1 :
Mr.名無しさん :
04/06/21 20:47 So let's la go !!!
_,/:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::``‐-、,,__ _,,-‐''":::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::,,,,,-‐''"゙`‐、___ ‐、______ /|/ /::::::::_,-‐''''""~ ̄``゙゙`v-‐''" ̄ ____,,,,,______`‐‐--‐‐''"~~フ ゙''‐-、`‐-、,/ ,-''" __,,,,,,,_ _`ヽ-v‐‐''~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::‐--、,,__ <、,,,____ r''"゙ヽT'ヽ、⌒| __,,-‐''",-‐、__`ニ=、,, \':::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::"''‐-、__/ _/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ | _,,-''"/ / ̄  ̄ ヽ\ \:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::/ _/ ,,_,,-‐r''""''v" // ,,-‐-テ ''、';`\\::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::/ / _,,-‐‐''"/| _,,|_ / `V/ ィ'" _O/ )::::::::::ヾ/::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::∠ r‐、/ _,-''" \ / | // ,ニ=| ''''" /:::::::::::::::|メ⌒ヽ、:::::::::::::::::::::::::: r-、,,ト''~,,‐"ヽ |/ |/| |/ / /_,,_:::::::::::::ノ \ |`):::::::::::::::::::::::::\ __ト''"_‐''~ | | \,>-、. | 、 |/ ,,|:::::::イ ノ / /::::::::::::::::::_r‐-、 | -ヘ''~ \ ヽ / / ) \ _,,__,,/ヽ /';::/ / |、 _/ |::::::::::::::::::| ヽ! ゙Y .| ,イi |/ / /| _,,-‐'''~~ // |/ ~" /|::::::::::::::::::ヽ |~ __,ノrフ/ 人|⌒/ / !、 __,,-''"_,,-‐''''""~ |`''" |::::::::::::::::::::( ゝ"‐"'、_/ / `''"ヽ / \ /''"~ __,,,,,---'' ⊥,__ <v''~''l、::::/ | 丿 \ ""~::::::::: _,,-‐''" ~~ ̄ ̄ ~゙"‐-、
3 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/21 20:48
5 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/21 20:48
Why I'm me.
6 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/21 20:48
7 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/21 20:49
9 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/21 20:50
ワレもしゃべんなや!!!いてまうぞ コラ
10 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/21 20:51
11 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/21 20:51
This kind of thread is built periodically
12 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/21 20:53
NHK no pakkun ga yatteru eigonobangumi omoshiroine.
13 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/21 20:53
Which class do you belong to?(和訳…どこの組のもんじゃい?)
14 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/21 20:53
15 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/21 20:54
Can you dig it ? SUCKAAAA !
16 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/21 20:54
ukiuki wake me up
Your all the members head is bad.
19 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/21 21:00
I have thought that I can fly. I tried to jump from the ninth floor.
20 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/21 21:00
we are sun of a bitcH!
21 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/21 21:01
('A`)what's this thre'
22 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/21 21:01
kuboduka otu
23 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/21 21:07
24 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/21 21:08
25 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/21 21:12
hello! I have waited for the long time such as this thread. And I want to communicate with you! Let us join this thread and make friends!!!
26 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/21 21:13
Hassle!Hassle! But Ogawa doesn`t know the meaning,ha ha ha.
27 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/21 21:13
>25 all your base are belong to us
28 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/21 21:16
29 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/21 21:17
30 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/21 21:18
Hi kids !! Do you like violence ?
31 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/21 21:21
32 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/21 21:22
33 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/21 21:22
>>26 Ha ha. Tom , What's happening to you tonight ? You are wondering tonight .
34 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/21 21:24
I wonder.... Can't you speak English?
35 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/21 21:25
>>29 Of a country of what is it a man?
Carry out what did it come to Japan?
36 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/21 21:26
>>34 Thank you very mancho
37 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/21 21:28
>>35 I was once Italian. But now.... I don't wanna say more.
38 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/21 21:29
>>33 Hi Albert,You foget zipping,honest saying...your penis is out!
39 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/21 21:31
>>38 Oh no... Where's my penis now !?
40 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/21 21:32
41 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/21 21:33
>>37 What meanings are Italians once?
42 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/21 21:33
43 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/21 21:34
>>37 Are you Mr. JIRORAMO?
44 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/21 21:34
>>40 Wow !! What a cool site is this !!
Jumbo of kyululun kiss!!!! Let's kyunkyun!
46 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/21 21:35
>>41 Don't ask such a stupid question.
47 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/21 21:36
>>42 Oh , thank you. I miss you baby.
48 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/21 21:37
>>43 No ! Me name is Futoshi . Do you OK ?
49 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/21 21:38
Kan-tan sugiru.
50 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/21 21:38
I have no dress to go to a party.
51 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/21 21:38
Mmm... I don't be able to find a meaning for me to live. Wannna dive to heaven.
52 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/21 21:39
53 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/21 21:40
I love a woman who doesn't love me.
54 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/21 21:41
Unrequited love is painful, isn't it ?
55 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/21 21:43
>53 That's nothing strange.
56 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/21 21:44
>>55 Why do you think so ?
57 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/21 21:45
>>53 cheer up! (it is even helpless)
58 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/21 21:48
59 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/21 21:55
I want to eat Mangetsu Kamiyama's guts
60 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/21 21:55
>>48 It is in Japanese of a barri barri.Dotage!!
61 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/21 21:55
62 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/21 21:58
63 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/21 22:01
I play ero-ge and gyaru-ge evryday.
64 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/21 22:02
65 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/21 22:03
66 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/21 22:03
67 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/21 22:05
>>59 Kamiyama Mangetsu --> Kouyama Mitsuki
Non-Japanese OTU!
Are you happy?
I am happier than you
70 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/21 22:13
Sore ha naiyo
71 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/21 22:18
Why don't you get a girl?
72 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/21 22:18
73 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/21 22:24
74 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/21 23:18
75 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/22 08:28
Good morning everybody!
76 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/22 08:31
ohayooooo gozaimassh
77 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/22 08:39
Good Mornin'
79 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/22 10:13
80 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/22 10:14
81 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/22 10:14
82 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/22 10:15
83 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/22 10:23
I seriously wanna drink beer.
84 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/22 10:42
85 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/22 10:47
86 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/22 10:49
Watashi ha Kuma san desu.
87 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/22 13:32
I like sex very much! But I don't play sex not yet.
88 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/22 13:37
I can't play sex.
89 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/22 13:37
yuu kyan hurai
90 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/22 13:37
Why not ?
i wanna be a youjyo in the future
92 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/22 14:17
I need nothing but cooler.
93 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/22 15:37
It's so hot today isn't it
94 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/22 15:42
chibaaaa!! sagaaaa!! shigaaaa!!
Brat, pass away (lol
96 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/22 15:54
Typhoon family's blue sky
i is japanesae
After gone past over, violent wind refreshing....
99 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/22 15:57
onaka suita...
Dinner is ready at the pigsty,fat
atsuipo atsuipo atsuipo mankonyan
Anyone who has graduated University of Tokyo needs to die right away.
103 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/22 19:36
>102 なんで?
104 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/22 19:48
A 5 on Lee de kind wear through sure
105 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/22 21:15
Hi, My name is Gokuu. Let's do once.
107 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/22 21:27
well・・・ I am twenty years old. I would like to pass the examination in order to enter Tyuuo university. Please tell me good advice and knack. Oh! I forget saying that my T-score is 47.2.
108 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/22 21:33
Tell me! What's T-score?
109 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/22 21:35
rongu agou zea wazu a ronrixi pureisu inzashithi obu edo
110 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/22 22:23
I'm in heaven.
111 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/22 22:38
so what?
112 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/22 22:47
The stupid in the midnight. Someone say “nullupo” guys But.I think that guys is “funtastic” guys And it is “dokuo” You know?
114 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/23 02:19
>>113 ∧_∧
( ・∀・) | | ガッ
と ) | |
Y /ノ 人
/ ) < >__Λ∩
_/し' //. V`Д´)/
Do you want more penis, bitch?
