1 :
Mr.名無しさん :
04/09/25 16:02:58 let's talk over a matter with osan!
2 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/25 16:03:13
3 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/25 16:03:46
uruser baka
4 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/25 16:03:51
5 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/25 16:04:03
osan in the darkness
6 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/25 16:04:40
7 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/25 16:05:14
>>1 Do you have a drill chinchin?
8 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/25 16:05:42
Don't stand sit-sred
9 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/25 16:06:05
Osan in the sky (*´∀`*)
10 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/25 16:07:48
Always there is happiness near osan. But usually osan doesn't get it.
11 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/25 16:08:13
For me, it is difficult to talk in this place. It is because I do not have English knowledge.
12 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/25 16:08:25
Where is penio?
13 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/25 16:08:40
BO-osan connection -- very well
14 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/25 16:09:10
>>7 yes,I have been drill chinchin from children.
15 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/25 16:09:21
16 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/25 16:09:57
17 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/25 16:11:08
I want to rape a little girl.
18 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/25 16:11:24
>>13 wellcome to this thread!
nice to meet you!
19 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/25 16:12:16
>>18 I'm not BO-osan,sorry
20 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/25 16:13:42
The woman exceeding 30 years old is a OBAHAN.
21 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/25 16:13:44
This is a pen!
22 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/25 16:14:05
('A`) I'm hungry.
23 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/25 16:14:31
24 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/25 16:14:31
25 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/25 16:15:00
26 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/25 16:15:04
Woman is called "Meat toilet bowl"
27 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/25 16:15:55
You are meat!
28 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/25 16:16:17
>>22 eat your shit! it is free!
29 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/25 16:16:46
It cannot get married you and throughout life.
30 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/25 16:18:25
My penis smells bad
31 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/25 16:18:57
Osaso's girl friend is 19 years old.
32 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/25 16:19:09
I want to go fuzoku
33 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/25 16:19:31
>>30 Wow!
That's too bad!
34 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/25 16:20:01
35 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/25 16:20:12
Fuck me?
36 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/25 16:20:49
37 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/25 16:21:13
I want to drink a girl's piss
38 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/25 16:22:01
>>31 You must be tell a lie.
I think you are cherry boy, aren't you?
39 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/25 16:22:11
Shit! Shit! Shit!!
40 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/25 16:22:38
42 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/25 16:22:40
In English thread,as what describe 「uzai」 in Japanese thread?
43 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/25 16:24:16
44 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/25 16:24:18
>>40 No, I have a rich hair for my age.
45 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/25 16:24:34
46 :
Mr.No NAME :04/09/25 16:24:56
I'm back nosi
47 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/25 16:25:03
48 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/25 16:25:51
osan in the water!
49 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/25 16:26:35
50 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/25 16:26:41
51 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/25 16:27:11
Who killed Cook Robin?
52 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/25 16:27:48
I'll go to alcoholic party from now. noshi.
53 :
Mr.No NAME :04/09/25 16:28:37
54 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/25 16:28:42
>>52 It is enviable
good luck
55 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/25 16:28:52
>>52 All right.
Enjoy your self in the party.
56 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/25 16:29:37
57 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/25 16:29:47
I am very interested in Anaru.
58 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/25 16:30:57
59 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/25 16:31:48
60 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/25 16:32:17
ANAL haa haa
61 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/25 16:33:31
I' m ecxited about osan's anal. It would be a good smell.
62 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/25 16:33:49
My anus is also to be closed
63 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/25 16:34:25
┏━┓━━━━┓ ┃ ┗━━━┛┃ ┣━━━━━━┫ ┏━┫ ┣━━┓ ┏┛ ┗━━━━━━┛ ┏┛ ┗━━┳┳━━━━━┳━┛ ┏╋┃ ━ ┏━ ┃ ┃╋┃ ┃ ┃ ┃┣┃ ┛ ┃ | | / ヽ ○\ l | | / ヽ ○ \ l ┗╋┃┏┳┳┳┓┃ / L/ / 'l _/ / L/ / 'l  ̄ ̄ _/ ┣┃┣╋╋╋┫┃ 彡 _/ヽ_ ┣┛┗┻┻┻┛┃ 彡 \ / ┗┓ ┃ //\| ┏━━━━━ 彡 _/ヽ_ ヽヽ / ヽ ┗┓ 彡 \ / | | | ̄| | ┗━━━━ 彡 //\| ノノ / 'l /  ̄ ̄ ̄ ノ
64 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/25 16:34:54
プッ ('A`) ε= ノヽノヽ > >
65 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/25 16:35:09
Who has translated by the excite ?
