1 :
Mr.名無しさん :
03/03/10 23:54 基本的に英語で話してください。
Let's chat in English!
2 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/10 23:55
3 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/11 00:05
Oh! It's a new thread! Congratulations!!
4 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/11 00:06
2 is big fool man
5 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/11 00:08
Thank you for your work.
6 :
ヒッキー東大生 :03/03/11 00:12
haa haa
7 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/11 00:15
...But,the first thread has'nt finished yet. mmm...It's O.K. That has become too vulgar.
hihihihihihihihi :)
12 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/12 04:44
13 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/12 20:18
I can't flower.
φ(´ι _` )
15 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/12 20:46
I went to yoshino-ya. Y-O-S-H-I-N-O-Y-A!
16 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/12 20:47
17 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/12 20:48
18 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/12 20:51
I'm sorry, h-i-g-e sorry, a-s-o-k-o sorry!
19 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/12 21:03
>>16 What did you eat in Yoshino-ya?
I ate a tall-size GYUDON(NEGI-DAKU) with an egg.
*short=NAMI-MORI medium=O-MORI tall=TOKU-MORI
20 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/12 21:06
>>19 I had medium-size with a raw egg.
21 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/13 07:55
24 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/13 14:27
25 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/14 00:19
Good Lovin'
26 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/14 00:19
fuckin' thread!!
予備校で書類提出するときに、女の子のオッパイ肘でつっついちゃいました。 ・・・・・・・・・やわらかいのな。
28 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/14 19:22
30 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/14 21:40
Being to insert the hand under, it does? It's pussy?
31 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/14 21:53
32 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/14 23:35
What shall I do?
33 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/14 23:36
eigo speaking
34 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/14 23:42
ayaya is...
35 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/14 23:56
cute? or sexy?
36 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/15 14:37
Is love real?
37 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/15 14:41
>>36 YES!!!
It's real! It's true!
38 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/15 14:42
39 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/15 14:59
What's up, my nigger?
40 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/15 15:07
>>36-38 Why are you so much desperate?
42 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/15 16:13
43 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/15 16:16
No love Yes love doll
44 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/15 16:19
I drunk love juice. tasting was much sweeter than orange juice.
45 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/15 16:58
46 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/15 19:59
すまん、誰かすぐに下の英文訳してくれ!! This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification. Delivery to the following recipients failed.
47 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/15 20:04
これは自動的に生成された配達証明書です。 以下の受取人への配達に失敗しました。 直訳でスマソ
48 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/15 20:06
49 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/15 20:09
これは自動的に生成された配達ステータス通知です。 次の受取人への配達は失敗しました。
>>49 you're late hehehe!
but thank you for your help.
51 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/15 21:08
fuckin' jap gurai wakaru yo baka yarow
52 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/15 21:45
It does not inhale, someone English under please translate directly! ! これは自動的に生成された配達状態の通告である。 次の受け手への配達は失敗した。
53 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/15 22:00
>>46 I translated it into Japanese, but we can't write Japanese in this tread.
Then, here I transrate that into English again.
That sentence says, " This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification. Delivery to the following recipients failed. "
54 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/15 22:06
I am very glad to see someone has built the next thread.
Good job
55 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/15 23:48
I have just farted. Please everyone get away! Immediately!
56 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/15 23:57
>>55 Gee stink!!!!!
Go away!!
57 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/15 23:59
Good night!
Now I'll go to bed.
59 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/16 00:34
It is serious! My right hand, continues to rub my son extremely. The left hand wraps the sack lightly. The son, started dropping the saliva. We rejoice very.
60 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/16 00:41
>>59 wash you hand after getting things done.
Hey , guy!
Write something you have to do tomorrow ,
will sleep in.
62 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/16 00:50
>>60 It's schedule of my tomorrow.
It visits the house of the customer.
Intention of the payment is verified.
When there is a will, payment methods are examined.
After returning home, it continues today.
In other words, it plays with the son.
You too,...wash the hand.