116 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/24 13:36
117 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/24 14:05
118 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/24 14:12
I like sex very much! But I don't play sex not yet. ↑ kore tyotto tigauzo
119 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/24 18:45
matter a mecha yo また雨かよ call A dack colour year これだから嫌 to you were … 梅雨は…
120 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/24 18:47
121 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/24 19:13
age [eid] ━━ n. 年齢 (a man (of) my 〜 私と同年齢の男性); 老年; 時代; 成年; 生涯の一時期; 寿命; 〔話〕 久しい間 (It's been 〜s [an 〜] since we last met. ほんとに久しぶり).
123 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/24 19:59
Let me take a long last look before we say goodby
124 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/24 20:01
125 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/24 20:01
I'm detective John Kimble!
126 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/24 20:06
WARNING A HUGE BATTLE SHIP CODE NO. FB30 "YAMATO" IS APPROACHING FAST :::::::::::::::::::::::::.................................::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::...................................................::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::........................ .............................................................................. ................................:::: ....................................... / .................. _rュj /___/ {ェェIュ一 /\/´ ,,}‐‐ii| /^'ヽ、 / / [ェェl :ウ / ヽ、:/ /i´rュ. __,,r――ュ―'ニニコ|¨:「::r!!ュii,o,or!!ュr!!ュ{t=:}ェ―-、_ j| 。;,、、,,_ __,,r――ュ `r―‐r'r‐ュ|:l⌒l「-_r!!ュ::::_r!!ュr!!ュ::::r!!ュ└`―ュ´ェ´ ̄~`,―― r____/j| ,| \^.;;,.,、`"''―――――――‐`―― ´ ̄ ̄´ ̄ ̄ ̄´ ̄C ̄ ̄ ̄` ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄` ̄ ̄ ̄` ̄ ̄ ̄〔 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| ::::::::´;'``''';:;ー,ゞ:;-、,-、;;..、、,,;;;-:;_;_,;-;,-;;.、、,,-、;;.,.、、,,-、,-;-:;_;_,;-;,-;;.、、,,-、;;.,.,,-,;-;,-;;.、、,,-、''‐--;;.:;.;:;;:..-;‐:;-:.:;.;:.;..-;;.、、,,-、''‐-;::
127 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/24 20:11
128 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/24 20:13
大和ってコードナンバーあったんだ・・・ FB30って、どういう意味?
Where is the “nullupo” guys?
Wie findest das shit
Wie findest du das shit thread?
133 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/25 19:37
Ich funbaruto derut
Ich weis nicht.
135 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/25 19:40
Das ist chimpo
This shit has been going too long!
137 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/25 19:53
Never use huranken sutain languages!
138 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/25 19:54
To be to be ten made to be
I've got shitty jobs... I had appointed the first one earlier and you told me to do two more jobs? Stop that insanity How can you be in two places at the same time
140 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/26 15:28
I love a woman who is like Yu-ka.
141 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/26 15:40
I forget you
143 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/26 23:14
who is the most beautiful woman in the whole world?
144 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/26 23:15
I am a boy. Are you a monster?
145 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/26 23:18
I've been waiting for a girl like you
This is Venom Guy's Board here, go somewhere else!!
147 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/27 01:50
omaera suge-na
149 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/27 02:03
150 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/27 07:11
Do you have a will to do conversation?
151 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/27 07:20
>>150 I have a will to do hitorisex
152 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/27 07:20
oh yeh!
153 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/27 07:28
>>152 which do you like Futari-sex or Hitori-hyper-s!e!x! ?
154 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/27 10:23
I like sucking my dick.
>>154 Are you self sucker? I like Serie A soccer.
156 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/27 11:08
オート フェラッチョ ハハハハ
157 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/27 11:23
Do you wanna fuck?
158 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/27 11:59
Good morning. I've been alone everyday,maybe forever.
Don't forget to put a blank after a period, a comma, a colon or a semicolon.
160 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/27 14:27
>>159 said that
>>146 is excellent
>>158 is a stupid self asshole fucker, son of a bitch.
162 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/27 14:34
ketsuni chinko..
163 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/27 14:35
164 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/27 15:19
>>163 must study english sentence.
165 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/27 15:36
166 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/27 15:37
hi there.
>163 This only proves that this board has a large population
169 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/27 16:02
why do we have to study latin?
170 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/27 16:05
171 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/27 16:06
172 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/27 16:09
>>171 これは、ただこの板の人口が多いってことを証明してる。
174 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/27 16:16
i'm beginning to feel my age.
175 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/27 16:18
176 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/27 16:19
Oh,damepo!I'm in damepo situation.
178 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/27 16:50
Oooh yes ! yes ! come inside me
you've watched too much porn.
180 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/27 17:25
I lost today too.
181 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/27 17:50
I'm only 160 cm tall...
182 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/27 17:57
How come people get fat when they reach middle age?
183 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/27 18:20
Hey, You guys. Today is my birthday!!!!!!
184 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/27 18:26
>>183 ,―==7 Congratulation!
|く ___ _> Congratulation!
`''、 ー=|
. ,−=-, ,,..-‘≡≡:| ><´|≡::|ヽ
. | l____ヽ.|≡l≡≡≡| |::| |≡:::/::|
. |(llー´_ヽ|≡|≡≡≡|.|:::|l≡::/::::|
.. 4 l__`=|_|≡:|≡≡≡::||:::|'≡/≡|
/|\,.・|::≡:|ヽ|≡≡≡≡≡:::/|≡::| _,,.........、
≡|/}:ヽ|:≡|::::|{≡≡≡≡≡:::{ .|≡::| ヽ_,, ヽ
≡:| |:::|l≡:|≡|:|≡≡≡≡≡:::|. .|≡::| /_> |
:::≡l|:::|'≡:|≡:|::|≡≡≡≡≡:::|. .|≡::| |7 llう.. |
≡≡≡≡/|≡ヽ≡≡≡≡≡::::|. ..|≡::|. z-..,〃、 ム__ ll´.. |
::≡≡≡::/ ヽ≡ヽ≡::|―、≡≡::l ..|≡::| /リバウドミ 1´/ヽ==,...
::≡≡≡| \≡ヽ::| ヽ≡≡l .ljヽl | 刀、ミ _,,,..-`‐三=ー-
::≡≡≡| |ヽ/ー.、.. ヽ≡≡l. .|/ | ノ= ∠i /ヽ、≡≡≡≡≡
:|¬、≡≡ヽ. |≡ゞー=ッ |≡≡| __/ (ll ー゜\|ヽ. /≡::ヽ≡≡≡≡≡
:| ヽ≡≡ヽ |≡≡ヽミ. |≡≡| l|. ll7| ヽu=/l二ll二l'''ヽ /≡:::/≡≡≡≡≡
:| ヽ≡≡ヽ≡≡| |≡≡| | | llヽ|w-ヽ/Nヽll | | /≡:::/≡≡≡≡≡≡
185 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/27 18:30
186 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/27 18:34
I am pen
187 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/27 18:35
Fuck your asshole
188 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/27 19:07
190 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/27 19:07
191 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/27 19:08
192 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/27 19:08
whats got into you?
>169 Those who like Latin can learn latin but not everybody learns latin
194 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/27 21:20
Do you understand the pain of being bald?
195 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/27 21:25
196 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/27 21:31
>194 Who cares?
Extract ur stinking public hair and plant it on the fucked head.
198 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/27 22:46
>>194 you have a comical head, so be it
199 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/28 15:34
I'm a very ordinary office worker. I get up at the same time every morning. I go to work on an overcrowded train. I take my work as it comes. I leave the office on time, which is at six. I go home, eat dinner, and sip at my favorite drink. My way of living will continue until the day I retire.
200 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/28 16:18
201 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/28 16:30
>>199 Why don't you take enrichment lessons?
Then you could find a lot of good friends.
I think your life would change.
202 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/28 16:32
空手バカ一代で、マスオーヤマが渡米したあたりで 一般アメリカ市民に"Kill the Jap!"と煽りられていたシーンが印象に残り、 未だにとっさの英語は"Kill the Jap"が出てくる。
204 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/28 16:36
>>202 Now get the hell out of here!
205 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/28 17:18
>>202 Why do you say like that ?
All you have to do is to talk in Einglish !
206 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/28 17:19
アイ ヲントゥー ゴー
207 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/28 17:22
>>202 Fuck you asshole!!!!