66 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/25 16:35:17
(Д´((☆≡☆))`Д) ⊂ミ 彡⊃ パンパンパンパン ( *) (*`皿´) ⊂彡 ミ⊃ パンパンパンパン ε(´ ((☆≡☆)) `)з パンパンパンパンパンパンパンパンパンパンパンパン ☆ ヽ (Д´((☆≡☆))`Д) / ☆ \ ⊂ミ⊂ミ 彡⊃ 彡⊃ ⊃ / ☆ ― ⊂彡 ⊂ ⊂ミ ⊂彡⊃ ミ⊃⊃ ― ☆ ⊂ ⊂彡⊂彡 ミ⊃ ⊃ ミ⊃ \ ☆ / ε(´ ((☆≡☆)) `)зヽ ☆ パンパンパンパンパンパンパンパンパンパンパンパン
67 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/25 16:35:47
( ゚д゚) ⊂彡☆きもい 田代 _, ,_ パーン ( ゚д゚) ⊂彡☆もい 田代き _, ,_ パーン ( ゚д゚) ⊂彡☆い 田代きも _, ,_ パーン ( ゚д゚) ⊂彡☆ 田代きもい _, ,_ (TдT) 田代きもい
68 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/25 16:35:49
I will go out now.See you later.
69 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/25 16:36:13
ARASHI came. With this, OSANSURE is ruined.
70 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/25 16:36:20
anal (゚д゚)UMAH
71 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/25 16:36:23
|┃三 _________ |┃ / |┃ ≡ _、_ < パーン禁止令が出たぞ! ____.|ミ\___( <_,` ) _ \ |┃=___ \  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ |┃ ≡ ) 人 \ ガラッ
72 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/25 16:36:23
You are Shock!! Empty falls by the power of love!!
73 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/25 16:36:57
>>68 where are you going to?shopping?or fashion helth?
74 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/25 16:37:22
???? 46??? ?? ??? ??? ????? ?? ??(??=????) ??? ??? ?? = ?? `?? ??''? ???? 46?? ????? ??? ??? ???(19)?? 25... [????] ?? ???? ‘?’ ??? "?? ??? ???? ???? ??????" "50???? `?? ????` ??" ??? ?? ??? ??..?? 13? ?? (??)?????, '??????' ????,
75 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/25 16:37:49
70?? ?? ????? ???????? ????????? ????? ????? ???? ??? ????, ? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???? ???? ???? ?? ???, ??? ????? ?? ????? ?? ??? ??? ?? ?????. ?? ?? ??? ???? ????? ?? ?, ?????? ?? ?? ?? ??? ????. ?? ????(??????? ????? ??? ???? ???)? ??? ???? ??? ??? ???? ??? ??? ?? ???? ? ????. ?? ?? ?? ??? ??? ??????. ?? ????? ????????? ???? ????. ??????? ???? ? ????.
76 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/25 16:38:14
77 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/25 16:38:29
HALIFAX (CP) - After waiting 20 years for the right to get married, Bryan and Ron Garnett-Doucette wasted little time Friday after Nova Scotia joined a growing list of provinces to recognize same-sex unions. Canadian Press Photo The two men walked hand in hand to a municipal office to apply for a marriage licence just 90 minutes after a Nova Scotia Supreme Court justice ruled the couple, who have been partners for the last two decades, could legally wed. "It's time," said Ron Garnett-Doucette, 42. "We waited 20 years for it. I knew it was eventually going to come. . . . I'm ecstatic it's today."
78 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/25 16:38:36
>>72 Fist of the North Star?
