【English】 Let's talk in English 【English】

Let's talk in English!
Study more!
Enjoy your life!

Let me introduce myself.
I'm Reisai Osa-n.(^^: I NEVER SURRENDER!!

>>2 Miss. Fumi Dan.
2Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 20:19
3Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 20:19
4Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 20:19
5Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 20:19
6Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 20:20
7Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 20:20
5get da・ze
8Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 20:20
9Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 20:20
英語で話しましょう!もっと研究してください!あなたの生活を楽しんでください!自己紹介させてください。私はReisai Osan(^^:私、NEVER SURRENDER>2つのミシシッピFumiダン)です。
10Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 20:20
11Ψ(´д`)Ψ ◆WWGOMAkI/. :03/08/15 20:20
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12Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 20:21
aa, kyoumo motenakattta
13Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 20:21
14Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 20:21
15Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 20:22
16Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 20:22
I am a pen.
17Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 20:22
18Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 20:22
Kill jap
19Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 20:22
20Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 20:23
21Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 20:23
22Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 20:23
23Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 20:24
24Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 20:24
25Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 20:26
Thank you very mancho .
26Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 20:26
internet is dangerous zone
27Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 20:26
Thank you very very まんこ!
28Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 20:26

29Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 20:27
omannko NOT FOUND
30Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 20:27
Hi ! onisan kane motteuka ?
31Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 20:27
Uho!! Nice guy!
32Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 20:28
33Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 20:28
34Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 20:28
35Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 20:29
36Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 20:29
1000 yen de iiyo .
37Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 20:29
38Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 20:31
my penis is very soft and cute .
39Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 20:32
My chinpo is broken..
40ReisaiOsa-n ◆.TqB/BJyAQ :03/08/15 20:33
Three bells toll in man's life.....

One: When he was born.

Two: When he got married.

Three When he died.

The second bell would never toll for me.....

41Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 20:33
42Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 20:33
I love my little sister
She is 14 years old
And she loves me too
Last night,I fucked her
She cried 「oh! witch!!」
But,I feeled so fine!!
43Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 20:34
What's the matter with your chimpo ?
44Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 20:35
My chinmpo died last year
45Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 20:35
No problem,no problem,n(ry
46Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 20:36
it's funny!
47Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 20:36
What's the mean?
48Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 20:37
You'll be god someday .
49ReisaiOsa-n ◆.TqB/BJyAQ :03/08/15 20:38
Hideki Matsui likes porn.
Swedish Erotica(laugh! (wara)
50Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 20:40
My YOUJO is onani-..
51Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 20:41
Who did it?
52Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 20:41
53Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 20:43
自己紹介 と 降伏 ?
54i'm not one:03/08/15 20:44
surrender :give up
55ReisaiOsa-n ◆.TqB/BJyAQ :03/08/15 20:45
introduce= tell one's name to another person (jikoshoukai suru koto)
surrender=not give up ,guts (akiramenai koto)
56Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 20:45
57Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 20:46
58ReisaiOsa-n ◆.TqB/BJyAQ :03/08/15 20:46
× surrender=not give up ,guts (akiramenai koto)

○surrender= give up ,guts (akiramenai koto)
59Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 20:46
it must be a hard life being a tramp.
60ReisaiOsa-n ◆.TqB/BJyAQ :03/08/15 20:47
Sorry, I'm confused really.
61Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 20:49
It's been a hard days night that was...
62Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 20:51
Oh yeah! don't worry!
63Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 20:55
No one has a cat in hell's chance of winning the lottery.
64Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 20:57
65Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 20:59
Everybodys got something to hide except me and my monkey
66Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 20:59
When I drop my toast, why does it land butter-side down?
67Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 21:02
i was surprised to watch this site.
becouse its very dirty.
for example. "im a cherry boy"
i think so close this site soon.
thank you.
68Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 21:02
69ReisaiOsa-n ◆.TqB/BJyAQ :03/08/15 21:03
I like the words of Raymond Chandler:

If I wasn't hard, I wouldn't be alive
If I couldn't ever be gentle, I wouldn't deseve to be alive.