208 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/28 17:23
210 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/28 20:07
211 :
202=209 :04/06/28 20:13
212 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/28 20:39
cunt! cunt! wanna kiss your cunt!! blow,blow, blow job my cock! ヽ(´ー`)ノ
214 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/29 12:51
216 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/29 13:33
shoot too much today
217 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/29 16:07
My legs went to sleep.
218 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/29 17:16
I fuck myself ,
219 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/29 17:18
I love lorita.
220 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/29 17:19
221 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/29 17:57
What type of woman do you like?
I got a luckynumber 222.
223 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/29 18:30
>221 Anyone goes
224 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/29 18:31
fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck you !!!
226 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/29 19:15
228 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/29 19:32
229 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/29 20:46
I enjoy listening to music MD on the commuter train.
230 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/29 20:59
>>229 What music is listened to?
231 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/29 21:18
I'm not 229, but I recomend you Geore Michael!
232 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/29 21:25
I like the music of the Ichikawa Yui.
ZARD is the best.
234 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/29 23:25
Hello my name is Taro. Are you Ellen? Is this a book? No it isn't.
236 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/29 23:57
>>235 Hi,ellen.
Nice too meat u.
237 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/30 00:26
239 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/30 09:50
We used that textbook at junior high too. Ellen Reed and Hara Taro But next year we used New Horizon where Mike or something appears
240 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/30 10:54
you don't konow i fuck your wife every tuesday.
haha, what is "Konow"?
For the sake of my future, and for my family, I shall put a period to my hollow,miserable life. I swear an oath now.
I bet you'll give it up.
244 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/30 13:47
Lunch time is my Happy time Happy time is my Lunch time The moment I can be free from the bold head boss The minutes I can stare the OL's bra Oh, I cannot stop thinking about my Happy time Thanks God, It's coming to me
245 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/30 18:04
Conversation? These resuponces shoud be called monoloug.
U may cast the NETA for these kuzudomoz.
247 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/30 18:27
Just curious! hahaha......
248 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/30 18:30
my know me
Just cureless, stupid! hahaha.....
250 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/30 18:37
>>249 you are from korea?
Koreans do love using ~(tildes). I have no idea what they mean. You immediately recognize them by this.
252 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/30 19:19
253 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/30 19:20
Are you stupid?
254 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/30 19:23
i am snuuuuupyyyyy!!!
255 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/30 19:29
i am stupid penis
256 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/30 20:35
I've got a beard and short hair(buzz cut).
257 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/30 20:58
256 巛彡彡ミミミミミ彡彡 巛巛巛巛巛巛巛彡彡 r、r.r 、|::::: | r |_,|_,|_,||:::::: /' '\ | |_,|_,|_,|/⌒ (・ ) (・ )| |_,|_,|_人そ(^i ⌒ ) ・・)'⌒ヽ | ) ヽノ |. ┏━━━┓| | `".`´ ノ ┃ ノ ̄i ┃| 人 入_ノ´ ┃ヽニニノ┃ノ\ / \_/\\ ┗━━┛/|\\ / \ ト ───イ/ ヽヽ
258 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/30 21:26
>>257 Are you looking for a knuckle sandwich?
259 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/30 21:29
>>258 No, I'm not.
I'm looking for fucking bitch.
Do you know where it is?
There are many bitches in ur mind if u think so. Close ur eyes....
261 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/30 21:33
Manko 4 U.
262 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/30 21:36
Someone,please suck my dick!!!!
Bitch bitch chap chap ran ran ran♪
264 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/06/30 23:06
>>262 Are you a peter puffer?
265 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/01 22:05
You know its leather when we ride Wood grain and raw hide Doing what we do, watching screens getting high
266 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/02 21:01
It's muggy.
267 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/03 13:20
I'm tired.
Null Pointer Exception
269 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/03 18:23
>268 boring
270 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/04 16:00
272 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/04 21:46
I'd like to go see a movie. Have you seen any good movies lately?
273 :
R-type ◆adGyIb9mrY :04/07/04 22:19
Fear is an illusion. :04/06/29 14:44 ID:Xuy7/VrQ I never looked at the consequences of missing a big shot. Why? Because when you think about the consequences you always think of a negative result. …Omitted…
But I can see how some people got frozen by that fear of failure. They get it from peers or from just thinking about the possibility of a negative result. They might be afraid of looking bad or being embarrassed. That’s not good enough for me. まだ続く。こぴぺだが貴殿らにも紹介したい。
276 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/05 19:19
>273-274 Where did you take them from?
277 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/05 19:28
>>272 Have you watched Troy yet? Don't know if it's any good,
but I'm a history geek, so should be good for me.
Anyway, I'm going to watch Troy this Saturday with a girl.
I know it's been on for a while, but I didn't have time to go watch it.
Talking about movies, I heard that Love Actually is nice.
Being a Dokuo, movies with that kind of naming sort of makes me think twice.
Has anyone watched it?
Might go and buy a DVD of it and watch it with afore mentioned girl.
This time I'll get her to come over to my place,
It was kinda weird to watch a movie at her place when her parents are hanging around.
278 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/05 20:07
>>277 "with a girl"?
279 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/05 20:18
Finding Nemo!
You should write down "To-dai sotsu wa shine!" as usual.
>>233 280 :Mr.名無しさん :04/07/05 21:05
You should write down "To-dai sotsu wa shine!" as usual.
282 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/05 21:56
Hey, this is not the motenai board right? What's so wrong with watching a movie with a girl? It's not like we're going out or anything... Well, she was grabbing my arm last time I went out with her and all that. ...Actually, I'm just asking for flames with my posts, hehehe...
283 :
R-type ◆adGyIb9mrY :04/07/06 00:15
Fear is an illusion. :04/06/29 14:44 ID:Xuy7/VrQ
I realized that if I was going to achieve anything in life I had to be aggressive.
I had to get out there and go for it.
I don’t believe you can achieve anything by being passive.
I know fear is an obstacle for some people, but it’s an illusion to me.
Once I’m in there, I’m not thinking about anything except what I’m trying to accomplish. Any fear is an illusion.
You think something is standing in you way, but nothing is really there.
What is there is an opportunity to do your best and gain some
>>276 I pick up from other thread I frequent too often and put these up
here without consent w .
284 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/06 01:01
285 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/06 18:45
>>283 Great! But,it brings to me only pain.
286 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/06 20:56
Hi George!
287 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/06 21:01
Hi, Bob!
288 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/06 21:01
No way!
289 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/06 21:09
They are Precure!!
290 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/06 21:26
We take you now to the Oval Office...
President George W. Bush: Condi! Nice to see you. What's happening?
National Security Advisor Condoleeza Rice: Sir, I have the report here
about the new leader of China.
Bush: Great. Lay it on me.
Rice: Hu is the new leader of China.
Bush: That's what I want to know.
Rice: That's what I'm telling you.
Bush: That's what I'm asking you. Who is the new leader of China?
Rice: Yes.
ttp://www.art-in-guelph.com/Pages/ArtofHumor-International.html to see the rest
291 :
antonio inoki :04/07/06 23:22
How are youuu!!!!!
294 :
R-type ◆adGyIb9mrY :04/07/07 22:31
Fear is an illusion. : I realized that if I was going to achieve anything in life I had to be aggressive. I had to get out there and go for it. I don’t believe you can achieve anything by being passive. I know fear is an obstacle for some people, but it’s an illusion to me. 359 :Fear is an illusion. Once I’m in there, I’m not thinking about anything except what I’m trying to accomplish. Any fear is an illusion. You think something is standing in you way, but nothing is really there. What is there is an opportunity to do your best and gain some success.
295 :
R-type ◆adGyIb9mrY :04/07/07 22:32
If it turns out my best isn’t good enough, then at least I’ll never be able to look back and say I was too afraid to try. Maybe I just didn’t have it. Maybe I just wasn’t good enough. There’s nothing wrong with that and nothing to be afraid of either. Failure always made me try harder the next time. 361 :Fear is an illusion. :04/06/29 14:46 ID:Xuy7/VrQ Jordan, Michael, and Mark Vancil. I Can’t Accept Not Trying: Michael Jordan on the Pursuit of Excellence. New York: HarperCollins, 1994. 8-10.
296 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/07 22:50
I can't speak English.
297 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/07 22:53
298 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/07 23:06
It was deceived by a young gangster, and I was raped in the love hotel at the time of the high school student. It was raped after that by more than one gangster, and it did a cruel experience to have an iron stick and a firework inserted into the private parts. It fainted halfway many times.