65 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/16 02:08
>>60 I'm going to stay in bed all day but that's not
what I "have to do".
There are so many things I have to do
but I don't really feel like to do anything.
Like many of you, I think I will play with myself.
Good night.
66 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/16 02:13
yeah yeah.. I have lots of things I must do.
>>65 I dont feel like to do anything,either.
I have fucked myself for 3times today with 2D characters.
I cant go back to 3D eros world....
my penisu is very big.
68 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/16 08:32
Do you like English and study English ? and why ?
69 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/16 08:45
High above,at the edge of the world・・・ We searching for glory and peace. When time has come,you will see・・・ Our return to the land of the free.
70 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/16 18:13
71 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/16 18:16
Death is a pen.
72 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/16 18:19
This is a wet pussy!!!!!!!!!
73 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/16 18:32
If there's a possible chance for something that can be called future behind the spiral life・・・ The only way to find out,is to leave the final frontier to eternity and fly!
74 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/16 18:33
give me PUSSY
75 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/16 18:35
I'm very tired...
76 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/16 18:36
77 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/16 18:38
I'm very bored...
78 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/16 18:40
>>73 Because chance does not come,
after dying,
as for thing without making the air, please die.
79 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/16 18:41
Stand on a very high biulding and jump to the ground. That's all you shoul do.
80 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/16 23:29
Look at me.
81 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/16 23:32
you Kimoi man!!
82 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/16 23:49
How ugly we are!
83 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/16 23:50
only you!! fuckin' Dokuo
84 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/16 23:58
I am as handsome as you.
85 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/16 23:59
I am also as ugly as you.
86 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/17 00:05
i am greater than you. maybe you are ugliest in this thread.
87 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/17 00:07
We all are the ugliest in this thread. We are as ugly as each other.
88 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/17 00:11
this thead' peaple is the ugliest of all thead's is right. but you are the ugliest man in this thread.
89 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/17 00:15
You, too. Why do you hesitate to say we are ugly? We are ugly. That is the reality.
90 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/17 00:17
I wanna dance, do you like "CHA CHA CHA"? Romancin' きぶん CHA CHA. I wanna dance, do you like "CHA CHA CHA"? A virgin きぶん CHA CHA.
i am not ugly and have a girlfreind. but i like this thread because it's so funny. you belive all men living in the thraed are very ugly.
92 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/17 00:18
Yes, I like tea.
93 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/17 00:19
>>93 shut up, you piece of shit
95 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/17 00:22
Who has decided you are not ugly. I think you are, even though I do not know who you are.
96 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/17 00:24
97 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/17 00:25
People are sometimes a bit too positive and narcissistic. I will wait for their failure.
98 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/17 00:26
i think many people should have more self-confidence.
99 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/17 00:28
You have girlfriends. That does not mean you are not ugly.
100 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/17 00:29
>>98 so many women say so but how can you obtain self-confidence?
102 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/17 00:30
103 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/17 00:31
>>99 OK. maybe you are right.
i will say i am not so ugly, then.
>>100 take it easy.
you think so negative.
104 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/17 00:31
People who are confident about their abilities are often arrogant. They make me sick.
105 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/17 00:32
106 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/17 00:33
107 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/17 00:33
108 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/17 00:33
Someone has threw some fuel in this thread.
109 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/17 00:34
other is other and you are you. stop saying you are ugly and think more positive
111 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/17 00:34
not "some fuel" but "a lot of fuel"
112 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/17 00:34
>>109 tell me how to do so and I will
113 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/17 00:35
114 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/17 00:36
you can find it yourself. i can't do anything for you.
115 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/17 00:36
A lot of people tell me that I am ugly.
116 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/17 00:37
why do i say the same thing again. other is other and you are you.
117 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/17 00:38
No, you can't do anything for us except making us mad.
118 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/17 00:39
it's true. hehe
119 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/17 00:40
Is what you think always right? Maybe you are the kind of people 104 mentioned.
120 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/17 00:40
I want all positive dogs die
121 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/17 00:41
who belive you. you must belive yourself but not all.