Do you understand it?
70Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 21:04
You must be learn English again!
71Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 21:04
Die hard .
72Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 21:04
Bye! Bye!
73Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 21:06
Fuck your asshole !!
74Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 21:07
Would you say once again?
75Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 21:07
76Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 21:08
You must be die!
77Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 21:08
78Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 21:10
It's late. We should make a move. Bye-bye!
79Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 21:12
Free care car was to be come miss note
80Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 21:14
I am you without the schedule which nothing carries out this summer.
are you?
81Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 21:15
82Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 21:15
83Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 21:17
OMANKO woman's university
84Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 21:17
Sex with my lover.She is so cute and pretty
85ReisaiOsa-n ◆.TqB/BJyAQ :03/08/15 21:17
My Favorite actress is Miss. Yoshiko Nakada,
Also Miss.Sawako Agawa.

86Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 21:18
How old are you
87Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 21:19
Fumi Dan
8886:03/08/15 21:19
sorry ?wasureta
89Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 21:20
Yoshiko Nakada?
Sawako Agawa?
90Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 21:20
You're dirty old man ?
91Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 21:21
It's enough to us
92Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 21:21
No one can speak normal English here...
9387:03/08/15 21:22
('A`) I'm so sorry.
94Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 21:23
I cannot speak English at all!!
95ReisaiOsa-n ◆.TqB/BJyAQ :03/08/15 21:24
I am 40years old nice guy,
Bachelor, of course.
96Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 21:24
That's paradox.
97Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 21:24
98ReisaiOsa-n ◆.TqB/BJyAQ :03/08/15 21:26
No, I゜m a nice middle man.
99Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 21:26
I've got butterflies about this interview.
100Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 21:26
101Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 21:26
The prices of commodities is too high in Japan.
102Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 21:26
Wao!Me too!!
103Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 21:28
We can work it out!!
Never give up!!!
104Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 21:29
Ah... Why on earth am I single now?
I want to get a Pretty wife!
105Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 21:30
pussy woman academy
106Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 21:31
I want to fuck a beauty woman with blond and blue eyes.
107ReisaiOsa-n ◆.TqB/BJyAQ :03/08/15 21:31
Do you know (dokushinn dansei) in English?

That is Bachelor.
Ordinally, called a single man, or unmarried man.

For women=Spinster
108Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 21:31
I said something wrong?
109Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 21:32
Regret to birth on this planet
110Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 21:32
I was slim when I was young, and I had no flab at all.
111Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 21:32
why u use 8-byte code?
112Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 21:34
poison man
113Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 21:35
114Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 21:35
I am a bachelor.
That is because I don't have a wife.

I am a bachelor.
That is because I graduated from a university 3 years ago.
115Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 21:36
I'm only 158 cm tall.
116Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 21:37
I'm a winner!!
I'm 160.0 cm tall.
117Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 21:37
118ReisaiOsa-n ◆.TqB/BJyAQ :03/08/15 21:37
It may up in school test.
119Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 21:38

That is because I don't have a wife.

I am a bachelor.
That is because I graduated from a highschool 21 years ago.
120ReisaiOsa-n ◆.TqB/BJyAQ :03/08/15 21:39
My height 5''10=(about 178cm)
121Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 21:39
write in hankaku
122Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 21:39
Oh my god!
123Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 21:40
I am lonesome.
124ReisaiOsa-n ◆.TqB/BJyAQ :03/08/15 21:40
You are not so bad.
125Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 21:40
The word "bachlor" means "gakusi" in Japanese, isn't it???
126Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 21:40
I'm 162.0 cm tall
Your the chanpion!
127Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 21:43
It may be a Japanese proverb "GOJIPPO, HYAPPO".
128Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 21:43
Well, I admit I lost. I am not more than 169cm tall.
129Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 21:43
Do you understand the pain of being bald?
130Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 21:44
Having you won is no fun.
Martinis,girls and guns.
It's muderer on our love affair.
Sure it's your life every night.
While you're chasing the morning light.
You're not the only spy I've bed.
131Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 21:44
I like big titts
132116=Champ:03/08/15 21:46
Ha! Ha! Ha!
I'm King of Kings, the most KAKKOII man.
But, you are all BUSAMEN.
133Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 21:47
134Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 21:47
Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!
135Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 21:47
Thank you !!
136Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 21:48
What kind of do you like any comics?
I like carbattle
137Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 21:48
English Uzeeeee
138Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 21:48
Every girl you meet fall in love with you, I guess.
139Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 21:49
140ReisaiOsa-n ◆.TqB/BJyAQ :03/08/15 21:50
That right. Also it includes mean GAKUSHI.
141Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 21:50
Do you mean "What kind of comic do you like?"
142ReisaiOsa-n ◆.TqB/BJyAQ :03/08/15 21:53
I really sympathy you !
but, I never want to be bold or skin head.
143(´∀`):03/08/15 21:53
Shut the fuck up and start getting sit down.
144Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 21:53
Iijan betuni imi wakatte kuretandaro?
145Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 21:53
146Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 21:53
This year, I'll be 29 years old.
I'm ashamed to say, I'm still single.
147Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 21:55
Don't be ashemed!
Be proud of your BUSA face.
148Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 21:55
Same year-old as me!
And, also I'm single...
149Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 21:56
Oh! He is not poison man. (Mr.Keaton is BATSUICHI.)
So we can NEVER appriciate Keaton.
150Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 21:57
thanks !
151Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 21:57
So, if you already graduated from school.
152Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 21:58
Masayoshi Yamazaki is a poison man.
153Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 21:59
I wanna sleep
Do you remember me?
Good night...
154ReisaiOsa-n ◆.TqB/BJyAQ :03/08/15 21:59
The case of 29 years old and single is
never shame at all.

