>>15 移動先を単純に一カ所にしちゃってるのと当方10.4なので10.5でそのまま動くかも怪しいけどとりあえず。
property menuBarHeight : 22
property newPosition : {0, menuBarHeight}
tell application "Finder" to set {screenLeft, screenTop, screenRight, screenBottom} to bounds of window of desktop
tell application "System Events"
set procNames to name of every application process whose background only is false
repeat with hoge in procNames
tell application process hoge
repeat with i from 1 to count of every window
tell window i
set {windowLeft, windowTop} to position
set {windowWidth, windowHeight} to size
if windowLeft < 0 or windowTop < menuBarHeight or (windowLeft + windowWidth) > screenRight or (windowTop + windowHeight) > screenBottom then
set position to newPosition
end if
end tell
end repeat
end tell
end repeat
end tell