not allowed.
And I am afraid of his thinking about it.
If he doesn't want so, what shall I do?
He sometimes seems to be a student in a boy's high school.
He is not good at women.
Especially, he dislike the women who want to herd in whining easily.
I wonder to myself.
Am I the sort of that woman?
5Yoko:2014/10/07(火) 19:44:05.65 ID:TblxnPJ/0
Especially, he dislike the women who want to herd in whining easily.
I wonder to myself.
Am I the sort of that woman?
The people around him, they like fighting.
It seems that the fight is funny and wasteful sometimes.
But they are amused.
It does not matter to me.
I don't want to fight the people around him.
If you look at the looks of mine, you can find that it is not the appearance of the battle.
And you would notice that anyone doesn't want me be a quarrel woman.
His group wants Mars and Sun, but I want Venus and Moon.
6Yoko:2014/10/07(火) 19:44:39.72 ID:TblxnPJ/0
Although people around him have changed recently, you know?
They are not barbarians.
They are wise, and have settled down.
If you deal with them as until now, new fans would not admit you.
They want new style of charisma.
You must find that new one.
I feel that you are struggled to find new style now.
And old fans have noticed that you would like to transform so that.
If I crave someone to the lacked of my love, I know that you would become to hate 'the someone'.
You are a very honest passionate.
You look like a wildfire to burn all of the field.
There is a dangerous power of burning out your own.
You always say, the pain is necessary in order to live.
But your pain is mine. It's my sorrow.

See you later.
7Yoko:2014/10/07(火) 23:42:31.63 ID:TblxnPJ/0
Maybe it is difficult for me to pass the exam this year.
Of course I would do my best.
But I fall lying frequently.
It seems to fall sucking the poison
Certainly, my body weak these days.
The weakness of mine is confusion.
I am very emotional.
I will occasionally receive the feelings of others which emotions are more sensitive than me.
There is the way of the treatment which the hand points at the affected area, and it soaks up heat.
The mental treatment also will do the same.
If someone notices of my sensitivity and tries to use it, I would lost my self control.

Mother forbade the love of me.
She knew it that if I fell in love, I would shatter my emotions.
Despite the looks demure, she also knew that my emotions are intense.
8Yoko:2014/10/07(火) 23:43:10.97 ID:TblxnPJ/0
When I was a little girl, mother often said to me.
'You have ogres in your belly. They called Oniko'.
And did to slap.
I did not know what it means.
Just as trying to please the mother, I often showed a painting of Oniko.
Oniko meant excessive emotion.
Detonating emotions were shame. I was trained as a quiet girl.
Then my furious temper went toward self-expression, such as writing essay or picture.
But mother was a realistic woman who thought that nobody could earn by the art or literature.
Then, I was taken to give up.

I do not care that had been trained as a quiet and cool girl.
Their nature are fit in my appearance.
I seldom do not get upset in public.
However, it is another thing what is love.
9Yoko:2014/10/07(火) 23:43:37.46 ID:TblxnPJ/0
I like your freedom.
But love also includes limit.
There is also a mission I am.
It is at the expense of love sometimes.
And around you also have changed.
Everyone is moving together.
You mastered the figure they want, and you must be it yourself.
The cockroach is going to be crazy.
I do not want you being as the same.
The pest was not such miserable life previously.
Why the difference is with?
10Yoko:2014/10/07(火) 23:44:11.83 ID:TblxnPJ/0
I think human relations are necessary, and the personality of the core also is important.
You have given me a courage.
I will never forget it.
I would sometimes want to love you impulsively.
However I cannot do it now.
I am not satisfied at all.
Where should my intense emotions go into?
You bring out my feelings by using hypnosis.
So, if my emotions that you pull out, where should they go?

This question is your homework.
11陽子:2014/10/08(水) 01:22:29.36 ID:fh589BfO0
結局、「処女を守る女は、まず、選ばれる」という状態である。これで、示しが付くのか? 訳が分らん。
12Yoko:2014/10/08(水) 19:16:49.07 ID:AxJd8Nc20
Do you really want to sex? I envy that you're honest.
Sorry, it's kidding.
However I have not do so for a long time.
Umm, about 7,8 years. Why?
There are several reasons.
One reason is that I must work with my partner together.
We have spent almost every day together about 8 years.
This means we were turned into like a twin brothers.
His constellation is Gemini.
There is a tendency that Gemini wants to seek a man like yourself the same.
My Venus is also Gemini, so there is no resistance.
Gemini will feel the joy of sharing the information.
And they want an equal for love.
If you do not seek sex, I do not so, too.
So this is their policy.