No problem.
155145:03/08/15 22:00
I will throw the comics out of the window.
Then, please forgive me, OK?
156ReisaiOsa-n ◆.TqB/BJyAQ :03/08/15 22:02
I love Miss Fumi Dan.
bulky woman.
Yuki Matsushita.
I can't stand them.

157Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 22:02
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158ReisaiOsa-n ◆.TqB/BJyAQ :03/08/15 22:03
159Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 22:03
Gyousya is coming up!
160Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 22:04
I have to return to my business. Fuu.......
161Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 22:04
Good luck!
162Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 22:05
It's been almost two years since I broke up with my last girlfriend.
At that time, I was so tired of women.
But lately, I've been feeling really lonely, and I want a girlfriend desperately.
163ReisaiOsa-n ◆.TqB/BJyAQ :03/08/15 22:06
real English dealer comes!
Good atmosphere of real English.
164Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 22:07
No worry,I'm here!
165ReisaiOsa-n ◆.TqB/BJyAQ :03/08/15 22:10
You can find good woman soon.
Don't worry.
Anyway, would you do some masterbation?(0721)
You can refresh.
166Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 22:12
Get away from here.
I'm sure you can get another girl friend very soon.
167Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 22:16
I hate to brag, but, my girlfriend's really hot.
She's good-looking, too.
Our sex life's also perfect.
We do it, like, everyday.
I thank god that I net such a wonderful woman.
168ReisaiOsa-n ◆.TqB/BJyAQ :03/08/15 22:19
I can't endure Kogyarus are hunted by white men.
169Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 22:19
You're just too good to be true
Can't take my eyes off of you
You'd be like heaven to touch
Oh, I wanna hold you so much
At long last love has arrived
And I thank God I'm alive
You're just too good to be true
I can't take my eyes off of you
170Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 22:21
Boys town gang?
171ReisaiOsa-n ◆.TqB/BJyAQ :03/08/15 22:24
I love you baby.....
172Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 22:24
173Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 22:25
I love you, baby
And if it's quite all right
I need you, baby
To warm a lonely night
I love you, baby
Trust in me when I say
Oh, pretty baby
Don't bring me down, I pray
Oh, pretty baby
Now that I've found you, stay
And let me love you, baby
Let me love you
174ReisaiOsa-n ◆.TqB/BJyAQ :03/08/15 22:26

Geroppa (gerorra)

175Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 22:27
Is it a song?
176Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 22:28
J B is coming !
177Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 22:28
Misoppa is me!
178ReisaiOsa-n ◆.TqB/BJyAQ :03/08/15 22:29
Shout and talk

179Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 22:29
180Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 22:29
sex machine
181Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 22:30
James Brown geroppa
182ReisaiOsa-n ◆.TqB/BJyAQ :03/08/15 22:30
James Brown

he is Misoppa.
183Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 22:31
184Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 22:32
Ally McBeal
185Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 22:33
I'm Misoppa,not a Deppa
186Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 22:34
Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!
187Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 22:34
Over Thirty Lonely Ally!
188Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 22:35
bad smell
189Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 22:36
She's cute, isn't she ?
190Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 22:37
I'm rich.
191Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 22:38
So what?
192Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 22:40
I cry.
193Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 22:41
I can change the world
I'll be the sunlight in your universe
You'll think my love was really something good
Baby if could change the world
194Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 22:41
Just like your Mammy?
195ReisaiOsa-n ◆.TqB/BJyAQ :03/08/15 22:42
My most shocking movies are
Ape Planet series....
Statue of Liberty(jiyuu no megami) was buried under the sand of
That's really chocking scene.
196Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 22:42
Slow hand Prancton.
197ReisaiOsa-n ◆.TqB/BJyAQ :03/08/15 22:43
We are the World?
198Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 22:44
199ReisaiOsa-n ◆.TqB/BJyAQ :03/08/15 22:45
I like Bosanova music.
200Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 22:45
Planet of the Apes
201Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 22:46
202Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 22:46
Change the World
Eric Clapton
203Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 22:47
204ReisaiOsa-n ◆.TqB/BJyAQ :03/08/15 22:47
Ape Planet=(saru no wakusei)
main actor=charlton heston
cornelius was impressive.
205Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 22:47
Oh-!1 konnnani sureganobiterunatte..
206Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 22:47
207Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 22:49
208Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 22:50
I know "The girl from Ipanema"
209ReisaiOsa-n ◆.TqB/BJyAQ :03/08/15 22:51
CM music
Doo Bee Brothers
''Long Train Running''

That remembers me my past days.....
210Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 22:51
Ono Lisa thing?
211山崎 渉:03/08/15 22:53
   │ ^ ^ │<これからも僕を応援して下さいね(^^)。
  ⊂|    |つ
   (_)(_)                      山崎パン
212Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 22:54
Holy shit.
213ReisaiOsa-n ◆.TqB/BJyAQ :03/08/15 22:54
I like
Astrad jilberto sings it.

I like Burden Powell. Antonio Calros Jobin.
214Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 22:54
say in english !
215ReisaiOsa-n ◆.TqB/BJyAQ :03/08/15 22:55
I really fed up with you.
Go home!
216Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 22:56
217Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 22:57
Good night.
218ReisaiOsa-n ◆.TqB/BJyAQ :03/08/15 22:59
Good night!
good dream.
Brush your teeth before sleep.
219Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 23:01
Bombing wrong place, uh?
220ReisaiOsa-n ◆.TqB/BJyAQ :03/08/15 23:04
Misbomb maybe....
221ReisaiOsa-n ◆.TqB/BJyAQ :03/08/15 23:09
Have you gone to sea this summer?
222Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 23:13
Yup, I went Sunday and Monday.
Now I can't hear in my right ear.
223Mr.名無しさん:03/08/15 23:19
You 'd better go to hospital
224ReisaiOsa-n ◆.TqB/BJyAQ :03/08/16 08:29
Good morning everybody.
How are you today.
Bon Holiday (Bon yasumi) ends tomorrow after all.(cry
Have you enjoy it?
Series of hard rain ruin Bon holiday.
And very cool these days isn't it?
This year, cool summer. For me, cool summer is welcome.(^^;
Students! Summer vacation ends very soon.
Hurry up your homework.
You must do masterbation(onani-)every day, every night.
Doing masturbation too much is not good for your health.
Restrsin yourself.

225Mr.名無しさん:03/08/16 08:30
This is a Pen.
226Mr.名無しさん:03/08/16 08:38
Katochan Pe
227Mr.名無しさん:03/08/16 08:53
I like masterbation
228Mr.名無しさん:03/08/16 09:29
Variety is the spice of like.
229Mr.名無しさん:03/08/16 10:26
Vanity is the seeds of love.
230二モ:03/08/16 10:27
momaira shut tha fuck up
231Mr.名無しさん:03/08/16 10:31
Hey what da problem with ya?
232二モ:03/08/16 10:48
give me money. OK!! An ekure!!!
233Mr.名無しさん:03/08/16 10:58
You're done. Finish with no MONEY.
234二モ:03/08/16 11:19
wanna fuck?
235Mr.名無しさん:03/08/16 11:30
I AM straight.
236Mr.名無しさん:03/08/16 12:31
237Mr.名無しさん:03/08/16 17:58
              SO DO YOU !!