299 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/07 23:08
300 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/07 23:10
This is the new shit
>294-295 It's because he is Michael Jordan that he could say that. Any ordinary guy is expected to do that? No way. Look where we are. >298 Excite 使っただろ。
303 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/08 13:18
What do you do in your free time?
I cheke lla cho?
C'est fil anglais de masturbation de rash's environ s'il était immobile.
306 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/08 13:36
Je nues sais pas
307 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/08 13:36
Check It out!
Es ist englisches rash's Masturbationgewinde ungefähr, ob es ruhig war.
309 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/08 13:38
310 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/08 13:39
totemo atui detu!
311 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/08 13:41
totemo atui detu! = It's boiling hot!
312 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/08 13:42
shooting inside me !
313 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/08 13:43
Il fait très chaud.
314 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/08 17:19
Selected hard roman
315 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/08 17:22
Sa vous plait?
316 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/08 17:34
They are all perfect. 1986 - 1993, 1998 - 2002 Thomas Williams, Colin Kelley and many others Type `help` to access the on-line reference manual The gnuplot FAQ is available from nurupo Send comments and requests for help to Send bugs, suggestions and mods to
317 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/08 17:41
(´-ω-`) 暑い〜 hot hot
Thank you ! Hageruja !
319 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/08 18:49
(´-ω-`) 暑い〜 hot hot
320 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/08 21:03
no notion
321 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/08 22:03
>305>308 It makes me laugh out to think of you not noticing that you yourself are jerking off.
Good night,Ladies
323 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/08 22:07
good night, bitch
324 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/09 03:09
You must be kidding!
What is 'Oppai Seijin' called in English?
326 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/09 11:38
Hi, Omaera. Long time no see. What have you been up to ?
It's been a long time, my fellow♪ I've come back home right now!
329 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/09 20:16
How come I'm not popular at all...?
330 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/09 20:31
I am otinntinn
331 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/09 21:15
Oh! otinntinn.
332 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/09 21:39
I don't give a fuck what you think about this shit.
333 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/09 22:38
How come my otinntinn is big and long?Please tell me.
good-bye my lonliness...
335 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/09 23:37
>>333 Squeeze your otinntinn through your hand at high speed!!!
336 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/09 23:39
owner knee
337 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/09 23:44
solo solo neil car oh my err more net are la
earth wear heart ray mars yo knee
339 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/10 17:15
It's been almost three years since I broke up with my last girlfriend. At that time, I was so tired of women. But lately, I've been feeling really lonely, and I want a girlfriend desperately. So, I've been asking my friends to introduce me to girls, I've been to parties(GOUKON), but despite my efforts, I just can't get a girlfriend. Maybe because I only go for pretty faces and have high standards, I can't seem to meet a girl who's close enough to my ideal. Thinking about it now, I shouldn't have broken up with my old girlfriend.
340 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/10 21:16
>>339 Mothafaka!!!!!!!!!!
341 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/10 21:50
>>340 Mothafaka? motherfuckerって書きなよ
342 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/10 21:52
343 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/10 21:52
>>339 > I've been feeling really lonely
345 :
名無しさん@そうだ選挙に行こう :04/07/11 13:21
Bitch ass niggers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
346 :
名無しさん@そうだ選挙に行こう :04/07/11 19:53
347 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/11 21:00
>>346 Hey boy,english please.
348 :
名無し@恐縮ですかね :04/07/11 21:04
Why does it write in English?
349 :
R-type ◆adGyIb9mrY :04/07/11 21:19
>>348 ask
>>1 , thead founder, for an answer .
>>348 Fuck you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WOW!This is a pen!
352 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/11 21:29
Where does that fluff in my belly button come from?
353 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/11 21:38
354 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/11 22:49
>>351 NO! You are the pen!
Yesterday I sent him e-mail, but I have not received any reply yet. What should I do? In addition to it, Hanna has not sent me e-mail. Now I am waiting for their reply. I have nothing to do other than this.
356 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/12 14:06
357 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/12 16:12
>>1 へ
358 :
& ◆Mch1MElHro :04/07/12 16:34
359 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/12 16:44
>>358 e!!
361 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/12 17:27
>>358 >>361 So, would you be so kind as to enlighten us with your superb proficiency in English?
Your words of wisdom shall definitely bring the inadequacy in English among Japanese in general to even greater heights.
363 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/12 17:47
Do you mankoing?
364 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/12 17:47
365 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/12 17:51
358 名前:& ◆Mch1MElHro 投稿日:04/07/12(月) 16:34 中学生なみの英語力だな>ALL ^^^^ genius!
367 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/12 19:09
>>357 Bitch ass niggers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
368 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/12 19:27
369 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/12 19:30
saw death net
370 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/12 20:51
>>358 You're native Japanese, good!
373 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/12 23:42
What you dig in?
>>373 I'm digging in a piss.
Ha ha ha, you ain't nothin' but a fuckin' dog!
377 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/12 23:59
No I'm do-tei
What does 'do-tei' mean?
>>379 Anchor your post properly please^^;
382 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/13 01:32
DR.DRE is my brother.
383 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/13 01:40
I want to die for ...... I want to die for that woman.
384 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/13 10:22
Hear anything! I am A boy without dirt of 25 years old and am the great fan of the Ichikawa yui. coming out 、 you 、 what is translation site use carried out? I use the excite.Is this good!The back is.
385 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/13 10:24
>>383 Useless! Live your own life!
386 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/13 10:28
>>382 Did it SEX with her of DR.DRE? It is killed!
387 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/13 16:26
388 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/13 20:17
I don't like people gobbing in public.
389 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/13 20:17
391 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/13 22:09
392 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/14 11:05
Oh,nature calls me.
393 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/14 12:14
OK Pasture!! by Guts Stone-Pine
394 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/14 13:57
last night, i met this fantabulous chick at a club in downtown. she was so gorgeous and i pulled out all my might to gather up nerve to ask her out. but to my surprise, she said ok. i took her to a hotel. when she slipped out of her dress, i couldnt believe my eyes! she had such a perfect body. i got an enormous hard on, needless to say. she had a most coquetish smile i had ever seen, and she sat down between my legs and undid my belt. she pulled out my throbbing dick with her beautiful hands and put her supple lips on my...... ......to be continued.......
395 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/14 14:16
try me !
That's ridiculous.
>Fantabulous Calm down there, don't get too excited over your imagination.
