☆白人男性かっこいい☆ Res.2 by 無回答 from トロント 2004/02/12 23:32:36 私の彼(キャネイディアン)は顔も超カッコヨク、体もマッチョで背が高い。 でもコックが小さい・・・。 そしてありえないくらい早い・・・。 どーにかしてくれよ Res.7 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2004/02/13 00:51:36 私の誤算、白人はみんなエッチがすごいと 思ってた。小さいし早い、イッたら大量に出るんだけど、そのせいか2回目絶対不可能。ハア〜 Res.16 by 無回答 from 無回答 2004/02/13 16:00:56 外見はたしかにかっこいいんだけど もちろん白人の人にも短小、早漏が いるのでエッチしてみないとわかりません。 Res.18 by 無回答 from トロント 2004/02/13 23:20:05 そうそう、みんながみんなエッチうまいって訳じゃないんだよね。 私は、前彼(日本人)のエッチの方がだんぜん好きだな・・。
August 17, 2005 "Jude Law has a small penis" The NY Post reports that pictures of Jude Law changing into a swimsuit outside his mother's house in France reveal that he has a small wiener. I'd say it more professionally, but I think small wiener really sums up everything you need to know. I haven't seen the pictures myself, but I'm just going to pretend that I have and say that his wiener was about 1.2" long. And I'm talking erect here, folks. Lord knows why he would have an erection after swimming outside his mother's home, but that's the story I've made up and I'm sticking to it. I don't want to imply that he has erotic feelings towards his own mother, but any man who cheats on his beautiful fiance with an ugly nanny isn't completely right in the head and probably has a small penis. Scratch that, definitely has a small penis. A 1.2" penis to be exact. *Update: Okay, so maybe 1.2" was slightly exaggerated. His penis does, however, look like a weird little monster. Some very NSFW pictures of the thing after the jump. Thanks to the wonderfully sexy Meredith for the images