OS X のウプデータンが出てるよ(´Д`;)ハァハァ <11>


18 :02/10/23 05:41 ID:lQ6dYIxC
QuickTime Installation Log
Target Selection
_volumeAppeared: Adding volume g4_1
_volumeAppeared: Adding volume g4_2
_volumeAppeared: disabled g4_2 because volumeCheckTool returned 1
_volumeAppeared: Adding volume g4_e
_volumeAppeared: disabled g4_e because volumeCheckTool returned 1
deactivate: removing all cells from _volumeMatrix
Selected volume "g4_1"
Mounted at: /
OpenFirmware: mac-io/ata-4@1f000/@0:9
Partition type: HFS+
Partition map: disk0s9
Partition: 9
Protocol: ATA
Media Type: Generic
Volume Size: 10260676608
perl: warning: Setting locale failed.
perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:
LC_ALL = (unset),
LANG = "ja_JP"
are supported and installed on your system.
perl: warning: Falling back to the standard locale ("C").
19なにが原因なんでせう..:02/10/23 05:42 ID:lQ6dYIxC
Bareword found where operator expected at /Volumes/QuickTime 6.0.2 for
10.2/QuickTime.pkg/Contents/Resources/preflight line 10, near ""$fields[1]" EQ"
(Missing operator before EQ?)
String found where operator expected at /Volumes/QuickTime 6.0.2 for
10.2/QuickTime.pkg/Contents/Resources/preflight line 10, near "EQ "$runnerPID""
(Do you need to predeclare EQ?)
syntax error at /Volumes/QuickTime 6.0.2 for
10.2/QuickTime.pkg/Contents/Resources/preflight line 10, near ""$fields[1]" EQ "
syntax error at /Volumes/QuickTime 6.0.2 for
10.2/QuickTime.pkg/Contents/Resources/preflight line 13, near "}"
Execution of /Volumes/QuickTime 6.0.2 for
10.2/QuickTime.pkg/Contents/Resources/preflight aborted due to compilation errors.
The preflight script in QuickTime failed.
Install Failed
Error detected
Name: NSGenericException
Reason: The preflight script in QuickTime failed. (code 255)