398 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/14 14:24
_____ /::::::::::::::::::::::::::\ /:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::\ |:::::::::::::;;;;;;|_|_|_|_|〜プーン |;;;;;;;;;;ノ∪ \,) ,,/ ヽ〜 |::( 6∪ ー─◎─◎ )〜 |ノ (∵∴ ( o o)∴)〜 | ∪< ∵∵ 3 ∵> \ ⌒ ノ_____ \_____/ | | ̄ ̄\ \ ___/ \ | | | ̄ ̄| |:::::::/ \___ | \| | |__| |:::::::| \____|つ⊂|__|__/ / |:::::/ | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| 〔 ̄ ̄〕 カタカタカタカタ
399 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/14 14:28
/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\ (____人 ) (-◎-◎一 ヽミ| ( (_ _) 9) ( ε (∴ | 〜プ〜ン ヽ______/ /` ´\ / , \ 〈 〈 | ̄ ̄ | | ̄ ̄| \ \ (⌒,|.幼女.| | llll.| \ \||l ||__m__| |ヽ(ヨl| | l| |ヽ_ノ | |l| l|.| |l | / ,(__人__)、 \ スココココココココココココソ / / ヽ ヽ 〈 〈 〉 〉 \ \ / / (__) (__)
400 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/14 14:29
-´⌒二⊃. |_|_ノ∪ \,, ,,/ ヽ ⊂二⌒丶
_ソ. |::( 6 ー─◎─◎ ) ヾ__
. |ノ (∵∴∪( o o)∴)
| < ∵ 3 ∵>
/\ └ ___ ノ
.\\U ___ノ\
>>1 _) ヽ
>>1 の実態は、
>>1 のトラウマ)
>>1 の頭をPOSで読み取った結果1円)
>398-400 せめて英語で荒せ
402 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/14 14:47
>>401 _,,..----――----、、..._
,, ";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::::::;;;;;;::::;;;;;:::::::::::::::`、
./;;;;;;;;;;;:;:::;;;_,.. --――--- 、 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;}
{;;;;;;;;;;;,,/ \;;::;;;;;;;;}
{;;;;;::::/ ` 、:;;;;;;}
{;;;::/:: ,,. ∧ _..、 ,i;;;;;}
|;;;|:: ''" /;::;;\_,,,,.-''"""゙゙` };;;}
iヽ|:: イ〔◎ノ:::;;;;;;;;〆;;;::\◎〕>__ i;/
| i:: /;;二::::;;;ゝ::;;;;;;/;;::::~;;~;;;;;;::::ヽ\⌒)
i }:: /::;:::::/;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;ヽ;::;;:::;;:::;:::::::::ノ ) /
i ,|:: ノ:::;;;;:::|:::;;;;::::;;::::::。;;;;;;;;;:;::ヽヽ/ |/──
i、 | |::::;ヽ;;;\;;;;::::ミ:;;:::;;;;;;;;;;::∬:<__ |
/ /:::::§;;:::;;;::;;::;;ヽ;;_;_;鬱::;;O:::ノ:::;:::::ヽく |
/ ノ::::;;;;;:;;:;;;;ヽ;:/:;::~;;::~::::ヽ;;;く::::;;;:::;:;::;:ヽ
ヽ:;;;;ノ 〉|:::;;:::::;;;::;;;;:;ミ《ミ;;::;;;:;;;;ヽ;;;;;;::::ノ
υ \::::::;;;:::::;∧;::::::∬;::::::)〕::;::/
`ヽ;/~~ ~∪⌒ι/ υ
403 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/14 16:33
(´-ω-`) 暑い〜 hot hot
404 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/14 16:37
405 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/14 16:46
406 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/14 17:15
Now i wonder if they'll laugh when im dead Why am i fighting to live, if im just living to fight? Why am I trying to see when there aint nothin in sight? Why am i trying to give when no one gives me a try? Why am i dying to live, if im just living to die?
407 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/14 17:39
408 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/14 18:44
BAGHDAD, Iraq - A massive car bomb exploded Wednesday at a checkpoint near the area housing the U.S. Embassy and offices of the interim Iraqi government in Baghdad, killing at least 10 people and wounding 40, including one U.S. soldier, authorities said.
409 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/14 19:00
ちんちん シュッ!シュッ!シュッ! ∩___∩ ∩___∩ | ノ u ヽ i⌒i | ノ u ヽ .i⌒i . i ヽ / ● ● | | 〈/ ● ● | | 〈 . | i | u ( _●_) ミ/ .フ u ( _●_) ミ/ .フ し 彡、 |∪| / | 彡、 |∪| / | \ \ ヽノ /. ノ \ ヽノ /. ノ \ ヽ i | \ ヽ i | _| ̄ヽ \∩ノ ノ | ̄ヽ \.∩ノ ノ \ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄(::)(::) ̄ \ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄(
410 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/14 19:07
>406 hmm... thats not only clever but also quite deep. not bad at all... you deserve 3 zabuton-mats. oh?... of course! please have a cuppa tea, too!
411 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/14 20:14
412 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/14 20:56
Phew! What a scorcher.
413 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/14 21:02
to you a "K" master net
414 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/14 21:03
Bullshit the future NISSAN
415 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/14 21:03
own my err were wool meat eat cool?
416 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/14 21:20
Hi, my name is Emily What your name?
>>407 Thank you, babe♪
>>416 Nice to meet you, Emily!
I'm Music Slave.
What's your hobby?
418 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/14 21:26
>417 My hobby is listen to music,and watching movie. How about you ?
>>418 Oh, I'm also fond of listening and movies!
I love, especially, the Eagles and 'Memento.'
What is the best aritist or movie for you?
420 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/14 21:41
Hey! Cheer up, everyone! Don't mind for not having girl friends. Girl is a large part for men's mind, but a short part for men's soul. The soul of men is so free as to wandering the universe. The mind prevent your soul to wander the world. Don't be got captured in your mind! Beat mind, and make soul free!
421 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/14 21:41
>>420 It's "Don't mind!", literally :-)
423 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/14 22:41
424 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/15 00:42
_∧_∧ / ̄ ( ・∀・)⌒\ 糞スレ立てんな、蛆虫、氏ね。 __ / _| | | ヽヽ / / \ | | ,,,,,,,iiiiillllll!!!!!!!lllllliiiii,,,,,,, \\| |____| .| | .,llll゙゙゙゙゙ ゙゙゙゙゙lllll, \/ \ | | .|!!!!,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,!!!!| | ヽ_「\ | |、
425 :
☆"E〜♀(・ん・)♂〜C゛☆ ◆/HaTORicfc :04/07/15 00:50
I want to have a chat with a cute girl!
Can I ask the girl to do the messenger with me?
I'll tell you my adress☆
[email protected] See you later!!
426 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/15 05:31
How are you doing?
428 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/15 09:53
そんな事より1よ、ちょいと聞いてくれよ。スレとあんま関係ないけどさ。 このあいだ、ソープランド行ったんです。ソープランド。 そしたらなんかめちゃくちゃ人がいて入れないんです。 で、よく見たらなんか垂れ幕下がってて、サービスデー15000円ポッキリ、とか書いてあるんです。 もうね、アホかと。馬鹿かと。 お前らな、15000円ごときで普段来てないソープランドに来てんじゃねーよ、ボケが。 15000円だよ、15000円。 なんか高校生とかもいるし。高校生でソープランドか。おめでてーな。 よーしオレ童貞捨てちゃうぞー、とか言ってるの。もう見てらんない。 お前らな、裏ビデオやるからその席空けろと。 ソープランドってのはな、もっと殺伐としてるべきなんだよ。 ボッタクられそうでいつ喧嘩が始まってもおかしくない、 刺すか刺されるか、そんな雰囲気がいいんじゃねーか。ガキは、すっこんでろ。 で、やっと入れたかと思ったら、デブですげえブスが出て来て「いらっしゃいませ」とか言ってるんです。 そこでまたぶち切れですよ。 あのな、立たねーんだよ。ボケが。 得意げな顔して何が、「お客さん、初めて?」だ。 お前は本当に風俗嬢かと問いたい。問い詰めたい。小1時間問い詰めたい。 お前、デブと巨乳を勘違いしてるんちゃうんかと。 ソープ通の俺から言わせてもらえば今、ソープ通の間での最新流行はやっぱり、説教、これだね。 「何でこんな仕事してるんだ?もっと自分を大切にしろ」とか言う。これが通の遊び方。 さんざん説教する。ふる里の歌を歌う。これ。 でもすることはする。これ最強。 しかしこれをすると女の子から嫌われるという危険も伴う、諸刃の剣。 素人にはお薦め出来ない。 まあお前、1は、オナニーでもしてなさいってこった。
430 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/15 15:20
_ | | ○○ | ̄| | ̄| ◎ | ̄| | ̄| | \ | | | |  ̄ | | | |\\ _ | | | | _| | | |  ̄ ○○ | | | | | | _ | | | | // | | | | | | ̄  ̄  ̄  ̄  ̄  ̄ ̄ ・、′,'・, ,'・, . ','・, . ,'・・ '・,.、,'・、′,'・, ,'・, . ',' ,'・, . ','・, . ' ・ '・,.、,'・・ '・,.、,'・、′,'・, ,'・, . ','・, . '・,'・, . '・ ,'・・ '・,.、,・ '・,.、,'・,.、’、′’、′′′,'・, ,'・, . '・,.、、 '・・ '・,.、,・ ,,'ヽ' γ⌒γ⌒/⌒/^ '・,.、 . '・`、′,'・, ,'・, . ・ '・,.、:¨゛ ヾ;: ,ゝ`/~ /~ /~ '・, ,'・, . '・,.,'・, ,'・, . '・ :ヾ´ ・ '・,.ヽ;:〈(_| | |~ |~ /・, . '・,.、,'・, :ゝ ・ '・,.;:;;:::'''::/~ /~ /~ ~ /~ //・ '・,.、ヽ :《 ・ '・,.()/)/~ /~ |~/~ |・ '・,.、 ,'・, ,'・, ,'・ ソ;: '・,.、:¨゛ /∵∴∴,(゜)(゜)∴|/,'・,,'・, ::::ヽ |∵∵/ ○ \| |∵ / 三 | 三 | / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ |∵ | __|__ | <うるせー馬鹿アーッヒャッヒャッ \| \_/ / \_____ \____/
431 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/15 15:46
432 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/15 16:03
,;'" ;, ,;'" ;, ,,;;''"" ''"":;;;:;;;;;:;; ,,;;'" O /;ヽ ,_、:::::;;;ゞ; ,;' ノ:::;;;\ (;∵;) ゙;, ;, /;;_;_;鬱:::ノ `i';' ;; ゙;, /::;;;;;《;:;;;~''ヽ ゙* ,;' ゙゙/ミミ::;;;#/。;;;/ ,,;' ~::;ヽ:;;;;ノ;ゞ;;ゝ\;,,,;;;:::,,,;;;:::'" ゙;,、 ヽ;/;;'υ`ヽ;/~~∪; ,;' ゙;;ヽ ||;;' ::゙;; |:| ::.... ;;' ;;;;:_,,r'' )-、 ;;' :::,;;''"つ;;;;' ,;;: ̄ ' ; ,) /;;", , ::,;;'ノ´;;;:;;", , ,;;' / / ゙``/´;;;;;::::::: ゙````´ヽ、.. ,,/,;' / / ;;::;;;::,,. ;'' ..;;;;;;/ |,,;'"゙;, / / ::;;;#,;;; / | ゙;, ゙;, / / ヽ;/ ;; / | ::;;;:: / / |:| ; ,、、、 .,/ | / || `=-'/ | ||
433 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/15 16:21
This is a pen.
