1 :
Mr.名無しさん :
03/04/18 16:03
deokure mannko!
5 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/04/18 16:06
The word "peninsula" is derived from penis. As you know, peninsula looks like penis on a map.
7 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/04/18 17:17
>>1 Oh! Each thread is the same thread!
You got an easy mistake, silly boy.
9 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/04/18 17:35
10 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/04/18 17:38
Junior College attached to Omanko Girls' Academy (a.k.a.Oma-Tan)
┏━━┓ ┃━┏┃ ┃ ┛┃ソンデ? ┗━━┛ ┏━━┓ ┃━┏┃ ┃ ┛┃ソレカラ? ┗━━┛ ┏━━━━━━┓ ┃ ┃ ┃ ━━ ┏━ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ━┛ ┃ダカラナニ? ┃ ┃ ┗━━━━━━┛
13 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/04/18 19:33
>>9 ha ha .... warota! to ittemirutesutodesuyo-!!!
Fuck your asshole !
15 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/04/18 19:53
16 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/04/18 19:54
17 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/04/18 19:54
18 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/04/18 19:56
oh! my god!
19 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/04/18 19:57
sexualharasument? she should take that compliment!
20 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/04/18 19:57
21 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/04/18 19:57
See more butt!!!
Today's currency exchange rate... I don't know...LOL I wanted to go out. Just I wanted to go out for walk... But... Outside was raining. In this Labor's day holiday, the weather was so nasty. Rain, rain, rain and rain. Yesterday, when I was out, it was rain but it was walkable without umbrella. Since coming back from Turkey, I've been bored. Well, I went out on Friday and Saturday. Sunday, yesterday, I went to shopping. ...but today, I was just at home. Because I was busy all the time in Turkey, I feel I do nothing in here right now. That makes me bored.
I like a busy life. I like a busy day. Sometimes I need a holiday, but basically I like a busy day. I try to keep me busy for the most of time. Well, it was boring weekend. Tomorrow I have a class in the evening... My fall semester is finally starting. At least I should be happy, right?
26 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/04/18 21:06
everyday i'm in a stupid little life, fooling around webs, making nothing but loosing something. sometimes i make people a litle bit happier but most of the time i am just making them mad and beeting them up. i am fuckin tired that i am doin but i cant quit i am a stupid little addicted geek, fooling around,,,,,
27 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/04/18 22:54
I'm not popular with girls.
28 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/04/18 22:55
I'm not Cherryboy?
さんきゅう べんじょ まっち
30 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/04/18 23:18
31 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/04/18 23:20
I will die.
32 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/04/18 23:21
>>28 NO! you are cherryboy,me too.
we are all cherryboys!
33 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/04/18 23:22
we need ONANY
34 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/04/18 23:33
25 years old.
Although it was without [ the ] golden till last year, they are an on-line casino and pachinko.
It stored 3,500,000 in two years. All [ do at once and ]. Although it is only the first time, if you buy a 1-dollar or more tip,
30 dollars (about 4000 yen) can be got.
It can also convert into money, without giving and playing as it is given,
and it is to red or black with roulette. If it risks decisively, it will double at 50%. What is necessary is only just to carry out a game off-line.
It is killing time. video poker and SURO -- since it is variously -- MAJI -- recommendation
35 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/04/18 23:35
/_ |
/. \ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|
/ / ― ― |
| / - - |
||| (5 > |
| | | ┏━┓| / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
| | | | ┃─┃| < Such a site was found.
|| | | | \ ┃ ┃/ \ Honesty, SUMAN cutter
| || | |  ̄ \_________
36 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/04/18 23:36
go home
37 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/04/18 23:37
http://www.media-0.com/user/gotosex/ Moro vanity WASSHOI!!
\\ Moro vanity WASSHOI!! //
+ + \\ Moro vanity WASSHOI!!/+
. + /■\ /■\ /■\ +
( ´∀`∩(´∀`∩)( ´ー`)
+ (( (つ ノ(つ 丿(つ つ )) +
ヽ ( ノ ( ノ ) ) )
(_)し' し(_) (_)_)
38 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/04/18 23:43
∧_∧ | | / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
( ´Д`)// < Teacher! It is discovery SHIMASUTA about such !
/ / |
/ /| / \
http://saitama.gasuki.com/kaorin/ __| | .| | \
\  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\ \_____________
||\ \
||\|| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|| ̄
|| || ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄||
.|| ||
39 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/04/19 00:37
Fuck me! I wanna your Big dick!
40 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/04/19 00:40
Rain of a thousand flames
41 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/04/19 02:04
∧_∧ ( ´Д`) <Hey All , Do you have a tea time? / \ | l l | ..,. ., ., | | | _|。.:_::゜。-.;.:゜。:.:;。 ヽ \_ .。'゚/ `。:、`;゜:;.::.。:.:。 /\_ン∩ソ\ ::..゜:: ゚。:.:.::.。.。:. . / /`ー'ー'\ \ ゜: ::..゜:: ゚。:.:.:,。:.:. 〈 く / / ::..゜:: ゚。:.:.:,.:.:.:。:.:, . \ L ./ / _::..゜:: ゚。:.:.:,.:.:,.:.:.:, 〉 ) ( .::旦旦旦旦旦旦旦旦旦旦旦旦旦旦旦旦旦旦. (_,ノ .`ー'旦旦旦旦旦旦旦旦旦旦旦旦旦旦旦旦旦旦.
the floating sentiment through telephne circuit make my blood pump
Who are you guys talking to? You've got no mates, haven't you?
who needs friends @ 2ch?w
>>25 Yeah, You look like very happy boy.
mankopooooooo age
↑ innpo looser
48 :
超厨房(;´ д`)*゚ー゚) ◆au.oOm6k0E :03/04/19 20:16
If only a seed shall fall, Even among the waterless stones, A tree will grow. If you love and I love, Can it be we shall never meet?
As flogged by tempests A wave I have seen Dash itself against the rocks So in these bitter hours myself only Am by my thoughts destroyed.
∧_∧ ( ^^ )< ぬるぽ(^^)
∧_∧ ( ^^ )< ぬるぽ(^^)
52 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/04/20 02:58
>>34 Call your psyatrist!
You are not funny.
As flogged by tempests A wave I have seen Dash itself against the rocks So in these bitter hours myself only Am by my thoughts destroyed.
In their styes with all their backing They don't care what goes on around In their eyes there's something lacking What they need's a damn good whacking
いっぱい聞いて♪いっぱい喋れる♪ いっぱい聞いて♪いっぱい喋れる♪
56 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/04/20 04:17
I have a better idea Fuck your ass with own dick
∧_∧ ( ^^ )< ぬるぽ(^^)
∧_∧ ( ^^ )< ぬるぽ(^^)
I've got a TOEIC result. I'm gonna fall down.
( ・∀・) | | ガッ と ) | | Y /ノ 人 / ) < >__Λ∩ _/し' //. V ^ ^)/ (_フ彡 / ← 山崎渉
i have a penis thank you
63 :
ナンバーナイソ :03/04/20 07:27
It's not yours.Give me back RIGHT NOW!!
