I am a pair of sweethearts today. a ? 竄阨 ?a way with positive Kitty -- me When it will stimulate, otherwise, would be made to address, it carried out repeatedly. I and child cats are many of times supeior to me in the knowledge about language -- accepting -- ます. I admire him in this feeling actually. However, it is the の sake to which the methods which he changes, using language here are what that always surprises me, and the earth, and he learned language. For me, he is when, Ming et al. It does not know whether this will be clarified or not. In the beginning, for me, he is ど. I who wanted to know whether it will carry out only here like and will act recently am him. It is tired of playing for a while, therefore is the quality of a mental disease. A person and I are sane.
I am the sweetheart of one pair today. a? 竄阨 -- a method with affirmative Kitty -- me and it It which will be made when stimulating, otherwise, in order to carry out an address It performed repeatedly. me in the knowledge concerning [ the cat of mine and a child ] language (acceptance) ます which are many of times supeior. I admire him actually in this feeling. However, use of the method which it swerves and he changes into ? KI and which for the purpose of は, and a language He is [ the thing and me who am here and who am always surprised at it, the earth, and ] language. It learned. That's right, for me, he is when, Ming et al. It is clear in this. It does not know whether it will be carried out. First, he is ど for me. it -- only -- me who wanted to know whether it will perform here, and の -- the object for the most recent work will be carried out like -- it is him It is a mental disease which is tired while it is for a while for following and playing. It is quality. A man and I are healthy.