434 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/15 16:23
馬鹿じゃねーの? ふひゃひゃひゃひゃひゃひゃひゃひゃ・・・ / _| / :::| i  ̄ ̄⌒゙゙^――/ ::::::::| / /ヽ.. , /゙\,. ::::::ヽ、 / / ゜ | l| ゜ \ :::::ヽ、 / / .,ノ . 《 \ :::::::::ヽ / <_,,,,,_/ .'″ ^=,,,,_;___>;;.. :::::::::| | :::::::::::| | |\_______/| :::::::.| | | Y^Y^Y^Y^Y \ | ::::::::::| | | /└└└└ \../ \| :::::::::::::| | .|∨.|llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll| ::::::::::| | |.|llllllllllll;/⌒/⌒ 〕 :::::::::| | |.|lllllllll; ./ | ::::::::::| | |.|llllll|′ / | :::::::::::| | ||lllll| | / ::::::::::::| .| |.|llll| | .∧ / / :::::::::::::〈 \.∧lll | ../ ∨ / ::::::::::::::::ヽ、 /| \┌┌┌┌┌/._/ /::: :::::::::::::::::::|
435 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/15 17:35
おい、おまいら! ここ、英語オンリーうんたらなのに、 おまいら、ひょっとして英語読めねーんじゃないのか? オモロイ事書いてもきりかえしも突っ込みもねー。 絵でごまかすな、絵で!・・・ウマイけど。
436 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/15 18:41
_,,,.. - .,,_ ,,.. - "´ 、` 、 / )、、 \ / ノ ヽ ヽ、 / ル' ヾ ヽ / / ゙i, ゙i j ,ィ/ ゙i, | lィ' ,ィ/j/
437 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/15 19:17
438 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/15 19:28
Hey Arasi,fuck you!!
439 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/15 19:50
えっ? この絵のウマイ人達はアラシなのか・・・? 英語はそもそも読めんし、書けんので 英語では荒らせんから絵をかいてる、というわけか? なんじゃ、そりゃー? アホかいなー?
440 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/15 20:45
ヽ ノ `ヽ r´ ヾ ソ ~ヽヽ U /ノ ヽノ /:::::::::::::::::::::\ /::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::\ |:::::::::::|_|_|_|_|_| -´⌒二⊃. |_|_ノ∪ \,, ,,/ ヽ ⊂二⌒丶 _ソ. |::( 6 ー─◎─◎ ) ヾ__ . |ノ (∵∴∪( o o)∴) | < ∵ 3 ∵> /\ └ ___ ノ .\\U __
442 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/15 20:50
Oh yeah,sure...Understand you all? That's what you keep telling me down at my home block. Understand...Well, you try keeping hoodlums in line and see what it does to you.
443 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/15 20:55
Hey Arashi, you know, one of these days there won't be anybody to hold you. Beat it!
kan nit verstan
445 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/15 21:15
I can fry
447 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/15 21:56
So, how do you think are there any conversations HERE? In the view of mine, there are not conversations but muttered to yourself. But it is not bad for you. It needs the practice to use language. After all, a man who writes something here without shyness will be speak english.
448 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/15 22:06
I dont sink so...
449 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/15 22:13
>>447 > So, how do you think are there any conversations HERE?
"How do you think"? And next comes "are there any conversations"?
> In the view of mine, there are not conversations but muttered to yourself.
In the position of "muttered" a noun is expected to occur...
> After all, a man who writes something here without shyness will be speak english.
"Will be speak English." A verb with the infinite form comes after a "be."
Anyway I don't care.
451 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/15 23:17
453 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/15 23:37
(@盆@ .:;)ノシ
454 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/15 23:39
A Happy New Year!
>>454 Too early :-)
We're in summer!
456 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/16 00:16
(@盆@ .:;)ノシ
457 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/16 00:38
458 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/16 00:52
良いスレだと思うけどな このスレ荒らしてる奴の気がしれん 俺も英語勉強したいな
459 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/16 05:39
>>458 Then don't speak Japanese.
Coming! Ah!!! Coming!!!
461 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/16 13:13
I'm sorry, but I can speak only broken English.
>>461 That's okay. Nobody's perfect.
Hyundai, cool !!
TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HoooooooooooooooooTTTT!!!.....Ahhh........!!
465 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/16 14:44
_,,,.. --- ..,,,__ ,, r''" `ヽ、 / , .∧ `'、 // , i / ,/ 'i i, , 'i ',i' , /フ'メi_/ '、i_i,_L,, i ', ,/ ,,i / (;∵;) /;ヽ (#),i i i, ./ i. レ'i `i';' ノ:::;;;\`' i/レ'! ', i '、 i ゛*/;;_;_;鬱:::ノ i i ', _,,_,,_ i `'i,. /::;;;;;《;:;;;~''ヽ / ', ,r''" `'i'、! /ヽ/ミミ::;;;#/。;;;/''" i / >-─''''' く ト-、,/ フヽ:;;;;ノ;ゞ;;ゝ,.,'・, ,'・, . i i !____,,,,, ノ,i.i. `'ヽー" 'ヽ;/;;'υ`ヽ;/~,'・, . ',' i 'i i )i i '・,,''|.|;;' ::゛;; |:|'・・ '・,.、\,,,j '、. ゝ─-- ' i i ・・ '・.|:|'・, ,∪','・ '・,.,・, \!,,_._,,,ノ-,i,i .、:|:|'・, ,'・,,'・ 0 i ', | | .// ,, ∪ ・,.、:¨ ', i | .lヽ //_ _,, -ァ'''" i 0 ', i .l_.ノ ゛゛ ̄ i i 0 ', ',
>>465 Oh! it's a guro AA!
I don't like it.
467 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/16 16:55
【チンコのレス】 〓〓〓〓〓 |〓| |〓| |〓| (⌒⌒) \/ 〓 【チンコお守りレス】このお守りを見たあなたは超超超幸せ者! 2週間以内に必ず彼氏・彼女が出来るよ! すでにいる人は超〜ラブラブ みんなが幸せになりますように… そのかわりこのコピペを1時間以内に、5つ別のスレに貼り付けてね・・ でないと、あなたはインポや性病になります。
>462 "Nobody's perfect"... That's the English title of Z-take's book.
469 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/17 15:00
Z-take is asshole.
470 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/17 15:27
What is Z-take?
471 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/17 15:33
>>470 It is a motherfucking katawa.