If you make love with the person having the star of Gemini,try to tell your desires.
Hopes maybe will come true.
13Yoko:2014/10/08(水) 19:17:15.66 ID:AxJd8Nc20
Part 2
I had been fat. I went back to normal now and want to lean 5kg.
It is the best of me.
We were always a work of sitting much.
I got fat in an irregular diet and lack of exercise.
And another, when I was slim there were a lot of cumbersome problems.
What? In other words, people of guy would fall in love with me easily.
This is not a conceit.
You know that my placement of a special stars are due.
The ambitious man would notice the hidden energy instinctively.
Then he would want to approach getting a relationship with me.
It is troublesome.
I thought that they would avoid if I was an ordinary fat woman.
Any effect? No, no, no.
Many...there was a stalker...Oh forget forget!
After all, fatness caused only a bad condition.
14Yoko:2014/10/08(水) 19:17:45.98 ID:AxJd8Nc20
Part 3
Do you really know that the shaman becomes the bride of God?
And also its the important meaning?
Last year, I seem to have become a person like that.
Probably ambiguous?...kusukusu.
In other words, the relationship is born between the God and shaman.
If God is the electric power, the shaman is an electrical outlet.
And the man who want that force is a plug.
But the man who wants the force must be chosen by the God.
This means that the wish of God would combine the man's hope.
I would like to make love with my man, but...
My god is an oddball. That's all.

Tarot card came out a good oracle.
Can I go?
Past Contrition
Now Situation away
Future You will spend happily with fellow.
I hope everyone could do so! See you later!
15文責・名無しさん:2014/10/09(木) 00:04:46.11 ID:amedfWKW0
16バカは氏んでも名乗らない:2014/10/09(木) 00:09:02.67 ID:5+3mVmTs0
17文責・名無しさん:2014/10/09(木) 01:59:06.72 ID:Ozfszru3O
18文責・名無しさん:2014/10/09(木) 12:32:09.29 ID:OWvGg+tP0
19文責・名無しさん:2014/10/09(木) 22:24:35.66 ID:5+3mVmTs0
20文責・名無しさん:2014/10/09(木) 23:25:04.81 ID:O4TC+3Ni0

21Yoko:2014/10/10(金) 20:47:51.57 ID:oV+9T8MK0
Who was the person it received by wrong interpreting?
Kusukusu…You really know that man.
Yoko says, 'ah, that crazy cockroach bastard.'
Yes, that cockroach will be interpreted everything by the selfishness.
How did it make a mistake?
Well, that symbol is half, and equal.
And the faced two elements each other have one little opponents.
The small circles are the important meaning.
The flag of the neighboring country does not include the small circles.
So, there is no magic and the meaning.
The cockroach made the same mistakes.
He only used to design black and white, and put the logo of the name there.
The logo? The parts that had been divided were equal?
The answer was no.
Because everything is by his selfishness.
We are laughing, ha ha ha!
22Yoko:2014/10/10(金) 20:48:22.92 ID:oV+9T8MK0
Why did you teach it ?
I will answer you honestly.
I gave many wisdoms to it, but they were all wasteful.
The pest could not understand.
Why? why did you do waste many times? Why did you try several times?
I would answer that it is the same reason with you.
I tried whether there was the power to rescue the people in my own.
I think it was a chance to grow the self-sacrifice of my own.
I think we had made the same attempt at the same time probably.
The suffering, the sorrow, the pain, the bitter ending.
These things probably were the training of us.
And we were reunited.
We might change the world,
and need to protect anything important continued from ancient times.
23Yoko:2014/10/10(金) 20:48:57.91 ID:oV+9T8MK0
The crazy bastard cockroach does not give up his dirty ambition.
What did you notice?
That pest was trying to kidnap me because of his sexual desire.
If I kidnapped at that time, he might had a lot of unearned incomes.
What? What does it mean?
It is the result of combination of such the stars. How horrible!
I really never hoped so.
Those days, I always suffered. I always said to myself, ' it's not me.'
I was looking for my alter ego.
24Yoko:2014/10/10(金) 20:49:24.15 ID:oV+9T8MK0
The crazy bastard cockroach was changed his dirty desires to the noble lady.
The noble lady has a placement of special stars, too.
Yoko says, 'I knew it.'
Her looks is his lustful liking.
And he will be increase income of the works by a combination of the stars of two people.
Silly! Yes, it's silly and crazy.
It will never come true. Nobody will help, neither.
But thinking of his situation in present, the pest wants it deeply.
It is very frightening.
It is alive by jealousy and desire.
25Yoko:2014/10/10(金) 20:49:50.31 ID:oV+9T8MK0
He think that they have the force of the world.
He wants to dominate the world and that family.
The crazy cockroach is mistaken.
They have the role to summarize the spiritual world.
God is the protagonist.
They want people who will tell the signs of the gods.
Those people are sharman, shugendo, and priests.
A lot of Gods and Buddhas have protected this country.
The pest have not reached until this thinking of the higher area.
He will never touch it forever.
The end of waiting for him, it is death in the fire of purgatory.