64 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/04/20 07:28
アイ アム ア ペン
Mickey Mouse goes to his attorney's office. It turns out he's decided to divorce Minnie. The lawyer says to Mickey, "Mick, you can't just divorce Minnie because she's silly." Mickey replies, "I'm not divorcing her because she's silly; I'm divorcing her because she's fucking Goofy!"
∧_∧ ( ^^ )< null po (^^)
>>60 Never mind mate!
TOEIC is an English test which was created especially for the Japanese that
are incurably poor in decent English tests such as TOEFL and IELTS.
Nobody take the bloody hell exam like TOEIC serious outside Japan.
TOEIC is an English test which was created especially for the Japanese that ware incurably poor in decent English tests such as TOEFL and IELTS. Nobody takes the bloody hell exam like TOEIC serious outside Japan.
69 :
kaibara yuzan :03/04/20 17:26
\_ _/ _/ \ / / ξ Λ⊥Λ / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ( ´∀`) < So I spoiled my 3 hours.Anyway I'm thinking about a job-change. ◯ / / \_______ \/ | / // ̄| | | (_)__)(_)_)
I want to have sixty-nine.
71 :
アーマードダンゴムシ大佐 :03/04/20 17:36
So fuck what?
72 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/04/20 17:37
juhttrrr ut8hrhtrhthth lokihjhj
73 :
アーマードダンゴムシ大佐 :03/04/20 17:40
I mean,
>>68 So fuck what? It's just an excuse of Japanese who cannot expect
good score on the exam.
I am getting bald. Maybe you, too.
Some people are really desperate to get "high"(=700 or so) scores on TOEC tests. That seems very stupid to me.
76 :
アーマードダンゴムシ大佐 :03/04/20 17:53
>>75 Pleeeeeese do not make me laugh.
You really think 700 is "high"? It's called "decent."
"Good" or what you want to call "high" is supposed to be more than 800.
77 :
kaibara yuzan :03/04/20 18:41
I could not reach "decent"scores.
アーマードダンゴムシ大佐 is not sencible enough to think why 75 used quotation marks.
Why does your fart stink that much?
80 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/04/20 23:50
Good evenig, sir.
| あなた達は愚行の数々を繰り広げる低脳で無知で強欲な生物です(^^; . |
| しかしこのFLASHを見ればきっと神は御救いになられるでしょう(^^) |
\ (^^)
http://f2.aaacafe.ne.jp/~eagle/flash/flash.htm (^^) /
\ /
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
( ^^ )
(っ) ,,,,l ` γ l,,,,,
\ \/~~.... |。 ~~ヽ
\,,/ | |。田}}\ \
| |。 | ヽ_ヽ
_ | |。 | ゝつ
|\  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\
< 山 崎 ! 山 崎 ! 山 崎 ! >
、 、 、 、 、
/っノ /っノ /っノ /っノ /っノ
/ / ∧_∧ / / ∧_∧ / / ∧_∧ / / ∧_∧ / / ∧_∧
\\( )\\( )\\( )\\( )\\( )
82 :
普通にキモイ ◆60AATFNIGc :03/04/21 13:31
と 某 申 は し 普 ま 通 す に る キ モ イ
I have shitted myself. Now I have to wash my pants.
85 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/04/22 22:48
Hello, gays!
86 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/04/22 22:48
word up?
87 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/04/22 23:07
No No wake up now!
88 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/04/22 23:21
dick up?
I am alone.
I leave you alone
91 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/04/23 10:36
92 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/04/23 11:44
93 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/04/23 11:58
бξψδ‡Υθ Σ∽ωΩ≫≫¶∝! ‥⊇ΔΨΨ*~"§ЗЗЗфд〃』<∵£∴。
94 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/04/23 12:01
good evening everyone
95 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/04/23 13:41
good afternoon, stupid
Quit screwing around.
Nothing good happens.
I can't stop alcohol.
100 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/04/24 00:05
Me Too
101 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/04/24 00:09
Is Howdy Howdy good?
102 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/04/24 00:10
i am a pen. you are lonly,we are lonely men.
I like Häagen-Datz.
I stayed in bed for three hours, but I did not fall asleep. What should I do?
Do you have anything you can enjoy?
I am hungry.
I live underground.
Party Sushi 1200yen //oritop.de/opendoor/dgs/sales/innatill112203475/ password#world-hives
109 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/04/27 16:06
If we loose this board, then we can do nothing.
110 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/04/27 17:38
Party Sushi is the perfect choice to make your life more enjoyable. Wheather at home, school or work, make your next life special with Party Sushi!!! 1200yen
I like sushi very much.
112 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/04/27 18:19
I can eat raw fish. But sushi is a bit tasteless for me.
raw fish raw egg seaweed octopus natto ...
115 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/04/30 19:35
aged 115
117 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/04/30 19:41
I never thought that I can see this thread once again. This is good. Now I'm looking for something to kill time. Any ideas?
118 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/04/30 19:47
119 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/04/30 21:19
helloooo! is erobody here?
120 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/04/30 21:21
121 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/01 11:00
122 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/01 11:06
Shi kashi him adanah.
123 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/01 11:09
Eat shit.
125 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/01 20:58
i wanna dupe
126 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/01 21:00
I hate BITCH.
127 :
ま@み小5 ◆Q57leiGoS2 :03/05/01 21:01
レッドモー チヤンコモー アイモー キイエタア ノ RESKA-?
We do not want none of them, and you, either. Go to hell.
129 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/01 21:57
Computers never smile, even when you type a good joke onto their screens.
130 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/01 23:48
you can smile yourself. or you can cut the connection and hang yourself.
131 :
名無しさん@XEmacs :03/05/02 00:37
I, one of the single guys in this BBS, am really happy to find a place to communicate in written English without taking it too much serious. Aren't there anybody who has ever succeeded in making a good partnership with a girl because of your English skill?
Uh, I feel as weak as a bloody kitten.
133 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/02 00:47
>>131 i used to go out with an american girl who came from montana
when i was studying at a college in the us. ;P
134 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/02 00:48
bloody exams are pissing me off...
>>134 I wish your bloody mouth was bunged up.
138 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/03 01:51
I have nothing to talk about.
139 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/03 23:05
How are you this evenig? Having sex?
140 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/03 23:08
I am coka cola. I drink that everyday today I is buying coka cola but machine did not liked me and never it come It was wating a long times so I kicked machne and broke it but my bone too. I want to be dead
>>140 You are a very good writer!
I am impressed!
143 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/03 23:58
nothing funny except 140
145 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/04 02:08
Damn! I have stepped on a dog shit.
146 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/04 02:27
daydreaming about you you make my heart go crazy high as the heavens above
147 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/04 02:32
おう わからなーいね たいさんアルヨ
148 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/04 02:34
When mid-night come my dream begin shivering -like a frail man I wonder What he will be in the future
ヽ( ・∀・)ノ unko-
150 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/04 02:57
I am chinko suck me!!please
151 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/04 03:09
You smell like a dick.
152 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/04 03:14
Here my chinko piece too
153 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/04 03:16
154 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/04 03:19
155 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/04 03:21
I have a nice idea Do syonben in my asshole
156 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/04 03:22
157 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/04 03:23
>>154 Oh! You are crazy! Omanko is beautyful!