                '|          /|
               / | ヽ        / |.\
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             /  |,,r       :`ヽ| |
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   |  / ̄ | |       |  /         :ノ
   ゝ ’-(  |/ヽ       | ./        _,/\
    \   |    `ヽ_     |/      ,,.,;‐'    |
      ゝ         "''''''ー‐---‐‐'''''"     |
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            ゝ      人       ノ
             ヽ___,,:''  'ゝ,,__,ノ
238Mr.名無しさん:03/08/16 19:53
I gained about 6 kg.
239ReisaiOsa-n ◆.TqB/BJyAQ :03/08/16 20:33
I LIke KIMO because he is like Mr.DEGAWA-.(w
240Mr.名無しさん:03/08/16 20:43
Are you a woman? >>239
241Mr.名無しさん:03/08/16 20:56
May I help you?
242ReisaiOsa-n ◆.TqB/BJyAQ :03/08/16 21:05
No! I'm a nice middle man.
243ReisaiOsa-n ◆.TqB/BJyAQ :03/08/16 21:10
Oh! No!
How many times I did send mails to woman in Deaikei-site,
nobody returns mail at all.
244Mr.名無しさん:03/08/16 21:14
245Mr.名無しさん:03/08/16 21:23
life is full of ups and downs.
246Mr.名無しさん:03/08/16 21:27
Are you a BUSAIKU-man?
247ReisaiOsa-n ◆.TqB/BJyAQ :03/08/16 22:16
Not so bad.
248Mr.名無しさん:03/08/16 22:20
It's so funy.
249Mr.名無しさん:03/08/16 22:21
Ugly means "BUSAIKU" ?
250Mr.名無しさん:03/08/16 22:23
I like busaiku
251Mr.名無しさん:03/08/16 22:31
I`m drinking Sake. Sake causes a heavy hangover, but I get use to it.
It`s a part of my misary life, ha ha.
252Mr.名無しさん:03/08/17 01:53
I am very awkward face.
A uglier living thing than I does not exist
253Music Slave ◆C1yTI8BuqI :03/08/17 09:39
Hello, everybody!

I'm unexcite these days, because it's not hot this summer.
I had a good summer time only once.
The other time, it's rainy and cool...
A sea was storming to make the ship capsized.

I'm also ugly man, but I love beauties.
I hate fat, ugly, immoral and untalkative woman.
My target is smart, pretty, matured and talkative!
But I don't know she like me or not.
Don't say to me, "Watch your mirror!"
254Music Slave ◆C1yTI8BuqI :03/08/17 09:55
Nice to meet you, ReisaiOsa-n!
Are you fine today?
I'm not so bad.
There was few funny time on Bon Holidays.
This summer was bad for me, but good for you!

>You must do masterbation(onani-)every day, very night.
Ha ha ha!
I'm likely to do so, if you don't say!
No problem.
Have your happy summer, too.
255ReisaiOsa-n ◆.TqB/BJyAQ :03/08/17 10:03
I really smypathize you. Mal I have your age please?
I'm sure I'm not so ugly than you.
But, I would have seemed to got aged too much.
I'm 40years old, For almost woman, I am out of target.
Nobody cares me!
Anyway What I must do things is what I can do
I will do my best,
God bless you and me.

Bon holiday has end today.
I will enter labour mood by tomorrow
I feel dezzy.
Now, I am going to have a little nap,
256Mr.名無しさん:03/08/17 10:19
Hello.my name is stasy.
I like Japanese boys.
Your dicks are very very harder than my countries boys.
I want to job to my face.
Please please come to my inside early and insert your dick to my pussy.
I am waiting now.
257ReisaiOsa-n ◆.TqB/BJyAQ :03/08/17 10:22
Nice you meet you too! Mr. Music Slave.
You seem music slave. I'm company's slave.
How short Bon Holidays are!
I want 3days more!
About music topic.
I like bosanova. But, not so familiar with it.
When I was young, I listened Heavy Metal well.
I like very light music, healing(iyashi) music these days.
258Mr.名無しさん:03/08/17 12:03
Goooooood Morning everyone!
The first rule of the Single Male Club is,
Females have to upload her picture for the 1st time,
then show us yor faces!
The second rule of the Single Male Club is,
One should love music.
The third rule. Gyousya(Ad agency) posting has to be neglected.
God bless you all, sir!
259Mr.名無しさん:03/08/17 16:37

