1. Organisation IARF (International Automobile Racing Federation) Main Office : Silverstone, UK Executives : Jaguar-Ford(Ford Group), Mercedes-Benz (Daimler-Chrysler Group), Toyota
2. GA (Grand Aggressive) Category 1, Racing Machine Regulation Chassis : Open-wheel Racing machine, form same as Formula machine by FISA Engine : Normal Aspiration, Exhaust volume 4000cc reciprocating engine
Visa GA-1 Spring Series : 1. Bell Austral GA-1 Australia GP 2. Malaysia Airlines GA-1 Malaysia GP 3. China Mobile GA-1 China GP 4. Yahoo! BB GA-1 Japan GP 5 Continental Airlines GA-1 Hawaii GP 6. Telefonica GA-1 Spain GP 7. Vodafone GA-1 GB GP 8. Mercedes-Benz GA-1 Deutchland GP
Coca Cola GA-1 Autumn Series 1. Toyota GA-1 Japan GP 2. Emirates Air GA-1 UAE GP 3. A-1 GA-1 Austria GP 4. Czech Telecom GA-1 CzechGP 5. T-Mobile GA-1 Deutchland GP 6. Canal + GA-1 France GP 7. Canada Telecom GA-1 Canada GP 8. e-Bay.com GA-1 USA GP
Visa GA-1 Spring Series : 1. Bell Austral GA-1 Australia GP 2. Malaysia Airlines GA-1 Malaysia GP 3. China Mobile GA-1 China GP 4. Yahoo! BB GA-1 Japan GP 5 Continental Airlines GA-1 Hawaii GP 6. Telefonica GA-1 Spain GP 7. Vodafone GA-1 GB GP 8. Mercedes-Benz GA-1 Deutchland GP
Coca Cola GA-1 Autumn Series 1. Toyota GA-1 Japan GP 2. Emirates Air GA-1 UAE GP 3. A-1 GA-1 Austria GP 4. Czech Telecom GA-1 CzechGP 5. T-Mobile GA-1 Deutchland GP 6. Canal + GA-1 France GP 7. Canada Telecom GA-1 Canada GP 8. e-Bay.com GA-1 USA GP
1. Organisation IARF (International Automobile Racing Federation) Main Office : Silverstone, UK Executives : Jaguar-Ford(Ford Group), Mercedes-Benz (Daimler-Chrysler Group), Toyota
2. GA (Grand Aggressive) Category 1, Racing Machine Regulation Chassis : Open-wheel Racing machine, form same as Formula machine by FISA Engine : Normal Aspiration, Exhaust volume 4000cc reciprocating engine
Visa GA-1 Spring Series : 1. Bell Austral GA-1 Australia GP 2. Malaysia Airlines GA-1 Malaysia GP 3. China Mobile GA-1 China GP 4. Yahoo! BB GA-1 Japan GP 5 Continental Airlines GA-1 Hawaii GP 6. Telefonica GA-1 Spain GP 7. Vodafone GA-1 GB GP 8. Mercedes-Benz GA-1 Deutchland GP
Coca Cola GA-1 Autumn Series 1. Toyota GA-1 Japan GP 2. Emirates Air GA-1 UAE GP 3. A-1 GA-1 Austria GP 4. Czech Telecom GA-1 CzechGP 5. T-Mobile GA-1 Deutchland GP 6. Canal + GA-1 France GP 7. Canada Telecom GA-1 Canada GP 8. e-Bay.com GA-1 USA GP
4. World GA-1 Championship Teams Regulation in 2008
Drivers contracted by Teams : 1. Each Teams must contract with two Drivers. 2. First Driver can drive by the new engine that Team contracted. And, Second Driver must drive by the engine that Team contracted used one year before.
IARF (International Automobile Racing Federation) Main Office : Silverstone, UK Executives : Jaguar-Ford(Ford Group), Mercedes-Benz (Daimler-Chrysler Group), Toyota
2. GA (Grand Aggressive) Category 1, Racing Machine Regulation
Chassis : Open-wheel Racing machine, form same as Formula machine by FIA Engine : Normal Aspiration, Exhaust volume 4000cc reciprocating engine
Visa GA-1 Spring Series : 1. Bell Austral GA-1 Australia GP 2. Malaysia Airlines GA-1 Malaysia GP 3. China Mobile GA-1 China GP 4. Yahoo! BB GA-1 Japan GP 5. Continental Airlines GA-1 Hawaii GP 6. Telefonica GA-1 Spain GP 7. Vodafone GA-1 GB GP 8. Mercedes-Benz GA-1 Deutchland GP
Coca Cola GA-1 Autumn Series 1. Toyota GA-1 Japan GP 2. Emirates Air GA-1 UAE GP 3. A-1 GA-1 Austria GP 4. Czech Telecom GA-1 CzechGP 5. T-Mobile GA-1 Deutchland GP 6. Canal + GA-1 France GP 7. Canada Telecom GA-1 Canada GP 8. e-Bay.com GA-1 USA GP
4. World GA-1 Championship Teams Regulation in 2008
Drivers contracted by Teams : 1. Each Teams must contract with two Drivers. 2. First Driver can drive by the new engine that Team contracted. And, Second Driver must drive by the engine that Team contracted used one year before.