79 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/25 16:38:42
80 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/25 16:38:49
On Friday, Robertson ruled the definition of marriage in the province for civil purposes will now be "the lawful union of two persons to the exclusion of all others." She also ruled that the marriages of same-sex couples who wed outside Nova Scotia would be recognized in the province. The couples' application wasn't opposed by the federal or Nova Scotia governments. Ontario, British Columbia, Quebec, the Yukon, and Manitoba also allow same-sex marriages. "This is, I feel, the end of a long battle, and I hope it stays the end of the battle," said Kim Vance of Musquodoboit Harbour, N.S., whose Ontario marriage to female partner Sam Meehan will now be recognized in their home province. "The trend is clear, and other provinces need to respect that
81 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/25 16:39:03
82 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/25 16:39:22
Doing my Chinpoiziri most of the weekend.
83 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/25 16:40:28
"It's a very good day for equality in Nova Scotia," he said. "It should send a message to our federal government to have a vote on the issue. Right now it's languishing in the Supreme Court (of Canada) in what could be a long, tortuous process. Why don't we just simply follow the direction that's been established in so many courts." Just before leaving office last year, former prime minister Jean Chretien referred the question of the constitutionality of same-sex marriage to the high court for an opinion. Halifax's Roman Catholic archbishop said it's now up to religious communities to try to safeguard the traditional definition of marriage. "We must recognize this decision as the end of state support for marriage as we have always known it," Archbishop Terrence Prendergast said in a release.
84 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/25 16:40:36
85 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/25 16:41:12
MIAMI (Reuters) - Las autoridades de Florida ordenaron el viernes a cientos de miles de personas que abandonaran sus hogares en zonas vulnerables de la costa este debido a la proximidad del hurac疣 Jeanne, que podr} ser el cuarto feneno tropical en azotar al estado en un mismo a.
86 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/25 16:42:54
I wanna be sausage
87 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/25 16:44:01
>>82 Don't forget to wipe.
88 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/25 16:44:04
I decide to cook beef stew.
89 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/25 16:44:53
>>88 please don't foget NAMEKO-JIRU
90 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/25 16:46:46
91 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/25 16:46:49
>>89 Japanese soy soap is good for osan's health!
92 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/25 16:47:57
I have lost interest in this thred
93 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/25 16:48:19
I love lorita very well.
94 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/25 16:48:25
Is there MAKAI?
95 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/25 16:48:50
96 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/25 16:49:14
97 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/25 16:49:39
98 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/25 16:49:54
99 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/25 16:50:50
100 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/25 16:51:27
101 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/25 16:52:10
>>99 You are the very man for UZE
102 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/25 16:52:44
103 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/25 16:53:05
I am tired
104 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/25 16:53:08
Doesn't it return to OSANSURE soon? As for the other side, decrease in population is progressing.
105 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/25 16:53:12
>>99 Let's unko with me !
106 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/25 16:53:55
107 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/25 18:24:16
What a desolate thread here is!
108 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/25 19:50:38
......so let's talk together !
109 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/25 19:51:03
Hey! Anyone here?
110 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/25 19:52:59
111 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/25 20:01:25
Osan has come━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!!!
112 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/25 20:02:25
>>110 I miss you ! osa-n!
113 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/25 20:08:57
114 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/25 20:22:23
115 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/26 01:41:56
perform yourseif Z
116 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/26 01:43:53
117 :
0(*´∀`)3 ◆tr.t4dJfuU :04/09/26 01:44:03
turn to the left there,and yo`ll see the onanie center please.
118 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/26 01:52:26
119 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/26 01:53:57
i'd like to drink manjiru
120 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/26 02:26:58
121 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/26 02:35:24
when i first met my wife,she was crazy about SMAP. but now she is crazy about SWAP. will you join us?
122 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/26 02:36:04
I can not spark English!
123 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/26 02:49:06
rape raper rapest
125 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/26 08:49:48
Good morning. Let's also talk together in this place today. This place is the best for remembering an English word.
126 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/26 08:53:26
Do you have any idea what I should do today?
127 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/26 08:53:29
You have a Manco? I catch a Manco!!