472 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/17 16:05
473 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/17 20:02
474 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/17 20:02
/:./l:.:i :.:.:.:.:.:! |:| ,. --- i:| ヽ:.< 、:::.:.:「i|、::::.:.:.l|:.!::.:j !/::/:|:.:! :.:.i:.:.:| ,ri´ l;! \゙、\:.| ';::::.:;リ:l:::/ l:::/:;r|:.:| :.:::!:.:.レ′l 、 ,. ,.-―ヽ. i::/}':;':/| `V:::::l.:.:i :.:::l、:l ,.-' 二_ヽ` ' ,:'´;rヽ ヽ l' ,!_/:::| :!::::::::!:.:i :.::lヽl._/ /:::;(. ,. i::::ilト-1 }´ ! ヽ |:::| :.::,`、', ヽl !::::ゞ''´::} '、:.":. ノ ' i:::::.. ノ |i:: : i′:ヽ'、 ヽ ヽ--- ' ―' {ーr1 i:::::: ト、_:::::>'、 ヽ }:::;;:i i:::: i ヽ ´::ヘ ,1::;;:i |::.:.:: :i:.:`|:.:.::l-ヘ __ / .!:.:.l When you wana damage this sred,try to read JOJO no kimyouna bouken, i :.::i::i:::,l:.:.:.|´7ヽ. (__,ノ ,. 'ヽ`ヽl:.:jAll volumes、All volumes!O.K.? ヽ:::::/|.l:.:.:.! ` ‐、- .___,, -‐、´ `、 }:ハ ( { !:.:| / ! ′ ', ',/' }'、 ト、\l;| ,' ,.. ' // i l ` ‐、______ ヽー- .._ ,./ ',/ l | ```ー ‐ヽ_ ̄__,,./ l | _ ヾ 〃_ _ | | |\ | |_ \ / | | | ̄\ | | | | | \| |_ \/ | ̄| |_/ | ̄| |
475 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/17 20:04
476 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/17 20:06
/:./l:.:i :.:.:.:.:.:! |:| ,. --- i:| ヽ:.< 、:::.:.:「i|、::::.:.:.l|:.!::.:j !/::/:|:.:! :.:.i:.:.:| ,ri´ l;! \゙、\:.| ';::::.:;リ:l:::/ l:::/:;r|:.:| :.:::!:.:.レ′l 、 ,. ,.-―ヽ. i::/}':;':/| `V:::::l.:.:i :.:::l、:l ,.-' 二_ヽ` ' ,:'´;rヽ ヽ l' ,!_/:::| :!::::::::!:.:i :.::lヽl._/ /:::;(. ,. i::::ilト-1 }´ ! ヽ |:::| :.::,`、', ヽl !::::ゞ''´::} '、:.":. ノ ' i:::::.. ノ |i:: : i′:ヽ'、 ヽ ヽ--- ' ―' {ーr1 i:::::: ト、_:::::>'、 ヽ }:::;;:i i:::: i ヽ ´::ヘ ,1::;;:i |::.:.:: :i:.:`|:.:.::l-ヘ __ / .!:.:.l When you wana damage this sred, i :.::i::i:::,l:.:.:.|´7ヽ. (__,ノ ,. 'ヽ`ヽl:.:jtry to read JOJO no kimyouna bouken! ヽ:::::/|.l:.:.:.! ` ‐、- .___,, -‐、´ `、 }:ハjAll volumes、All volumes!O.K.? ( { !:.:| / ! ′ ', ',/' }'、 ト、\l;| ,' ,.. ' // i l ` ‐、______ ヽー- .._ ,./ ',/ l | ```ー ‐ヽ_ ̄__,,./ l | _ ヾ 〃_ _ | | |\ | |_ \ / | | | ̄\ | | | | | \| |_ \/ | ̄| |_/ | ̄| |
Sir ! Yes, sir !!
479 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/18 12:46
It is hot today.
Yea ! It is.
481 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/18 13:32
When did my life go wrong?
Since u were born.
It's so sad.
There you are!
Your life will be beautiful.
I dont know what answer to make....
Take it easy! You can say what you think.
Yes, I can say "Fuck u!" (Pugera
Oh, men! Get away, guy talking stupid thing.
491 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/18 16:39
Do you have any hobbies?
492 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/18 16:43
Yes,I have a hobby to poke fun at Miho.
493 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/18 16:53
I'm going to make a girlfriend! Before that, I'm gonig to be a great man!
494 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/18 17:27
495 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/18 17:31
496 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/18 22:06
497 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/18 22:37
I can communicate with native people a little bit, but no friends, no hope, no meaning in my life. Oh, God!!!
500 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/19 03:46
501 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/19 04:01
Shove it up your ASS!
502 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/19 04:21
oreha nihonjinda
me too.
Shaved Asian Angel
505 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/19 13:39
My beautiful blond hair! I'm ruined! I'm a short neurotic bald guy with a New York accent.
Anyway, have a cup of tea.
>>506 Thank you for the tea
You are welcome! I hope everything will go well for you.
509 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/22 05:03
What did you say? Next time I see you, you die!
What did you say? Next time I see you, you die!
I will not die! I will not die! because I love you!
Listen, boy. You should not say such a words easily. Keep it in your heart until you finally find most important sweety in the world.
514 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/22 11:20
>>512 It's from "The 101st proposal of marriage", isn't it?
Oh! I see! I didn't notice that.
吉田竜夫 住所不定 サンバー乗り 38歳 童貞 391 き ん た ま 84 金玉 紅色 ↑ むへ 猫耳いんらん 便乗犯 39 金玉フリーク 未来への伝言 コックローチ 340=341 安物の銭失い 自己紹介@岩手の39歳 闘う名無しさん 気弱な夜勤工員 615 774RR テリー うそですー はじめますて@岩手 抗菌・消臭Yシャツ。オーライ。だっふんだ。ァィーン 204 毛ジラミ男 廃墟はノスタルジー クラッカー前田 空 海 陸 二曹 へこき虫 盲目の衆生救い難し 勝利への代償 爆裂正論 おめこんばんちわ 70 安来節 パワー・バランス@4VMmWPca 41歳田舎もん 逆相世界の帝王 155 もっこり探偵団 s59式KR-2の場合 傍観者 空耳こんらん 草井万個 ペンタコン 41歳童貞田舎者 元掃除屋 ォラォラォラ!!ドぉゥるァ! 時代を創る男 おやじ ところで 燃費命男&馬力は二の次 人間嫌いの天才 SUN-SUN-SUN ドミンゴの出奔byトンガジョン お詫びと訂正 マクベス 38歳 童貞 無職 CF派の場合 DIE−INN−SINE 中年風来坊 ただの傍観者 名前の由来 お江戸のえずり・かずき 岩手 荒し・・・といえば 毛ジラミ男(貧乏) 毛ジラミ男(神) 肉じゃが KV-4超加給常時四駆五段速手動 憶測(言われ尽くしてる?) 海女 初うp 耳糞鼻糞を藁う 耳にかさぶた 耳あり包茎 熊襲の産地でがんすじゃぁ テンプレ(参考) 物理板へ逝け 名無CCDさん@200万画素機使用 ネタバレ 斜視例 H6式 Dias 踊らせ鳥は我を忘れるブハーリン@代々木 MZ3使い へー、ここがチャリ板ですかー 燃費男 参考 しょーがねーなー 大橋巨泉 某光学屋 勝った!! 皐月色 一応金持ち 白川義員 アフターフォロー山崎渉 元信者の赤裸々な告白 毛ジラミ男/900MHz いにしえのソアラ 朝日ソーラー 空 海 41歳男 大正15年(1926年) 山崎渉 ふるーいビデオから
518 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/22 17:38
Yeah, we're crazy fucker!
Oops. I mean I have ever been cherry boy during 37 years in my life. Kill me, somebody..._ト ̄|○
Oh, Cherry boy? Not cherry man? Never die, cut your yourself!
Cut myself? You mean cut my pipe?
It is pretty good here. However, was English of the title as well good? It is stifling, and it can't fall asleep. Is everyone using an air conditioner? I endure it with a fan. ha,ha.
Yea, this summer is deadly hot. I can not live without air conditioning. Cold beer is great.
526 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/23 13:20
I went to the beach! It was very good!
527 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/23 13:25
very very hot spot but woman noting
Oh, dear! But never give up to get girls. There is a will, there is a way.
Shut fuck up.
Hey hey, loosen up buddy.