158 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/04 03:25
I Like OMANKO but I hate OMANKO fish smell
159 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/04 03:26
>>154 My Ochinko need Omanko
160 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/04 03:27
161 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/04 03:27
What is "omanko" ? Do not talk about such a fiction !!
162 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/04 03:28
I don`t like omanko but omankoes like me
163 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/04 03:28
This thread is full of intelligence!
164 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/04 03:28
>>158 Sure. but I like osikko smell
165 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/04 03:29
166 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/04 03:31
My ochinko is [kawakamuri]
167 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/04 03:35
168 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/04 03:46
she ask me have i been touched have i done the thing with anyone yet .........silence
169 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/04 03:52
I want to see omanko!
170 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/04 03:54
OMANKO is my thing
171 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/04 04:01
What the hell are you thinking
172 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/04 04:02
My "omanko" image is turuturu rorirori.
173 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/04 04:05
>>172 I colling policeman. you are dannger.
174 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/04 04:07
Omanko and Ochinko is best friend.
175 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/04 04:09
>>173 No,no,just imagine.
176 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/04 04:26
Did you omanked yesterday?
177 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/04 04:32
>>176 No,I haven't omanked these 5years.
178 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/04 04:35
>>176 ya,i'm intend to start omanking soon.
179 :
jade hus :03/05/04 04:36
Why don't you be able to get a omeko?
180 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/04 04:37
>>179 I like omanko,but omanko dislike me.
181 :
jade hus :03/05/04 04:40
Oh! That's too bad... Do you nkow how much the omanko is?
182 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/04 04:40
No other countries have so many omako as 2ch
183 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/04 09:39
I have never seen three dimensional omanko
184 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/04 12:28
186 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/04 12:35
∧∧ ( ´;゚;ё;゚;) U | 〜 | U"U
187 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/04 13:22
thats very nice
188 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/04 15:31
what is OMANKO for you? OMANKO is my life for me.it can live, even if there is nothing other.
189 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/04 15:36
I can't help falling in love
190 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/04 15:46
what the hell are you talking about?
191 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/05 13:12
Do you have a sex every day? I also had a sex this morning.
192 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/05 13:15
193 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/05 13:20
194 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/05 13:22
>>191 Would you write the story of personal experiences of sex of you?
195 :
あい ◆AI26.s0Z.6 :03/05/05 13:32
>>194 it's a national confidential
wait for 30 years !
196 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/05 13:33
>>191 I know you are fisherman
More over, you are a cherry boy, you have never seen OMANKO ! Wow!
197 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/05 13:39
wake waka ra n
198 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/05 13:41
OMANKO girl school!
199 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/05 13:42
ここは大日本帝国である 売国奴どもが
200 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/05 13:48
>>196 Is your heart ugly!!! Please be not jealous.
201 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/05 14:01
>>199 Hey hey yellow monkey !
Fuck off Aussies !
You forget Jap was beaten by America ?
202 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/05 14:03
>>201 何を言っているか分からぬ。
203 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/05 14:08
204 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/05 14:09
205 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/05 15:55
Excrement also came out in large quantities today. It is a good feeling.
what you trying to do?
207 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/05 17:42
what does th e fisherman mean?
208 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/05 17:45
?????? ??????? ?? ??? ????? ???? ?? ??? ??? ????? ?????? ??? ?????? ?????. ??? ??? ???,???,??? ??? ??? ??? ?? ???? ??????? ?? ??? ?? ?????? ???? ?????????? ???? ??? ? ???? ????? ?????? ? ??? ?????. ?? ??? ??? ???? ??? ??? ? ??? ???? ???? ????? ?? ???? ?? ????? ??? ?? ??????? ??? ?? ??? ?? ?????. ?? ?? ????? ?? ???? ?? ? ??????? ???? ??? ? ???? ?? ????? ??? ???? ?? ??? ??? ??? ?????.
209 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/05 18:04
Today I went to docuter He said you need a gips I didnt like it because I am a carpenters so I broke it. but pinky bone was still ぐにゃぐにゃ so I carried
210 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/05 22:37
I am 35 sinnsei doutei man, any question?
211 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/05 23:32
>>210 How many times played masturbation this week?
212 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/05 23:54
>>211 Once a day at least (maji-res)
More than three times a day would kill you! (lol
>>213 Really? but I cannot do that three times in each day...
>>214 It entertains you but you lose any amount of your energy.
However, leaset once three days must be appropriate, you know?
217 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/06 22:34
Whiter teeth gives you better life. Try Olympic toothpaste 1200yen
hey you wankers!
219 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/06 22:57
We have the blues. Let's kill ourself.
220 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/06 23:25
How did you master English?
speak english to gaijin ppl lah!
>>215 I wish what that page says were true.
223 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/08 21:19
I am a dog shit.
225 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/08 23:26
i went to mouse ikubo so my ass hurts itatataaa
226 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/08 23:36
I want to fuck junior highscool girls.
227 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/08 23:48
>>226 you are true madness so much
228 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/08 23:49
A lot of high school girls look so stupid. Their pussy might be tight, but I do not want to get involved with those people.
229 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/08 23:52
>>228 No kidding!Their pussy must be loose.
230 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/09 00:00
Girls who belong to sports club may have tight pussy. Most of the stupid girls do not join any club.
231 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/09 00:01
That means their pussy is loose.
232 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/09 00:07
Their cunt stinks a lot. I don't want to smell it. It makes me sick.
233 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/09 00:10
Right.But I heard that girls who doing sports hard sometimes damage their hymen.What a sadness this is!
you psych
235 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/09 00:25
Even if some of them have their hymen damaged, they still are virgins and may have tight vagina. And you won't notice their hymen is torn, untill you watch it.
236 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/09 00:28
I want to touch women's breasts.
239 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/09 00:35
The URL on 237 will not crush your browser, but do not visit it. It does not worth.
240 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/09 00:50
Everything seems labourious.
It is too late. I should go to bed.
242 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/09 01:28
my boss is stupid american he is about firing me aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa damepo
243 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/09 01:38
American people have large penis, and that's all. Don't mind what he does. He is just a meathead.
244 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/09 01:40
I can't understand that what it is meathead.
245 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/09 01:45
"Meathead" means a stupid person. I am not sure of the origin of the word. Maybe meat in his skull instead of brain.
246 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/09 01:46
247 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/09 01:48
My girlfriend is a bigass nigga from stamford
248 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/09 01:49
anybody form IB?
249 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/09 02:06
What is IB? Ivy League?
250 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/09 02:09
>>33 Whether they keep intact hymens "physically" does make quite little sence to me,
I am afraid.
Rather, I want young school girls, as well as shool boys, to find more
inportant and valuable subject or matter than sexual, sensual, and carnal pleasure.
While what they learn at their youth can stay longer, sensual pleasure
would too quickly pass away!!
251 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/09 02:20
By the way: Has any of you ever participated in the "Masturbation-quitting Marathon" ? And how long have you kept yourself from the "act"? # In my case, I have once succeeded in accomplish "one month throughtout course"!! # It might sound somehow self-boasting, thogh...
252 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/09 03:22
why you doing that?