128 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/26 08:59:36
Yes , I am a pen
129 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/26 09:01:15
not human
131 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/26 09:13:55
132 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/26 09:20:40
133 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/26 09:31:39
There is also no schedule today. It is tedious.
134 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/26 09:36:18
What shall I do now?
135 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/26 09:36:35
Oh my god! My cellphone has been broken! I want to cry.
136 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/26 11:00:00
137 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/26 11:28:25
son of a bitch !
138 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/26 11:34:48
Have a nice weekend!
139 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/26 11:38:51
140 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/26 12:02:29
take a lunch
141 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/26 12:03:41
I'm going to have a YAKISOBA.
142 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/26 12:04:17
Have a nice chimpo
143 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/26 12:06:29
I have a pen
144 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/26 12:07:15
>>141 I think you are low in nutritional value
145 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/26 12:21:20
I was gay.
146 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/26 12:56:24
>>145 Is it different now?
147 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/26 12:56:52
∩ .∩ .| |_| | ( ・×・)<実生活で雰囲気を「ふいんき」って言うなよ .( つ旦と) 何か間抜けな響きだ し_)_)
148 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/26 12:57:48
カサカサ _, ;-:=:=ー- ー=;-;-;-;, , _ ヽヽ ,; ';";; ;;`-' '"" ,;="ヽ_ ; ; ;:丶 ,,_ !;_<" _o从o_ /; / ,,.;- , )) (( (; ; ";''-ヽ 丶,, /'''' ''''' \ //-;';";" / , -"'' -';;";;' ー:ニ;r'(●), 、(●)ヽ//,,-;''" ,,-"-=-,, ' -";;;"' -; ,二',-:(;;; ;;; ,,ノ(、_, )ヽ、,,ヽ;; ;);" ',, - 二-- '' "_ノ ,ー"';--;;,;;_,二| ;; ;; `-=ニ=- ';;);: ;;; ;| ""二"--,-二"" "'' '-;- ;;:;__ ,,,ヽ;;; ; ;:`ニニ´:::; ;;; ;; ;丿'""二二;---" ヾヽ, ,,- ="'--==,;;__;;,==--',' '''=二,,_,/i '--- '" "'''''-- -' ノノ
149 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/26 12:58:26
It is "ふいんき" って言うなよ about atmosphere by everyday life. Something is stupid sound.
150 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/26 12:59:13
____ / \ / / ̄⌒ ̄\ / / ⌒ ⌒ | | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ | / (・) (・) | | てめーなんだよこの糞スレは!! /⌒ (6 つ | | てめーはどんな趣味なんだよ? ( | / ___ | < 何とか言えよゴルァァァァァァ! − \ \_/ / \__________________ // ,,r'´⌒ヽ___/ ,ィ / ヽ ri/ 彡 / i ト、 __,,,丿)/ ζ | ! )`Y'''" ヽ,,/ / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\ ! l | く,, ,,,ィ'" /. \ ヽヽ ゝ ! ̄!~〜、 / | ヽ / ̄""'''⌒ ̄"^'''''ー--、 :::||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Y'´ / """''''〜--、|||||||||||||||||) < ( 丿 ,,;;'' ....::::::::::: ::::r''''"" ̄""ヽ | ゝ ー--、,,,,,___ ::: ::,,,,,ー`''''''⌒''ーイ ./ ヽ \  ̄""'''"" ̄ \____/-、
151 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/26 13:06:10
152 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/26 13:07:40
>150 Welcome to this crazy thread このふざけたスレッドへようこそ
154 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/27 16:25:23
osan's night coming soon!
155 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/27 16:44:53
156 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/27 19:58:04
157 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/27 20:31:14
158 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/27 20:34:39
>>1 Was it expected, and did you depend and obtain the big result?
159 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/27 20:35:54
すいません 横文字じゃなくて日本語でおながいします。
160 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/27 20:36:36
161 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/27 21:30:18
This place will be polluted from now on. God -- please allow it I goes up.
162 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/27 21:38:43
I hope that I can help you
163 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/28 22:15:30
I dislike this thread! I'd like to blow this thread!
164 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/29 00:24:46
Do’nt blow this thread !
165 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/29 08:09:20
Who are there?