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260Mr.名無しさん:03/08/17 16:39
261Mr.名無しさん:03/08/17 16:43
I'm short and a bit overweight.
262Mr.名無しさん:03/08/17 16:52
Rather than overweight but TOO FAT.
263ReisaiOsa-n ◆.TqB/BJyAQ :03/08/17 17:09
Porn dealer came here. >>259
I love Japanese woman dislike foreign wommen.

Oh, labour day is going to start!
Blue Monday. Holidays are my only pleasure.
264Mr.名無しさん:03/08/17 19:07
I'm not at all attrective.
I'm gloomy and unsociable.
There's nothing special that I can do.
I always ranker low at school, and I was more likely to be left behind.
Because I'm like this, I've never been promoted, and I'm an employee who has no hope of getting ahead.
My wife treats me like a fool, and my boss speaks down to me.
I'm disgusted with myself, too.
I want to change myself somehow, and I've tried everything, but in the end I get frustrated along the way.
265ReisaiOsa-n ◆.TqB/BJyAQ :03/08/17 19:30
Oh! What a misery, desperate life you have been getting along!
I really sympathize with you.
I can't find words that encourage you.
Why don't you find something hobby to which you can devote yourself.
It may be lonly life without good hobbies.
If you have wife and child, that might be not enough.
I think man need somethig plus in his life.

I ate a piece of melon. It was very delicious!
I like melon most among fruits.

Tomorrow, I have to go to the company.
Really bluu----uue.

266Mr.名無しさん:03/08/17 19:44
267Mr.名無しさん:03/08/17 19:45
268Mr.名無しさん:03/08/17 19:46
English please
269Mr.名無しさん:03/08/17 19:54
"Americans' English and Japanese English"
A difference is not known...
270Mr.名無しさん:03/08/17 19:56
271Mr.名無しさん:03/08/17 19:58
Yo ! man ! kick your ass .
272Mr.名無しさん:03/08/17 20:03
Can't you use English?
273>>272:03/08/17 20:06
I hava pen.
I hava pen in my poket.
274Mr.名無しさん:03/08/17 20:08
spell is wrong
275Mr.名無しさん:03/08/17 20:08
sperm is wrong
276Mr.名無しさん:03/08/17 20:10
277Mr.名無しさん:03/08/17 20:13
i think have+a=hava
but i don't know if it is actually used.
278Mr.名無しさん:03/08/17 20:14
279Mr.名無しさん:03/08/17 20:15
All my troubles seemed so far away
Now it seems as though they're here to stay
Oh I believe in yesterday
Suddenly, I'm not jalf the man I use to be
There's a shadow hanging over me
Oh yesterday came suddenly
Why she had to go, I don't know
She wouldn't say, she wouldn't say
I said something wrong now I long for yesterday
280Mr.名無しさん:03/08/17 20:16
OSIRI pen. pen. pen. pen.
281Mr.名無しさん:03/08/17 20:17
Pall ga McCartney
282Mr.名無しさん:03/08/17 20:19
283273:03/08/17 20:20
284Mr.名無しさん:03/08/17 20:21
Chin Chin shu syu syu
285Mr.名無しさん:03/08/17 20:24
I am sweet with you.
Pls translate this into English.
286Mr.名無しさん:03/08/17 20:24
I'm bored......................................... . . . . . . . .
287Mr.名無しさん:03/08/17 20:28
have you seen any good movies lately?
288Mr.名無しさん:03/08/17 20:34
289Mr.名無しさん:03/08/17 20:45
Thanks anyway.
290ReisaiOsa-n ◆.TqB/BJyAQ :03/08/17 21:13
Mr.Poisonman are you here?
Have you read my writings?
Are you busy? or bored this site?
(Honestly,I'm almost bored with this site.)
I've been expecting you.
Because you deserve to exchange some talk with me.
Yes, I know you use good English.
You work in your lab also I know in the past Thread.
I will wait you for some time.

