数千人規模の反中デモが、首都東京や主要都市18箇所で起きています。CNN, WallStreetJournal, 中国、シンガポール等の外国ではテレビ等でトップニュースとして報道されている事件です。
http://kamome.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/news4plus/1286034864/ (English version 1)
Censorship has been on in Japan since yesterday.
Thousands of people were holding an anti-China demonstration in eighteen major cities in Japan including Tokyo, the capital city of Japan.
These demonstrations have already been covered by major news sources such as CNN, AFP and Wall Street Journal.
The news became a headline in China and Singapore.
But somehow the Japanese news media have kept their mouth shut on this.
(English version 2)
Since yesterday, a censorship has started in Japan.
In the capital city Tokyo and 18 other major cities in Japan, thousands of people are taking part in anti Chinese demonstrations.
CNN, the Wall Street Journal, AFP and foreign media in China and Singapore are reporting this event as a top news story. However, Japanese newspapers and TV are not broadcasting this matter at all.