253 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/09 03:31
Maji-de I am already Damepo…
255 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/09 22:51
i never had sex with human but dogs
256 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/10 21:43
257 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/10 21:48
というか、書いていてふと思ったが、 「20代の10年間で、たった1度もSEXできなかった」 という事実は、30代半ばになった現在考えても実に悲しくショッキングだ。 大学時代、彼女がいた(というか、俺の入っていたサークルでは俺以外は全員 彼女ができたのだが)やつらに聞くと、大学3年くらいになって授業も少なく なると、アパート暮らしのやつは彼女と素っ裸で週2〜3日過ごして、朝から 夜まで思いついたらSEXする、という毎日だったらしい。 100回どころか、2年間で1000回以上SEXしたという話も聞いた。 大学4年間だけで1000回以上SEXするやつがいるのに、 20代の10年間で「0回」だった俺・・・・・ 1000とゼロ!!! この事実を考えるとがくぜんとするよ しかも、そういうやつに限って単位を落とさない(女のほうも)。 就職浪人もせずにちゃんと就職する。 そういう男に対してはうらやましさは感じるがねたみはないな。 しかしむしろ、むかつくのは女のほうだ。 大学4年間、男とSEXするだけでなく、男の部屋を素っ裸で歩きまわった り、裸体をさんざん男にさらしたりして・・・SEXそのものを何百回とし ただけでなく、何万回とキスをしているわけだ。俺たちが10年で1回もで きなかったキスを何万回だぜ!!! 大学の中でアオカンするようなやつらはさすがに見かけなかったが、大学で キスしているカップルはよく見かけた。俺がいっさいできない、1回もして いないキスを、大学の校舎をバックに軽くチュッ!としているやつらの姿を 思い出すと、今でもくやしくてくやしくて涙がにじんでくる。
258 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/11 05:57
>>257 ;
How many times you have had sex with your girlfriends does not determine
your value. You can be more confident of yourself!!
While your schoolmates were addicted to love affaires, you must have
had anything else that they could not.
I suppose you have some English communication skill, because
you come to this "thread" that requires the skill.
Isn't it the fruit of your effort that you have made in your college years?
Why don't you listen to the song, "世界に一つの花" by SMAP?
>>258 , I've moved so much !!!!
260 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/11 06:13
>>259 Oh,I see.unko,thanks.
260 is not me ... Stop spoofing, please ...( $(B!- )I?&X? (B`) -A
>>261 I know. Never mind !
"Unko" means United Korea. Do you know ?
yeah, we all are addicted to ヽ( ・∀・)ノ ウンコー!
264 :
まさこ ◆8uiPIFbfos :03/05/11 07:31
You are very international.aren,t you? I respect yours.thank you little much.
265 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/11 21:03
I have been trapped in a DAMEPO spiral and I am trying hard to get out, but it seems I can't. I will give up soon in the depth of despair.
266 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/11 21:18
すごいなおまいら・・・ まじで尊敬しちゃうよ
267 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/11 22:45
That woman had licked my stinking penis joyfully. It is an occurrence on this morning.
268 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/11 22:54
>>267 You had a really sweet dream, didn't you?
269 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/11 23:17
>>268 It is not a dream. It is a fact. she said that it was an uncanny good taste.
270 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/11 23:22
I see. That was not an illusion ONLY in your brain.
271 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/11 23:24
>>270 todays dinner is curry rice
272 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/11 23:25
Uncanny. I didn't know that word. Now I've got more intelligent and can have a girlfriend!
273 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/11 23:26
>>270 Some consider what people also say as it is better to believe. Distrustful life makes you a misfortune.
274 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/11 23:26
09044461730 09044461739
275 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/11 23:27
>>271 That curry must have been mixed with shit.
276 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/11 23:28
>>274 Hide yourself immediately or you will get arrested!
277 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/12 04:11
Informed!!! Informed!!!
278 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/12 04:14
>>277 a little warota
Hey, it's already four o'clock.
Go to bed soon ! Or don't you have your work today?
279 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/12 04:15
Too late. 274 is millions of miles away by now.
280 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/12 04:17
274 writes the number on many threads. Has anyone called on it?
281 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/12 04:17
I must have the work done before sunrise.
282 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/12 04:18
Oh really? I wonder what 'before sunrise' means. And... I also have a work to be done by 10.
283 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/12 04:18
>>280 No one would do that late at night.
284 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/12 04:20
I am Yakining now
285 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/12 04:21
>>282 Actually, I am a thief and have to do the job during night.
Now it is getting brighter. I have to hurry.
286 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/12 04:23
Oh great, and have a good work. In this season night is so short that your business comes difficult, I guess.
287 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/12 04:23
a night shift tough work
288 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/12 04:27
My job, to be done by 10, has been 0% completed by now...
289 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/12 04:28
I'm starving. I'll go and eat something.
290 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/12 04:29
>>288 Take it easy. You still have plenty of time.
It will be done by 10.
291 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/12 04:30
But I'm already sleepy and about to go to bed... Ittekimasu.
292 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/12 04:32
>>284 You are watching 2ch during work, right?
Be careful. That sort of activities might get you fired.
293 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/12 04:38
Guys, I'm now going to bed. Good night!
294 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/12 04:39
Have a sweet dream.
I got a good night's rest. You all beautiful dreamers!
296 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/13 02:52
suck my dick.
bloooody hell! i can't sleep lah!
298 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/13 10:46
good bye
299 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/13 10:49
300 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/13 10:52
Dumn!I'm late for university! ...ok,today gonna be a holiday AGAIN.
301 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/13 11:36
>>300 oh! lemon ness got shit ahh(water
what should i do...hmmm...
good night!
302 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/14 00:46
dum spiro, spero.
303 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/14 00:48
304 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/14 00:50
305 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/14 01:20
Madam, I'm Adam.
306 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/14 01:33
Would you drink my sperm someone? it's so nice taste!! and It is so useful also to your health.
307 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/14 01:34
shut fuck up
308 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/14 01:45
I'm looking for "KIMOMEN". Does it exist on the earth truly? I want to see from the bottom of the heart.
309 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/14 02:27
310 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/14 02:30
I am sweetened.......I mean diabetic uwwwwaaaan
311 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/14 02:30
I'm dreadfully unpopular with girls.......my life is filled with loneliness, nonsense for me......
312 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/14 06:17
anybody wake?
313 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/14 08:12
Hi mates! Are you having wank now?!
get up
315 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/14 08:33
>>308 Look mirrors. There are many KIMOMEN in them.
316 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/14 20:04
>>315 According to your command, I looked at the mirror. One "IKEMEN" was reflected there. I was disappointed. I think that what you say should not have been believed.
317 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/14 22:52
>>316 That's interesting. I think you are just unlucky. In my case, I found so many "KIMOMEN"s.
319 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/15 01:05
320 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/15 01:29
A sweetheart is the matter which I was told before. I thought that it was very glad. 『my morning glow a red sun and toward in the evening are related to you. Keep the flow of soul no otherwise.』 Probably it can never meet those who say such a thing.
322 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/17 07:26
I am aged 322.
323 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/17 23:01
Hello, gays!
324 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/17 23:35
I am a cherry at the age of 32. Since I am depression, I will die.(鬱だ死のう)
325 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/17 23:37
I am so much depressed that I will cut the Internet connection and hang myself. Maybe someone will translate that phrase much better.