291Mr.名無しさん:03/08/17 21:51
Have you seen my wallet?
292Mr.名無しさん:03/08/18 00:58
Good night.
293Mr.名無しさん:03/08/18 02:31
Have a nice dreem!
294Mr.名無しさん:03/08/18 02:34
Dreams come true.
295Mr.名無しさん:03/08/18 02:35
Since every day is a nightmare. Only dream.
296Mr.名無しさん:03/08/18 02:36
Don my
297Mr.名無しさん:03/08/18 02:36
Never mind.
298Mr.名無しさん:03/08/18 02:44
Cut it out!
299Mr.名無しさん:03/08/18 02:53
Are you discharging your dick ?
300Mr.名無しさん:03/08/18 02:56
My pulse rifle is run out of battery, thank you
301Mr.名無しさん:03/08/18 04:43
i wanna see my sweet honey and hug and kiss her.
302Mr.名無しさん:03/08/18 04:47
>>301dont you have any girl friends...?
303Mr.名無しさん:03/08/18 04:50
she is a very nice rady.
304Mr.名無しさん:03/08/18 04:57
(((( ;゚Д゚)))no
305Mr.名無しさん:03/08/18 04:57
Wataru Yamazaki(^^)
306Mr.名無しさん:03/08/18 05:00
oh, i've forgotten it.
it's very confusing for us, isn't it?
307Music Slave ◆C1yTI8BuqI :03/08/18 06:01
Good morning, Mr. ReisaiOsa-n!

Oh, you like bosanova!
I listened Latin musics, then it made me exciting.
South American or black music have joyful mood.
I don't like hevy metal very much, but I have heard 'Iron Maiden' and 'Mega Death.'
Healing music is also good to me.
If I introduce myself in English, I often say "I like easy listening, or healing music."

I'm twenty-five-year-old freshman at a university.
I'd also been part-time job's slave for 7 years.
It takes only an advantage, there's no service work time.
You have to start to work from today, cheer up!
308Mr.名無しさん:03/08/18 06:04
what's your major?
309Mr.名無しさん:03/08/18 06:06
At all, you understand English and do not become precocious.
310Music Slave ◆C1yTI8BuqI :03/08/18 06:07
English Literature.
311Mr.名無しさん:03/08/18 06:08
so what?
312Music Slave ◆C1yTI8BuqI :03/08/18 06:09
There's no meaning life.
Let's enjoy!
313Mr.名無しさん:03/08/18 06:10
it sounds very interesting.
what kind of job would you like to have in the future?
314Mr.名無しさん:03/08/18 06:11
sorry, i answerd to 309 at 311.
315ReisaiOsa-n ◆.TqB/BJyAQ :03/08/18 06:56
Good morning Mr.Music Slave.
Thank you.
I had heard Iron Maiden,Michael Schenker etc. about 20 years ago.
Healing music is good. I agree with you.
It make me relax.

Do your best for study and work.
Now, I have to go work for keep my daily life.
Good Luck!

316Mr.名無しさん:03/08/18 11:23
I've decided to run every morning.
317Mr.名無しさん:03/08/18 11:31
Good for you.
318Mr.名無しさん:03/08/18 12:35
>>30 laughed
319Mr.名無しさん:03/08/18 13:25
i feel like going out.
320Mr.名無しさん:03/08/18 18:17
shut up
321Mr.名無しさん:03/08/18 19:47
My blood type is B, and horoscope sign is Gemini.
322Mr.名無しさん:03/08/18 20:00
I like to watch penguins and seals at the aquarium.
323Mr.名無しさん:03/08/18 20:01
324Mr.名無しさん:03/08/18 20:07
I’m a Japanese.
325Mr.名無しさん:03/08/18 20:26
Are you a BUSAIKU-man?
326Mr.名無しさん:03/08/18 20:29
Yes,I am a Busaiku-man.
327Mr.名無しさん:03/08/18 20:31
My penis is small , what do you think ?
328Mr.名無しさん:03/08/18 20:43
Small dick is good for masturbation.
329Mr.名無しさん:03/08/18 20:43
What a shame!
330Mr.名無しさん:03/08/18 20:49
Oh my god!!!!!!
331327:03/08/18 21:03
Thank you very manko .
You are welcome .
My penis feels so happy .
332Mr.名無しさん:03/08/18 21:04
i'm bothered by lower back pain.
333Mr.名無しさん:03/08/18 21:21
334Mr.名無しさん:03/08/18 21:30
SEX shitai wo toomawashi ni iuto shitara nante eigo de iu?
335Mr.名無しさん:03/08/18 21:31
336Mr.名無しさん:03/08/18 21:32
I will gentle to you...
337Mr.名無しさん:03/08/18 21:33
338Mr.名無しさん:03/08/18 21:34