122 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/17 00:41
I really needa pussy. I can't help it. Please help me who give me blue job.
123 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/17 00:42
>>109 you said "think more positive" and that's I've been trying to do for
quite long time but I still can't. it's not that easy for some kind of
people but you don't realize it because you are different.
124 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/17 00:43
I remember once there was a annoying bitch named "大学4年♀" in this thread.
125 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/17 00:43
126 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/17 00:43
By the way whatta fuck u guyz talkin' about? I just reazy to read whole stuffz.
127 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/17 00:44
>>122 blue job? what does it mean? you mean blow job?
128 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/17 00:44
>>123 anyway, i am not your parent
129 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/17 00:45
130 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/17 00:46
you guys must be stupid.
131 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/17 00:46
>>128 I'm saying that you can not control how you think and feel.
132 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/17 00:47
133 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/17 00:48
>>127 kinda of...blow job, but it's not
blue is black slang, do u know blue crime?
134 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/17 00:49
>>128 you are not trying to understand difrerent kind of people
but keep saying "be like me" and do you know what?
that's really childish.
135 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/17 00:50
>>132 if you think you can, you are GOD or what
136 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/17 00:50
>>133 Japanese say it pink not blue
137 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/17 00:51
>>133 something concerned with "blue boy"?
138 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/17 00:51
139 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/17 00:51
You are you. We are we.
140 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/17 00:52
love is real
141 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/17 00:53
also blue film this one is already dead?
142 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/17 00:53
love is natural and real but not for you, my love not tonight, my love love is natural and real but not for such as you and I, my love
143 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/17 00:54
blue means sometimes erotic.
144 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/17 00:55
>>141 I dunnno... I think people usually just call those
"porno" in English
145 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/17 00:57
bu the way, what kind of blue films do you like? I like femdom (female-dominant)
annoying bitch seems to be gone...
Porno! Now I remember this word. I have got a bit more inteligent!
148 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/17 01:00
sorry, i don't know any blue films.
149 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/17 01:02
who is the bitch?
150 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/17 01:05
In this thread, a bitch means "fuel".
151 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/17 01:06
>>149 well it might be 大学4年♀ or other woman. who cares?
you can tell it was a woman 'cos you can smell the pussy! hahaha
152 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/17 01:06
153 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/17 01:08
154 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/17 01:08
have you smelt any pussy?
155 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/17 01:10
156 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/17 01:11
have you enjoyed the "fuel"?
157 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/17 01:11
Truly, truly, truly and truly, it's the lion!!! Being too close, the way? It's lovely, the way? The Fuji safari park!!!
158 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/17 01:13
>>153 thank you. do you know what?
sometimes SOB means "cool"
159 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/17 01:14
>>157 ・…………Shut a fuck up!
son of a bitch means cool, doesn't it? i didn't know.
161 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/17 01:15
>>158 I mean, you are a son of a bitch.
162 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/17 01:16
>>157 burst out laughing [:-)
163 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/17 01:17
( ・∀・)ノ● eat shit!
164 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/17 01:17
Thank you!
165 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/17 01:19
so stupid so funny
166 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/17 01:19
originally, "son of a bitch" didn't have that good meaning. I'm not sure which was what you meant and I don't really care
167 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/17 01:21
168 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/17 01:23
Kiss my ass!
169 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/17 01:23
we all enjoyed the fuel tonight, didn't we? I'm going to bed. good night!
170 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/17 01:26
171 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/17 01:30
>169 wait. talk to me again. I miss you so much.
172 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/17 01:34
173 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/17 01:38
174 :
Mr.名無しさん :03/03/17 01:42
>>169 see you the negative boy.
175 :
Mr.名無しさん :
03/03/17 01:58 It probably is with something? It probably is with something? It is with something? It probably is with something? The person who has been coiled round to the curtain, it probably is with something? The person who calls the teacher the mother, it probably is with something? When it tries touching with hot intention, the person who "it's hot!!!", that is called to being cool, it probably is with something?