326 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/17 23:43
I have never had sex and will never. You, either?
327 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/17 23:47
Nothing good happens again today.
328 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/17 23:51
nothing to talk about
329 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/17 23:54
mine looks like a ball-point pen lah!
330 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/17 23:57
My penis is as large as a thumb.
331 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/18 00:17
You had better going to bed.
332 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/18 00:19
There are a lot of bugs in my futon, and I can't sleep in it.
I want to eat shit
334 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/18 01:22
i bet not many ppl are writing in this msg board lah!
335 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/18 01:26
sakura tongue haha
336 :
名無しさん@XEmacs :03/05/18 08:23
>>332 I recommend you to expose your futon to the sunlight.
You will have a really good night today.
337 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/19 01:55
My sweetheart has gone away from me. I do not learn how to overcome this sadness. Please tell me someone.
338 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/19 02:54
go soap
>>337 hum, you might be looking forward to finding your new loves.
All you have to do is to change your clothes and go outdoors!
・・・or, play ero-games beside your computer(´・ω・`)
I am coffee.
341 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/19 22:39
I often break wind in crowded places like trains or streets.
342 :
名無しさん@XEmacs :03/05/20 00:55
I have got an pollen allergy now. (´・ω・`)ショボーン It may sound a little later than familiar cases, though. My eyes are really itchy!! Can anybody suggest what kind of the pollen it would be?
349 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/22 04:28
Nonsense! Nowhere to go? Come and play, all my friends!
350 :
Music Slave ◆C1yTI8BuqI :03/05/22 04:49
Let's have love affair!
351 :
レッドスター・赤星 :03/05/22 04:54
ihope so gyaiants as NO1teem.
352 :
Music Slave ◆C1yTI8BuqI :03/05/22 05:00
>>351 But I'm sure Hanshin Tigers must win this penant!
Giants would be No.3 to No.6.
HAHAHAHA! Money don't cares, you know?
oh, my bad typing! Maybe I was just confused. I should collect, "Money cares nothing."
355 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/24 13:45
aged 617
what are you having for lunch?
My English is very broken... But all I can do is practice my English skills.
all your base are belong to us
Recently I find korean movies interesting. They are very moving.
360 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/25 00:39
Bonjour,Monsieurs Je suis heureu de vous voir.
361 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/25 00:40
is that French?
362 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/25 00:48
My penis is large. Is it enviable?
363 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/25 00:50
It is glate
364 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/25 00:50
not at all in my opinion. by the way, do you have a girlfriend?
365 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/25 01:01
Sorry I'm a girl. I don't have a lover. How can I get ??? Do you know the way?
J'ai soif...
367 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/25 01:04
ask men in streets "hi, do you have 30 thousand yen." then you can sex.
368 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/25 01:05
>>364 First the time ,do you have?
369 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/25 01:06
370 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/25 01:08
i have a very pretty girlfriend. so what?
371 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/25 01:09
My sweetheart is addicted to my penis.
372 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/25 01:09
373 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/25 01:10
>362 my chin-chin is wide(not wild) but short. so your`s good got`s gift.
374 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/25 01:15
I'm 30 thousand yen ??? I feel so cheap. cos i can give men some technical pleasures.
375 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/25 01:15
>>366 J'ai la soif de l'amour.
376 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/25 01:17
I can,t understand what you are saiing at all. (´・ω・`)
377 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/25 01:18
It separated from the sweetheart. I am alive in sadness now. I need someone who is comforted.
378 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/25 01:18
work!! son of a bitch!!
379 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/25 01:19
380 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/25 01:20
381 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/25 01:21
382 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/25 01:21
>>380 It is disagreeable.
I just wanted to make my look wise. That means, I have thirst for love.
384 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/25 01:23
385 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/25 01:25
386 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/25 01:27
>>383 you won't be loved forever unless you say such a thing
387 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/25 01:29
388 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/25 01:30
>>382 Are you kid ?
you must follow what 380 said.
389 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/25 01:32
390 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/25 01:33
i went to casino today i lost ¥200k i wanna die
391 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/25 01:33
>>386 I don't say everytime such itchy thing.
Looking 366, I just think that. So don't misunderstand me.
Well, It is a fact that I have't had a girl.
392 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/25 01:34
>>388 Would you teach the method of suicide?
393 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/25 01:35
>>389 It is not a lie. I described the fact.
394 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/25 01:36
395 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/25 01:45
>>392 "The briquet and SHICHIRIN" is latest style.
Don't forget GAMUTE (w
396 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/25 01:46
>>393 oh sorry
misunderstand U.
can i ask your high and weight ?
Are you look like famous acter ?
397 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/25 01:47
it's a sony
398 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/25 01:47
399 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/25 01:51
excuse me what mean briquet,SHICHIRIN and GAMUTE ?
400 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/25 01:55
people here are typing with have a dictionary
401 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/25 01:56
>399 ('A`)huh? googREYO, Voke
402 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/25 01:57
403 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/25 02:14
>>396 My height is 175cm and weight is 66kg.
Many people say that I resemble Kenji Sakaguchi.
There are some persons who say resemble DOUCHIN of chemistry.
404 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/25 02:14
fuck you all
405 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/25 20:37
406 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/25 22:39
Douchin is handsum one of two?
407 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/25 22:44
>>407 OK, OK, good boy, I'll try it...
"MY NAME !!"
409 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/27 23:59
410 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/28 00:08
ko-no-mama------ dokoka- to------ku-u tu--re-te--te--- ku-ure-na-ika----- kimiha--------aa ki-mikosoha-------aa nichiyo-o-ooobi- yorino---shi-isha----------
411 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/28 00:28
Many girls say that my eyes are attractive. I am very popular from a girl. because I have humorous character and beautiful appearance.