Let's meet again.
26文責・名無しさん:2014/10/11(土) 00:29:46.39 ID:ZqQ6o/+80
27Yoko:2014/10/11(土) 17:30:18.02 ID:+fjP73t20
This program would finish by good.
The last day, you would see the magic and miracle.
It would begin a new legend.
Our progress is also changed.
It would begin a new progress.
Do not worry, Yoko.
28Yoko:2014/10/12(日) 17:25:12.09 ID:aZea0sRC0
You would be better tomorrow than today.
The stars are good for you.
Tomorrow evening, Moon is in Gemini.
That Moon is combined with my Venus, and your Jupiter would expand them.
Your Mars is placed to the opposite.
You could find the love easily.
But two of you are not accepted yet around.
In the horoscope charts of theirs,
they have come out that they got farewell with an invisible strange force in the past.
And it also have said that they have been separated for at that mysterious power even now.
But that he struggle would be rewarded soon.
If you look at the chart of him, his Venus is the counter electrode the transit Pluto.
It is regarded as acceptance after overcoming conflict.
Venus means his lover has decided to accept your Pluto.
Pluto, it is the death and rebirth, and Eros and Thanatos.
When if you spend with the lover, you will be to experience the contented deep love
that you have not experienced until now.
29Yoko:2014/10/12(日) 17:25:40.59 ID:aZea0sRC0
One day I had read the writing of 2chan that a tall woman is loose at her certain hole.
I do not know.
If it is not to experience of such.
About thing of mine, that man has still never tasted.
You crap! Bastard!
Yes, you have been training me very much.
Are you satisfied, boy?
Yeah, that you think, I'll like all.
The words of erotic play, it is hit me frankly.
You're dangerous.
Shit, you can understand me instinctively.
Well, if you look at my body, you'll think I did have tasted that the erotic variety.
Because we're mature, we are able to share each secrets.
This lewd woman!
Kusukusu..., the lewd heart could give birth to many works.

Well, I would give lucky stars to you for tonight.
The dearest, see you later.
30Yoko:2014/10/12(日) 17:37:19.65 ID:aZea0sRC0
I have right arm pain,
Oh my baby, please be calm down.
31Yoko:2014/10/13(月) 11:10:48.72 ID:+CQD82Oq0
Or write, or not write.
I was hesitant.
But I write.
The war began. The elder brother and the younger brother.
Those which are hidden also would fight together.

Those who have noticed are keeping silent.
So, we are also.

See you later!
32文責・名無しさん:2014/10/15(水) 03:34:03.55 ID:b9BMlTJI0
33Yoko:2014/10/15(水) 11:26:12.23 ID:NV7zKTLm0
One day, Aunt said to a young man.
'That girl is too serious to love someone. So please treat her as a friend.'
Oh, I see. She looks like Adel Hugo.
It's a joke.
What's the matter with you?
There are many heavy emotions in my mind.
If these things are only about me, I would never compromise.
So what?
To put it simply, I fell into "Dotsubo".
Interlacing with a variety of people, it is becoming lose sight of myself.
As the more people appeared, the more self is gradually lost.
And I am thirsty to seek alter ego.

cogito, ergo sum.
I think, so I am.

I wanna smoke for the first time in many years.

34Yoko:2014/10/15(水) 21:04:25.72 ID:NV7zKTLm0
When I got cigarette, I visited the shrine on the way home.
As a shelter from the rain, and as a bad girl who does not smoke at home.
After smoking several, one woman visited in the rain.
She noticed at me, and began to greet.
'Hi, young lady. Have you already prayed?'
I replied yes that I took a rest with smoking.
And I also answered not young.
She was surprised at me.
I said that I had some problems.
She smiled at me and said.
'There is a trouble at any age.
However, rather than that of their own, it's gonna think that of others.
I have come to worship worried only about my daughter and grandchildren. That's all.'
Then she prayed for a long time.

After that we talked a little.
At last she said that she had sometimes smoked before.
'... the unpleasant things are going to fade away in the sky.'
She grinned.
'Also, I might be able to meet you somewhere. See you.'

In this country, such this situation calls "Tuji-Ura" or "Hashi-Ura."
Which do you recieve, lucky or unlucky?
35Yoko:2014/10/15(水) 23:13:05.98 ID:NV7zKTLm0
36文責・名無しさん:2014/10/15(水) 23:20:34.43 ID:YM1kytR40
