>Moisture may also be exuded through the mucosa of the foreskin.
>Indian scientists reported that the sub-preputial moisture contains lytic material.
>Lytic material has an anti-bacterial and anti-viral action.The natural oils in the lubricate, moisturize, >and protect the mucosal covering of the glans penis.
>As with other neurologic structures such as the brain, the tip of the prepuce is richly supplied >with blood by important vascular structures. >The glans penis receives blood through the frenular artery. >The prepuce serves as a conduit for several important veins. >Circumcision may contribute to erectile dysfunction by destroying these conduits.
・Effects on sexual and marital relations associated with a missing prepuceより
>Depending on the individual, the permanently exposed glans may experience an excess of stimulation, >or the wrong kind of stimulation, during intercourse which can lead to premature ejaculation >(lack of "staying power") in the circumcised male. >The tight foreshortened immobilized skin of the circumcised penis is more vulnerable to laceration, >bleeding and pain during intercourse.
>O'Hara and O'Hara surveyed 138 women who had experience with both circumcised male partners >and intact complete male partners. 20 of the 138 preferred circumcised male partners >while 118 (85.5%) preferred intact male partners >with anatomically complete penises over circumcised males. >The respondents reported that circumcised partners tended to ejaculate prematurely >more frequently than intact male partners. >Some respondents commented that unaltered male partners appeared to enjoy coitus >more than their circumcised counterparts.
・In summary(まとめ) the prepuce is a unique specialized structure with important immunological, protective, mechanical, erogenous, and sexual functions.The prepuce is essential to normal copulation.