412 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/28 00:37
彡川川川三三三ミ〜 川|川/ \|〜 muun ‖|‖ ◎---◎|〜 / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ 川川‖ 3 ヽ〜 <Many girls say that my eyes are attractive 川川 ∴)д(∴)〜 \_______________ 川川 〜 /〜 ratiratirati 川川‖ 〜 /‖ _____ 川川川川___/‖ | | ̄ ̄\ \ / \__| | | ̄ ̄| / \___ | | |__| | \ |つ |__|__/ / /  ̄ ̄ | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| 〔 ̄ ̄〕 | | ̄
∧_∧ ピュ.ー ( ^^ ) <これからも僕を応援して下さいね(^^)。 =〔~∪ ̄ ̄〕 = ◎――◎ 山崎渉
∧_∧ ピュ.ー ( ^^ ) <これからも僕を応援して下さいね(^^)。 =〔~∪ ̄ ̄〕 = ◎――◎ 山崎渉
∧_∧ ピュ.ー ( ^^ ) <これからも僕を応援して下さいね(^^)。 =〔~∪ ̄ ̄〕 = ◎――◎ 山崎渉
∧_∧ ピュ.ー ( ^^ ) <これからも僕を応援して下さいね(^^)。 =〔~∪ ̄ ̄〕 = ◎――◎ 山崎渉
417 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/28 12:26
∧_∧ ピュ.ー ( ^^ ) <これからも僕を応援して下さいね(^^)。 =〔~∪ ̄ ̄〕 = ◎――◎ 山崎渉
419 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/28 13:41
aged 715
∧_∧ ピュ.ー ( ^^ ) <これからも僕を応援して下さいね(^^)。 =〔~∪ ̄ ̄〕 = ◎――◎ 山崎渉
∧_∧ ピュ.ー ( ^^ ) <これからも僕を応援して下さいね(^^)。 =〔~∪ ̄ ̄〕 = ◎――◎ 山崎渉
∧_∧ ピュ.ー ( ^^ ) <これからも僕を応援して下さいね(^^)。 =〔~∪ ̄ ̄〕 = ◎――◎ 山崎渉
∧_∧ ピュ.ー ( ^^ ) <これからも僕を応援して下さいね(^^)。 =〔~∪ ̄ ̄〕 = ◎――◎ 山崎渉
∧_∧ ピュ.ー ( ^^ ) <これからも僕を応援して下さいね(^^)。 =〔~∪ ̄ ̄〕 = ◎――◎ 山崎渉
∧_∧ ピュ.ー ( ^^ ) <これからも僕を応援して下さいね(^^)。 =〔~∪ ̄ ̄〕 = ◎――◎ 山崎渉
∧_∧ ピュ.ー ( ^^ ) <これからも僕を応援して下さいね(^^)。 =〔~∪ ̄ ̄〕 = ◎――◎ 山崎渉
∧_∧ ピュ.ー ( ^^ ) <これからも僕を応援して下さいね(^^)。 =〔~∪ ̄ ̄〕 = ◎――◎ 山崎渉
∧_∧ ピュ.ー ( ^^ ) <これからも僕を応援して下さいね(^^)。 =〔~∪ ̄ ̄〕 = ◎――◎ 山崎渉
∧_∧ ピュ.ー ( ^^ ) <これからも僕を応援して下さいね(^^)。 =〔~∪ ̄ ̄〕 = ◎――◎ 山崎渉
∧_∧ ピュ.ー ( ^^ ) <これからも僕を応援して下さいね(^^)。 =〔~∪ ̄ ̄〕 = ◎――◎ 山崎渉
∧_∧ ピュ.ー ( ^^ ) <これからも僕を応援して下さいね(^^)。 =〔~∪ ̄ ̄〕 = ◎――◎ 山崎渉
∧_∧ ピュ.ー ( ^^ ) <これからも僕を応援して下さいね(^^)。 =〔~∪ ̄ ̄〕 = ◎――◎ 山崎渉
∧_∧ ピュ.ー ( ^^ ) <これからも僕を応援して下さいね(^^)。 =〔~∪ ̄ ̄〕 = ◎――◎ 山崎渉
∧_∧ ピュ.ー ( ^^ ) <これからも僕を応援して下さいね(^^)。 =〔~∪ ̄ ̄〕 = ◎――◎ 山崎渉
∧_∧ ピュ.ー ( ^^ ) <これからも僕を応援して下さいね(^^)。 =〔~∪ ̄ ̄〕 = ◎――◎ 山崎渉
∧_∧ ピュ.ー ( ^^ ) <これからも僕を応援して下さいね(^^)。 =〔~∪ ̄ ̄〕 = ◎――◎ 山崎渉
∧_∧ ピュ.ー ( ^^ ) <これからも僕を応援して下さいね(^^)。 =〔~∪ ̄ ̄〕 = ◎――◎ 山崎渉
∧_∧ ピュ.ー ( ^^ ) <これからも僕を応援して下さいね(^^)。 =〔~∪ ̄ ̄〕 = ◎――◎ 山崎渉
∧_∧ ピュ.ー ( ^^ ) <これからも僕を応援して下さいね(^^)。 =〔~∪ ̄ ̄〕 = ◎――◎ 山崎渉
441 :
(´・ω・`) :03/05/28 19:00
is it storming now?
∧_∧ ピュ.ー ( ^^ ) <これからも僕を応援して下さいね(^^)。 =〔~∪ ̄ ̄〕 = ◎――◎ 山崎渉
∧_∧ ピュ.ー ( ^^ ) <これからも僕を応援して下さいね(^^)。 =〔~∪ ̄ ̄〕 = ◎――◎ 山崎渉
∧_∧ ピュ.ー ( ^^ ) <これからも僕を応援して下さいね(^^)。 =〔~∪ ̄ ̄〕 = ◎――◎ 山崎渉
∧_∧ ピュ.ー ( ^^ ) <これからも僕を応援して下さいね(^^)。 =〔~∪ ̄ ̄〕 = ◎――◎ 山崎渉
姫が結婚する頃には、彼も今より大人になっているだろうから ちゃんと立ち直ると思われ。 PS版の台詞見てると、普段は心配性でもいざとなるとかなり落ち着いてるんで、 案外「ついにこの日がきたか」みたいな感じでサラッと乗り越えちゃうかも。
ROMカートリッジの電池切れですな。 ENIXに送ると有料で電池交換してくれたよ。
∧_∧ ピュ.ー ( ^^ ) <これからも僕を応援して下さいね(^^)。 =〔~∪ ̄ ̄〕 = ◎――◎ 山崎渉
メリークリスマス。年始まで来れないとは言っていたが、思いあまってやっぱり来てしまった。 いよいよ明日か・・・忙しくなるな。その前にできる限り答えていくぞ。 :無理をなさらず御自愛ください 済まないな。なるべく暇を見て覗きには戻ってきているんだが・・・。 無理はそんなにしていないから、安心してくれ。 ():石鹸落としには狙いがあるんだよ そうなのか? 知らなかったな。 しかし、落とした石鹸を拾わせたくらいで、そんなにどうにかなるものなのか? ・・・俺には、分からないな。 :今度は首を狙うので宜しく ・・・復活を喜んでくれるのはこちらとしても嬉しいが、首をやるわけにはいかないね。 もし本気なら、返り討ちにするのもやぶさかではないから、覚悟して来るんだな。 :セフィロススレにも遊びに来いや( ゚Д゚) ゴルァ! ・・・機会があれば、行きたい所だが・・・。 そっちにいるセフィロスは何だか神様然としているから、行ったら喧嘩腰になってしまいそうだな。 そうなったらスレで楽しんでいる他の人に迷惑がかかる事も考えられる。 そういう訳だから、やっぱり暫く考えさせてくれ。 :もう逃げないでくれよな 別に、逃げていた訳じゃない。 ・・・まあ、そう思われても仕方ないくらい不在だった事については、言い訳のしようもないが。 ともかく、次に戻ってくるのは年始になってしまう。 みんながKHFMをたっぷりしゃぶり尽くした頃になるな。 :降臨間隔をできるだけ短くしてくれ ・・・悪いな。今回の仕事が済めば、少しは(いや、かなりだ)マシになるから、 それまでもう少しだけ、時間をくれると助かるね。
最燃ならHPに保存されてる。 トーナメント表のAブロックとか書かれてるところの下のキャラ名のところ
ドラオエ1の音がどうしても出ないのです。 どうしたらいいでしょうか? 厨房でスマソ。
あと身体に火傷がないのも変だよね あっちを立てればこっちが立たずか・・・ 「変態」の一言で全て解決することはするんだが・・・
え?っと、やりたいシトいないですか? だとしたら後15分程で落ちますがいかがなもんでしょ。
7のバレットは非常に良いドラマを背負ってたね。 神羅に対しては被害者なんだが、図式的なイデオロギーに逃避することで彼もまた加害者の側面を合わせ持ってしまう。 そしていつしか自らの過ちを認め、敵の為す善もあるのだと受け入れ、終には戦う真の理由を知る。 彼とケット・シーもまたFF7の主役だ。
∧_∧ ピュ.ー ( ^^ ) <これからも僕を応援して下さいね(^^)。 =〔~∪ ̄ ̄〕 = ◎――◎ 山崎渉
>79 クソじゃねーぞーーーーぉ! ガンガレ!!