339Mr.名無しさん:03/08/18 21:35

340Mr.名無しさん:03/08/18 21:35
Do I make you horny?
341Mr.名無しさん:03/08/18 21:36
342Mr.名無しさん:03/08/18 21:37
Smack the bitch up.
343Mr.名無しさん:03/08/18 21:40
chin chin sasu OK?
344Mr.名無しさん:03/08/18 21:44
No !
345Mr.名無しさん:03/08/18 21:46
Let's spend night together.
346Mr.名無しさん:03/08/18 21:47
I am going to stick my dick, what do you say?
347Mr.名無しさん:03/08/18 21:49
oh my god!you are very rude!!
I call police officer(ry
348Mr.名無しさん:03/08/18 21:51
You make me do that, why do you call such a stuff?
349Mr.名無しさん:03/08/19 02:33
tell me why you cherry boys are alive.
350Mr.名無しさん:03/08/19 02:38
We are no dead.
351Mr.名無しさん:03/08/19 02:39
>>323  翻訳してくれるよ
352Mr.名無しさん:03/08/19 02:45


353Mr.名無しさん:03/08/19 09:53
     )(  .)
    ( ) (
    ` .  `    コンガリ(゚Д゚)ウマ−
  . ((⌒`''⌒)
    ||゛ ^ ^ │<これからも僕を応援して下さいね(^^)。
    || ゛  ゙|
   .((_入_)                      山崎製パン

354Mr.名無しさん:03/08/19 15:09
Yamazaki in the sky.
355Mr.名無しさん:03/08/19 16:28
"ABC Song"

ABCDEFG, HIJKLMNOP, QRS and TUV, Double U and XYZ, Happy, Happy will I be, When I say my ABC.
356Mr.名無しさん:03/08/19 18:26
I adore you.
357Mr.名無しさん:03/08/20 12:01
/ ^^ \  <これからも僕を応援して下さいね(^^)。

358Mr.名無しさん:03/08/20 17:22
i want to be a photographer.
359Mr.名無しさん:03/08/20 17:47
i want to be a shell.
360=色白巨乳系VCD=900円出品中=:03/08/21 04:37
サンプル動画あり■ソフィーティア コスプレ 白肌巨乳
サンプル動画あり●FFティファ 色白巨乳桜井さら(奥菜つばさ)
サンプル動画あり▲麻生早苗 色白巨乳 女医
サンプル動画あり▲色白巨乳60分 鈴木志帆
サンプル動画あり●松田瞳 色白 巨乳 60分

361Mr.名無しさん:03/08/21 04:53
me too.
362Mr.名無しさん:03/08/21 16:46
How R U goin'on?
Actually,my exams started from this week,thats why Im a little bit
busy last time.
363Mr.名無しさん:03/08/21 20:05

        (  ^^ ) <僕と一夜を過ごしてみませんか?(^^)
  パンパン /  _ノ⌒⌒⌒`〜、_
   ε( ̄⊂人 //⌒   ノ  ヽ)
   ⊂ニニニニニニニニニニニニニニ⊃                山崎渉
      ∧∧             |V⌒)
     ミ*゚∀゚ミ =3ゲフー      |W^ ^ ;| <…れから、も……応、援……?(^^;)
    〜ミ,,,,,,,,,,,)ミ        ⊂|    |つ
                    (_)(_)                   故山崎パン