せっかく半日かけて落としてきたのに、 マウントしてインストールしようとすると An error occurred. "Startup Disk was unable to select the install CD as the startup disk.(-2)" と出て、全く先へすすめません。 CDを直接読みにいってるから CDのイメージファイルじゃだめってこと? はあ、ただの徒労でおわるんじゃあ納得でけへん。
If you do not follow these directions exactly, the image will not work. *addendum by PeterR
Step 1: Open your copy of Adaptec Toast. Step 2: Drag the disc image onto the open window of toast, DO NOT MOUNT IT FIRST!!!! This will RUIN it. Step 3: Press the button "Write Disc" (or whatever it says) and then select your burn speed and hit Write Disc. (not write session) Step 4: Your done, put the CD in the machine you want to use it on, allow it to rebuild the desktop, then follow directions on CD. DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES / a: Mount the image before burning b: Set up Toast to make the CD bootable This will ruin the image and it will not work.
*addendum Hi Your info about OS X is incorrect. I almost gave up after I read that once it is mounted it is ruined, until I read this...(attachment) It worked for me. 1. Mount the image on the desktop 2. Open toast 5.0 final 3. Click/hold other and select "Mac volume" from the menu 4. Click "select..." 5. Select the mounted image 6. Un-check "optimise on-the-fly" 7. Check "bootable" you will get a message "There is no system folder on Mac OS X Install CD. You won`t be able to use the CD-ROM as a start-up disc " CLICK OK 8. Click "record" 9. Select burn disc 10. Wait for your disc 11. Eject 12. Restart while holding down C 13. Install and configure ハ The OS X should be booted from by holding down C at start-up, by clicking the installation from your regular system will not work. It takes a lot of time to boot from it first time, but be patient, you`ll know its working when you see a rotating multicoloured disc on the top left hand part of the screen.. ハ Good Luck! RAY Another tip is to get the latest Start-up Disc 9.2.1.smi from the Apple site which should help you switch from OS 9.1 to OS X more smoothly. The Guys below deserve most of the credit but Step 7 was missing some information which put me off originally. Toast 5 only recognises 9.1 and earlier, hence the message in step 7. with the original work carried out by /Quasideus (with a little help from Blue Light) Courtesy of PeterR
No more burning CD's! Use these steps to install MacOSX from a second partition. This installation requires a valid MacOSX system build and at least three partitions of 1GB or larger. Do not contact MacOSX.org for the latest system build. requests of this nature will be ignored.
1.) Start in MacOS 9, and create two more partitions, one of at least 650MB and the other of at least one Gigabyte. 2.) Lock your MacOSX toast image via the Get Info command in the file menu. 3.) Mount the image using Adaptec Toast or Toast Image Mounter 4.) Use Apple Software Restore 2.1.1 to image the OSX CD onto the 650MB partition. 5.) Select the imaged partition using the System Disk utility provided on the CD or here. (Also, the option key can be used at startup on New World ROM machines to select the boot partition) 6.) Reboot the computer and the installation will begin momentarily.
DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES / a: Mount the image before burning b: Set up Toast to make the CD bootable This will ruin the image and it will not work.
これはどういう意味なのでしょうか。 とーしろー的に考えると、cdのイメージは開いてる方がいいのではないか?とか cd bootableにしないとcdから立ち上がらないんじゃないかと思ってしまう