To the guy who wrote the first comment. Can you explain what you are trying to do? May be I can give you some info.
MacOS does not use extension letters (filename.XXX) I'm sure you know about this. MacOS defines the file by "resource fork"@` not by extension letters.
I think he's talking about something else. He probably wants to know if there's any system for Macintosh which substitutes Component Object Model of Microsoft.
Is it something like Mac OS Toolbox? Or Sprockets? Or Shared Library? You should go ask somewhere else....
....and to the asshole#7. How do you like this PLAIN English@` you dope!
とりあえず perhaps => could be to the guy who〜 => ">1" you should go => you'd better to go にすればよりリアル。 >5、7 9が指摘するように、なぜ英語で書けない? 思い上がった英語教師の言葉受け売りなのが見え見えで恥ずかしいぞ。 死ねよお前生きてても無駄だよ。 >11 の英語は確かに恥ずかしいがな・・・ and to the asshole#7〜のくだりはいただけない、ちゅーかyou dopeって誉め言葉だろそれ。 Suck your mom@` asshole>#7 でよろし。
hey you dope.(and yes@` i'm talking about you@` #14!) "DOPE" is not a word for praising. dope means something like まぬけ in japanese. how can you get mixed up? you probably learned english through JUKEN-BENKYOU@` and you probably studied it really hard! you think you know english? well you are wrong@` and I MEAN WRONG! and please don't say something like "suck-you-mom-asshole"@` because it's very very embarrassing. i mean @` you scare me!
no@`i'm still watching this stupid thread... i liked those japanese sentences made by automatic translating application (i suppose). they're pretty hilarious@` you know. and yes@` "DOPE" is a slang for "drugs".
so@` you say you learned english by chatting with UK-DOKYUNs? and you claim yourself as "bi-lingual"?? give me a break.
if you take a look at those japanese sentences created by the automatic translating apps@` it's pretty obvious that my sentences make more sence than the others. i do make a couple of grammer mistakes@` but face the fact youg boy@` this is the "plain" english.
what if i don't have a japanese system? ;-) i am not 偉ぶってる(this i copied and pasted) i'm just telling that your english is wrong. am i making you uncomfortable?
It's not about the kind of English that guy writes. It's about the fact that there are many other places to ask that kind of question@` but he(she) doesn't do that. Are you too nervous to join AOL Chat? Can't you just communicate with English-speaking people in English? Poor guy! If you are a foreign guy who have learned some Japanese@` why you just don't go ahead and say "I want to communicate with Japanese people in English." Or@` if you are Japanese who love to talk and write in English@` you must know there are many sites(even in Japan) you can chat and write in English. I'm not saying this forum is Japanese only@` but what you are doing is totally out of place@` and it just makes you sound like one pathetic loser. Go to AOL or wherever! Be a man!
What's wrong with writing messages in English at "2-channnel"? I thought this place was a chaos. There's no stupid rules around here. Anyway@` we're on interenet. Who gives a damn shit about nationalities or which language you use. I can do whatever I want to@` period. If you don't like it@` fine@` just ignore and go away.
Highest score of TOEIC exam is 990. I know my Enlish is far from perfect. But I got 885 in that test. I guess this proves scores of this kind of tests are unreliable.
May be the guy#63 meant TOEFL. I dont't know about TOEIC@` but if you want to go to American universities@` you need more than 600 in TOEFL. (Am I right?)
Where did you get that idea from?????????? PERHAPS@` you were chatting with UK-DOKYUNS too much :) What's wrong with using "PERHAPS"?????? Which word do you want us to use instead?????
What's this thread for? Just for fun? I noticed so many japanese are too nervous to speak english. I think it's silly@` and the silliest man is who points out others' mistake in English. No one@` including native speakers of English@` can speak or write 'PERFECT' English@` just like we japanese make mistakes sometimes in Japanese. I like English just because I can talk to more people in the internet if I speak English. No one laugh at me of my poor english. They are generally so generous that they speak easier English when they know my English is not so good.