166 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/29 23:47:45
168 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/29 23:55:38
This is a TEPODON super express bound for PYEONG-YANG.
169 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/30 00:11:11
me-ru ran ni yaku kaitaradouda?
170 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/30 02:30:54
171 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/30 02:49:58
i need a kawaii-okusan
172 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/30 11:43:35
>169 That's bothersome
173 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/30 17:55:49
Good thread!! brb :D
It's a SONY!
175 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/09/30 23:18:40
OSANRA good night. It is believed that tomorrow is also a good day. Let's talk mutually again.
176 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/10/01 11:39:16
>175 I don't believe that...everyday it's getting worse and worse
177 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/10/01 11:44:18
I don`t believe... I can`t understand... 厨房レベルの英語しか出来ないよ
Oh shall it be as it was before? Is this the end of all we know?
It is not only pessimistic but also not real....Don't you think so ?
180 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/10/02 02:03:10
In real life most osan always fall into hard times.
181 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/10/02 08:30:50
good morning
OSAN is avoided to 2ch and asks for a place. It is because reality is too severe.
good afternoon ,osan
185 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/10/02 16:05:00
187 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/10/02 16:15:45
Let's go drinking in osan's self-drinking thread.
sorry i know it very well but , too early
190 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/10/03 16:12:20
anyone drinking here now?
191 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/10/03 19:20:34
Here I am. Let's drink together !
I'm fifteen years old now.
I'm junior highschool student boy.
You thought [why does he speaking here?] when you looked
>>192 .
Aren't you?
I'll try high school taking an examination next year.
And,speak here is my study and practice
It is glad if I can join here.
>>192 ちょっとだけ文法おかしいな・・・
194 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/10/04 00:16:48
What do you want to carry out with this bulletin board? I cannot do an understanding. First of all, he cannot understand the real intention of talking in English. You will regard writing foolishly in English for me as it being a foolish fellow, saying that he cannot understand. honest -- this thread is interesting. Thanks anyway
195 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/10/04 00:27:34
>>194 I don't understand your English at all.
Please write in Japanse and I will translate it to proper English.
196 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/10/04 00:50:45
>>195 すでに理解できないのだが・・・→Japanse
>197 if you are really fifteen, your english is quite good though you made some grammatical mistakes as somebody mentioned above
Oh, sorry. I'm not good at English.
Please call me when I misstakes.
>>197 さん
201 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/10/04 18:05:55
hi guys! how are u doing? i am back home. lets begin drinking now!
202 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/10/04 18:06:09
下記の英文を訳せ。 my father is my mother.
204 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/10/04 20:15:34
>204 なるほど。 もう一つの解釈は、両親が同性愛者同士
>>205 >my father is my mother.
207 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/10/04 20:23:26
>204 my father is my mother のあとに ...and my mother is my fatherとか続いてってのはだめ? ってどうでもいいことだよなあ
>>207 だからさ、オチいっちゃたら続かねーだろぉ!
210 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/10/04 20:31:45
>>208 いや、いいんでない?w
211 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/10/04 21:22:58
212 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/10/04 21:25:14
>>203-212あたりを>>199が読んだらショックでけぇーだろうなw ROMってないことを祈る。。。
214 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/10/05 20:32:46
I'm home!
215 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/10/05 20:44:59
>214 and you are alone again
216 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/10/05 20:46:10
left alone
>>216 Was there any such song?
♪alone again naturarlly
219 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/10/06 02:10:13
There isn't anyone. Bye.
220 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/10/06 14:11:55
good afternoon osaso!
I came home from soap land .
/^l ,―-y'"'~"゙´ | ヽ; ・ ⊥・ミ ミ ヾ q ミ;., ミ ゙ .,_,)⊆口⊇ソ mofumofu〜 i ミ ;,., ; |\ ヽ、 C c ┌\ヽ.,_,,.) \ \_i ◎┘  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄◎  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
223 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/10/07 20:17:21
I came home from company...
I ate my sasakure. Good taste!
225 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/10/07 22:15:11
226 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/10/07 22:28:51
>224 What does "sasakure" mean? Please tell me.
227 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/10/08 00:33:27
a hangnail