乙可憐 すげー・・・・としか言えないわけだが 新スレおめ
461 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/28 21:10
Mr. Tsutomu Yamazaki Please die now
462 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/28 21:16
He was die hehehe! po−po’s power is great
463 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/28 21:28
464 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/28 21:48
I'm ashamed to have to tell you this. As a matter of fact, I'm a genuine cherry boy. And I want to go to the soapland to lose my cherry. So, Someone please tell me good soapland around Tokyo. I hope cheap and good service. I don't like an elderly woman.
465 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/28 21:51
466 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/28 21:57
>>464 You'd better to senzuri yourself(pu
468 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/29 08:04
aged 748
469 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/29 18:01
ハラキーリ フジヤーマ
471 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/29 22:15
472 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/29 23:27
My love is over. What the hell did I do?
I am a bachelor!! I'd like to have your excrement
Maybe she has found a better-looking guy.
475 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/29 23:32
( ゚Д゚) huh?
476 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/29 23:34
I am a sleepy sleepy guy
Someday you will be able to forget the ex-girlfriend and get new one.
478 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/29 23:42
へーい、なうあいむどぅりんきんぐ。ふぉあろーずぃずいずいずぐぅっど! いっつべりいどらい。あいはふとぅすりーぷ。ばっとあいきゃんとくぅいっと。 あいがっとうぇぃくあっぷ5am. Please help me
479 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/29 23:42
ディッス イズ ア マンコ
480 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/29 23:46
my sweetheart is male.
>>478 If you can't fall asleep, you don't have to go to bed.
Just drink as much alcohol as you wish, watching 2ch.
482 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/29 23:47
Homosexual or a bitch?
483 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/29 23:48
You are devil
484 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/29 23:48
>>480 uho!
Why dont't you fuck with me?
485 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/29 23:49
Uho!Nice guy!!!! Please suck my dick!
486 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/29 23:59
I don't want to lick the dick of DOKUOTOKO.
487 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/30 00:03
Does Rika Ishikawa do shit ?
omaera unko!unko!unko!
489 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/30 00:09
Today I made love to my steady (she is 16 years old high school girl). We did four times. So I was very tired and had an ache in my dick.
490 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/30 00:11
good-bye... cruel world
491 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/30 00:12
492 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/30 00:14
I want to sex with junior highschool girl.
493 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/30 00:15
Year! Me too
494 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/30 00:16
>>487 ( ^▽^)<I've never done such a thing.
I think "Yeah" is the correct spelling. I heard this word is from German.
496 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/30 00:17
How do you do?
497 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/30 00:20
498 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/30 00:20
German people say "ja" in place of "yes". "Ja" is pronouced like "ya:".
499 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/30 00:20
I would like to eat Ishikawa's shit.
501 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/30 00:21
Pleased to meet you.
502 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/30 00:23
503 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/30 00:23
>>500 ( ^▽^)<I've never done such a thing.
504 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/30 00:25
Have you licked a pussy?
505 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/30 00:25
━―━―━―━―━―━―━―━―━[Yamasaki Station(^^)]━―━―━―━―━―━―━―━―━
506 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/30 00:27
Yamazaki Go to hell!
507 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/30 00:27
My penis is as large as Mt.Fuji.
508 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/30 00:27
if you are men who are older than 20, you must have licked a pussy.
509 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/30 00:28
510 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/30 00:28
Kiss my ass, Yamazaki.
511 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/30 00:29
pussy cat
512 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/30 00:30
shut up!! son of a bitch!!
513 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/30 00:30
514 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/30 00:30
UHO!! Nice guy!!
515 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/30 00:32
>>514 D o y o u f u c k m e ?
516 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/30 00:35
beat your hog, you cherry boy
517 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/30 00:36
This site is ero
I can't have sex because my penis is always soft. I can't have an errection.
519 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/30 00:38
suicide as soon as possible
520 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/30 00:41
My dick is covered with thick skin. It's so stinky and have lots of chin-dust.
521 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/30 00:42
522 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/30 00:42
>>519 please join to your project
523 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/30 00:44
>>521 Write in English.
Is it impossible for a cherry boy like you? (w
524 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/30 00:47
>>521 you too!(omaemona-)
525 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/30 00:47
Even a high-school student can write English. Most of the Japanese should be able to, too.
526 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/30 00:49
"キモい" is one of the KANSAI dialect? Few people around me use it.
527 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/30 00:51
aha? kimoi was born in Shibuya was'nt it?
528 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/30 00:54
I don't know. I was just curious.
529 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/30 00:58
How many times do you fart in a day?
No."KIMOI"is used in a lot of case. And,that word is not spoken by middle age. So,you are the DOKUO of DOKUO!
531 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/30 01:02
Yo soy Dokuo,
I am still in my twenties but I do not use that sort of words in public places.
533 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/30 01:06
fuck you cherry boys!!
534 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/30 01:07
num, num...
I've never had sex. Someone fuck me!
536 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/30 01:13
fuck me first
537 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/30 01:18
>>535 it's sure you fool can fuck nobady forever
please stop my erection , help・・・help to go (w
・・・・I didn't know there is English conversation sled in this kind of place (w though I think the guy studing English shuld be go to English school (It's start the class from after work) and you can meet nice girl there. of course I don't wanna to go English class like that and can't meet (w (may be mistake , please read your wide and tender heart)
540 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/30 01:36
>>539 so, why do you want to learn English?
oh! thank you answering (w I don't studing English now(w just find this sled and just wrote to play(w (I wannna change the talk about you) in your case why do you want to learn Eng?
542 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/30 01:46
who are you? why your name is the space? are you from Hangeul thread?
543 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/30 01:48
544 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/30 01:49
never mind…
545 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/30 01:57
546 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/30 01:59
what are you talking about?
547 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/30 02:01
>546 unko
548 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/30 02:02
>>547 sleep and never wake up
549 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/30 02:06
>548 Go home! Motherfuker
550 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/30 02:09
>>549 shut up fucking cherry!!
551 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/30 13:22
552 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/30 15:54
>>526 Although I lived in Kansai before,
I had said local people as "KISHOI" in the same implications as "KIMOI".
More appropriate for it, when it writes, it is "KISSSSHO".
553 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/30 16:43
>>all shit goddemn motherf**ker ya!
554 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/30 16:49
Get the fuck out!!
