AppleScript アップルスクリプト 質問、発表

よかったら、誰か完成させて・・・ミ(o_ _)oバタッ

on open droppedItem
tell application "Finder"
repeat with curltem in droppedItem
end repeat
end tell
end open

on myAliasToSymbolicLink(curltem)
tell application "Finder"
if class of ((properties of curltem) as record) is folder then
set the childList to every folder of curltem
repeat with i from 1 to number of items in the childList
set iItem to item i of the childList
open iItem
my myAliasToSymbolicLink(iItem)
close window of iItem
end repeat
end if
if class of ((properties of curltem) as record) is alias then
set myPos to position of curltem
set myAliasPath to (POSIX path of curltem) as Unicode text
set myOrignalPath to (POSIX path of original item of curltem) as Unicode text
erase curltem
do shell script "ln -s " & quoted form of myOrignalPath & " " & quoted form of myAliasPath
end if
end tell
end myAliasToSymbolicLink