以下のスクリプトでOEのメールをEudora形式でエキスポート、 拡張子を「.mbx」にしてWinのOEでインポート。 -- tell application "Outlook Express" set fldnm to name of every folder set foltotxt to choose from list fldnm with prompt "テキスト書き出しを行うフォルダを選択して下さい。" with multiple selections allowed end tell tell application "Finder" set dist to choose folder with prompt "出力されたテキストを保存する場所を指定して下さい。" end tell
repeat with k in foltotxt open for access file ((dist as text) & (k as text)) with write permission returning FL tell application "Outlook Express" set eof FL to 0 set MailCount to count message of folder (k as text) repeat with i from 1 to MailCount set s to "From ???@??? Sat Dec 11 20:43:11 1999" & return set sb to "Subject: " & (subject of message i of folder (k as text)) & return set sd to sender of message i of folder (k as text) set fr to "From: " & display name of sd & "<" & address of sd & ">" & return set tm to time sent of message i of folder (k as text) set y to year of tm set m to text from character 1 to 3 of (month of tm as text) set d to day of tm set w to text from character 1 to 3 of (weekday of tm as text) set t to time string of tm set tt to "Date: " & w & "@` " & d & " " & m & " " & y & " " & t set ct to content of message i of folder (k as text) write s & sb & fr & tt & return & return & ct & return to FL end repeat close access FL end tell end repeat display dialog "テキスト書き出しが完了しました。"