555 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/30 17:08
>>553 Get out here!
556 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/30 17:09
I played onani- very good!
557 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/30 17:09
I love Omanko
558 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/30 17:09
I want to sex
559 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/30 17:48
I like food. Food taste gooooooooooood!!!!!
560 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/30 18:02
fucking fat
561 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/30 18:04
562 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/30 18:07
>>561 my BMI is 21.7
how about you fat?
563 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/30 18:08
>>562 my BMI is 19.
It's truth!
564 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/30 18:08
unko tinpo manko
565 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/30 18:09
>>563 i think you are too thin
566 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/30 18:09
>>559 I have no pleasure but eating foods.
Eating is everything.
567 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/30 18:10
568 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/30 18:10
569 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/30 18:11
>>565 No!!When I was young,my BMI is 17.
570 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/30 18:11
>>567 It's a kind of IBM, International Buisiness Machines.
571 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/30 18:11
572 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/30 18:11
573 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/30 18:13
>>566 Hey!Let's turn dining back into eating.
574 :
Ψ(´д`)Ψ ◆WWGOMAkI/. :03/05/30 18:15
fuck me!!!!!!!!
575 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/30 18:15
IIIII hhaaave nothing to eat in my refrigeratorrrrrrr
576 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/30 18:27
>>575 kill neighbors and eat them
577 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/30 18:35
>>574 ok
tell me your address
578 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/30 21:45
yeah yeah it's coming,uhummmmm uhunnmm ahu uhum
579 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/30 21:48
Shut up,men!
580 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/30 23:45
Sometimes I cannot stop thinking how bad this "poisonous men" board has been changed into. I hate to say this but this place used to be such a comfortable place that evenrybody, I mean EVERYBODY was able to relax himself by just coming here, for healing his mind from suffer, distress, or disappointment that hurt one's mind so badly in reality. What really has happened here? Is it just because the so-called "Tyu-Bo-" started coming here and writing about whatever comes to their mind no matter how stupid it is? Is it not possible any more to get back this board as IT SHOULD BE? Well, no matter what I say here, I don't have any other place to go, anyways. This is why I am called a "poisonous man". so is everybody here, I believe...
How about "over 30" board?
582 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/30 23:59
>>581 I think it's beautiful!
Because I love over30 lady very much!
583 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/31 00:11
a nuclear holocaust in 2006
585 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/31 00:22
586 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/31 02:46
587 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/31 12:50
Your pussy very tasty !
588 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/31 12:53
In a darkened room
589 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/31 12:55
The world is so made that someone loves you. Really?
590 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/31 12:57
Hi guys!!! How are you doing??? Guess what!? hehehe^^ I've got three piercing!!! It's so cool!!! I, Sue and Kaoru went to Sue's house, and she served us "Kimuchi-chige and Chigimu"!!! That was fabulous!!! She is such a good cook!!! And after we separated, I went to the "Coffee Party" with my friends. It was like for international student of UW, and there were more than thirty people... And after I stayed there like one and half hour, I and Vero( she is also my close friend, she is from Indonecia) went to the another party!!! hehehe As you guys already knew, I'm such a party person~~~ (&^^... That was so much fun...there were all American except us, and all of them were really nice to us!!! We enjoyed chatting, drinking (a little bit!!!) etc etc.... And a half hour ago, I just came back and writing this daiary.... Today was kinda long day, I enjoyed a lot!!! ha~~~~ You know why....Sunday is coming soon.... I don't really like Sunday...Coz's I just have to study....ha~~~ Anyway I gonna go to library, and I gonna study WHOLE DAY TOMORROW!!!! I have to do it!!! Haruyo ganbaro-----!!!!
592 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/31 13:15
Uzeeeeeeeeeee! Get out here!!
∧_∧ / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ( ^^ )< これからも僕を応援して下さいね(^^)。 ( ) \________________ | | | (__)_) 山崎モナー
594 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/31 15:18
aged 675
595 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/31 15:20
NO!WAY!!New type Yamazaki,Fuck you!!!
God damn Yamazaki!
597 :
コスプレ系VCD出品中 :03/05/31 16:26
Eat shit!
599 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/31 21:41
My cock is new one
600 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/05/31 21:54
アタイこそが 600げとー
oh my god
O, mein Gott!
The typhoon is gone. I miss it. When will the next one come?
>>603 "I`ve missed it", right?
Maybe not so far, since it`s the season of it.
Fuck typhoon. Makes me sick.
Now I've got to go to Hell. Bye.
606 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/06/01 22:56
I think this thread is just to satisfy the men who wants to be in (略
607 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/06/01 23:01
Hi, now I`m drank
608 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/06/01 23:03
609 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/06/01 23:07
I am losing my hair. But I am not bald yet, because I still have some hair. I am just balding. I say again. I am not bald.
610 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/06/01 23:10
>>609 Don`t warry. Bold head looks saxy sometimes
611 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/06/01 23:16
My hair style looks like barcodes.
612 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/06/01 23:49
I can't stop alcohol.
Sigh・・・・ No girl likes me・・・・ Anyone who have gotten the Derby today?
Can you tell which horse will win in advance?
616 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/06/02 21:35
Uho nice guy! Do you make love to me?
617 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/06/02 21:42
How about making love with yourself?
618 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/06/02 21:44
oh oh fuck me oh yeah ooh yes yes!!! oh come!
619 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/06/02 22:03
No girl wants to be friend with me.
fuck! fuck! fuuuuuuuuck!!
621 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/06/02 22:28
School-girls may have tight vagina. How about middle-aged women?
A new typhoon is comming.
623 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/06/02 23:38
Where are we going?
624 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/06/03 01:23
Fire in the hole!
625 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/06/03 01:23
626 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/06/03 01:24
627 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/06/03 01:34
628 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/06/03 21:32
629 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/06/03 21:35
630 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/06/03 21:39
My girlfriend's cunt is very stinky. She's 15 years old.
631 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/06/03 21:40
take care of yourself.
I have a sweetheart. There is almost no junior high school student who does not have a sweetheart.
633 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/06/03 21:56
My sweetheart is abnormal. Every night, she is wanted to drink my semen. My energy is a limit.
634 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/06/03 21:58
なにが英語よ。馬鹿が。帰国子女のアタイから見たら あんたたちしょぼ過ぎw
635 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/06/03 21:59
636 :
>>634 :03/06/03 22:00
what -- English . It is foolish. if it sees from a returnee student's ATAI you -- wretched -- elapsing -- w
637 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/06/03 22:01
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Mr.名無しさん :03/06/03 22:01
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Mr.名無しさん :03/06/03 22:02
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Mr.名無しさん :03/06/03 22:02
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Mr.名無しさん :03/06/03 22:03
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Mr.名無しさん :03/06/03 22:03
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Mr.名無しさん :03/06/03 22:04
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Mr.名無しさん :03/06/03 22:04
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Mr.名無しさん :03/06/03 22:05
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Mr.名無しさん :03/06/03 22:05
647 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/06/03 22:15
Cherry boys rule the world.
648 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/06/03 23:13
I am the King of Cherry, any comment?
Go to hell.
God damn terrorist!
651 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/06/04 22:51
How are you tonight?
so bad, incredibly bad.