531 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/23 15:20
My boss often yelle at me, "Why are you standing around doing nothing?" "Are you so easily satisfied with such terrible results?" "Do you have a mind to do anything at all?" "Are n't you frustrated that you lose out to your junior colleagues?" "Why don't you hang yourself and die?!" If somebody said such things to you, normally, you would think you'd have to do something. But I don't feel anything. I don't get frustrated, and feel like I should try. I don't get motivated at all. I guess I'm just an indifferent person.
Yesterday's climax seems to be a lie. There are a few people in comparison with yesterday today. What was here on earth today?
533 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/23 19:03
There have been a lot of smuggling incidents which send the mail which hid the medicine in the third person using international mail. The member of a smuggling group requests a receipt from how to escape exposure and acquaintances. Suddenly [ day ] with the person who took over the situation to not knowing, the suspicion of smuggling can be applied and the case severely investigated from investigating authorities is conspicuous. " and cautions are appealed for the Osaka customhouse not to receive mail easily instead of "acquaintance. According to this customhouse, 200g of about 300g of cocaine and the cooking book addressed to the woman of another Komatsu-shi, Ishikawa to these abbreviation will be discovered in March, this year from Brazil out of the wooden wall decoration addressed to the woman in Kanazawa which reached outside Osaka in Kansai Airport. When
↓かつての野球スレ乱立時に調子こいて 木 佐 貫 とかいう糞スレ立てたバカ
Those are dangerous stories, huh?
536 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/24 05:28
Who actually put United Flight 93 into a death dive, causing it to slam into the Pennsylvania countryside on September 11, 2001, is revealed in the 9/11 commission report released Thursday.
Are you gonna buy that report?
538 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/24 10:12
>536 Who did it? What did that report say?
My friend headed for New York this morning. She said she would go see World Trading Center place.
I see. I also would like to go there someday. (´ー`)y─┛~~
I never have been in east coast ever before.
>>523 Yes, I meant cutting your penis.
>>541 East coast of where? In the U.S.A?
Come on! You are kidding! Yep. I have visited in west coast a few times, but not east coast yet.
>>543 I've also visited in the west coast of Canada, Vancouver.
But never of the U.S.A.
In Vancouver, I had a good time eating seafood
and napping in a seaside park.
How about your west coast experience?
I visited in California and Alaska. I also visited in Vancouver to renew my visa! So surprised because there were many Japanese people and sushi shop there. Do you know the aquarium in the park near Vancouver? It was good place, too.
>>545 California and Alaska! Great!
There are mary Asian people in Vancouver, not only Japanese.
I remember a sushi shop, but not about an aquarium.
It might be the short time of me in Vancouver.
But I want to visit there someday.
I were in the city more at that time!
Because, in Canada, I spent a lot of time in Banff.
I hope you could go to Canada again in future. I think Canadian English is much easier to understand than that of American. They pronounce each word clearly. It was so helpful for me.
548 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/25 18:46
I got a phone call yesterday. But its English was too fast for me to understand. Then I told a lie which this phone's owner was not here. I am the owner, though... I have to study English more....
549 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/25 21:20
>>548 You should have said "sorry, but could you speak a bit slowly for me?".
It should be very good for English leaners to have opportunities to speak English as much as they can.
550 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/25 21:23
I am still scared to pick up the phone, even though I have been in US two years... So stupid...
552 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/26 00:57
Oh! Everyone in this thread is very smart!
>>547 Thank you!
Canadians get a lot of money from foreigners,
so their utter is rather easy, I think.
>>548 (=
>>551 ?)
Take it easy!
>>549 said, you can beg a pardon if you want.
Trial and error, this is a great phrase.
>>550 Excuse me, I'm too chicken to click that.
>553 You may be right about Canadian English. But I also think there English is similar to England one.
>>554 You are right, probably.
In their eyes, Japanese seem to younger than physical age, surprisingly.
One Canadian said to me, "You look about fifteen!", in my twenty.
So in also Japan, "I'm fifteen years old!" for a reply.
I know your feeling. When I buy alcohol, they always require to show my ID. Last week, shop person was so surprised by knowing my age from ID.
On other threads you look like "erogappa", however, on this thread you are cool. I wish I could speak English well like you. Have you studied very hard?
>>556 Oh, last week?
So you came back Japan little a bit before!
Have you been in the U.S.A. for what purpose?
I suppose you studied abroad formally.
>>557 To me?
If so, you are right, I am a great Erogappa!
But I cannot speak English very well.
I have studied English normally as Japanese.
>>558 Actually I am still staying in US on business.
I will go back Japan in September.
Wanna go back my homeland as soon as possible!
It is very hard to stay here 'cause I am stupid fuckin Dokuo.
>>559 You are still staying, Bravo!
This is the World Wide Web, literally.
Your staying the U.S.A. is hard,
but it is also a chance to get blonde girls.
Take it easy!
561 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/26 22:45
Oh! I can't understand what everyone in this thread say!
>>561 Will I translate for you?
For example―
>>555 たぶん合ってると思う。
In my case, reading is OK 'cause I can have enough time to think, but speaking and hearing, especially latter, is still terrible! I totally gave up to get blonde girls. Eventually, I get felt Japanese girls are best.
>>563 Me too.
I am also poor at speaking and listening.
We are not used to speak and listen in English.
When I was BIG BOX at Takadanobaba,
one Black Indian ask about raffle(kujibiki) to me.
He had a raffle ticket, and asked so with pointing that.
But I could not explain because of my few vocabulary.
Finally, I explained in Japanese and he understood.
How high the wall of tongue is!
I also think Japanese girls are best,
but I want to get blonde girls little a bit.
I must study English more deeply!
Yea, after growing up, it is very hard to learn English. On the other hand, kids can be good at speaking English so quickly. Man! It is important to continue studying for everything. There is a will, there is a way.
,. -‐ ''''''' ‐- ., ,. ´ ` 、 /`ヽ、 r‐/`'' ―‐┐_ ,.ヘ ヽ .//`ゝ‐'' ,' `''i´ '! ヽ┐ ' , // ,' ', ', ! i .i! , i/ / / ,' .,! ! l i ', ! | .! l! ! / / .,' ! i .! !. i! i l! li i. i! ! ,' / .,' .i ! l! i l! ! l! .| ! | i | ! .,' ! | .l .i!ノ ,' 、! i i! i i i ! i l! ! .i i ,.+‐''l´', !| ./`''!''/l‐ノト.| | ! | .i! ,' ! .| ! | ___ヽ !レ レ____! l .l! l .! .l l ! .', |、 lヽ l!, |_| ヽi |_| ! i! ! ! .l l! ! /ヾヽ l! ヽ! ', i ノ .i! l! | l! l ! ア ホ く さ ・・・ !l! | `|ヽ! .| 、 `、 -┐ /イ| l l! l! i! l ! ',! l l! .i! i` 、ヽ_ノ ,' l ! l! l! .l/| ./ ', !、 i', |ヽヽ` 、 _,. ,'/l! i.ノ!./! / .|/ ,. ',_| ヽ, l!',! ``ヽ ` コ .〃/ /、レ | / ,.r ' ___ヾ、ヽ l! >::´::::| / /''"´|、レ l ´__ヽ! ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄l、:::::ノ////:::_:: ┘ヽ ! __゙i| lヽYr‐ ̄- ' ''´::::::::::::::::: ':.., ,.'l ゙i', / '‐', :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: \ ,l´/ l '''ス...j. ヽ、__/ ゞ‐′:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ,.-、、 / ! l! ', ノ i ::, ' :::::::::://::::::::::::::::::::::::: i :::::::: /::: ,:. ´ ',i ', ヾ-┐ ,'' :::::::::://::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: i :::::: /‐´ 、 |
Hey girl ! Wanna taste my tomahawk?
>>565 > There is a will, there is a way.
Good phrase!
Everything I want must be mine.
I want fame, money, and the best lady.
Never give up, until getting what you want!
What do you mean 'neta'?
571 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/29 16:03
Suck my mothafaking dick!!!!!!!!!!!!!
572 :
Helen Keller :04/07/29 16:14
When we do the best that we can, we never know what miracle is wrought in our life, or in the life of another.
My stupid head can not understand that sentence...
574 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/30 13:17
576 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/30 15:53
577 :
Mr.名無しさん :04/07/30 15:54
scatman ってまんこ男っていう意味だったの?
>>574 Good job!!
Fancy meeting that site here!
I always use that site for my job.