4日前の6月3日AM8時半頃、禿げオク出品中のデジカメに英文で質問 内容 『Hi,Am Mrs Jenifer from USA i will like to know if you still have this item for sale i want to buy for my husband in west Africa on a research. i will offer you $1,250USD including the shipping fee via EMS you can reply me to (メアド)..Thanks 』
1の続き 留学経験のある友人の嫁さんにヘルプ! ↓ 『訳:こんにちは。私はアメリカのジェニファーです。もしまだ、この商品があって、 販売しているなら西アフリカでリサーチしている 私の旦那に買ってあげたいのですが。EMS費用を含む1,250アメリカドルではい かがですか? ご返答願います。 ありがとう。』 ↓ 留学経験のある友人の嫁さんに翻訳してもらった俺からの返事 Thank you for your E-mail. I 'm be able to sale to you $1,250USD this item including shipping fee.
I want you to make sure some things. Please you read follow the things and mail back to me.
・I will close this auction at June 6. 8pm.
・I need more details your husband's address. Because I want to check EMS shipping fee and how long be take it.
・Can you use "PayPal" to send money to me?
・When you'll done to send me the money, I'll check my account and then I will send this item for your husband.
・This price is including shipping fee; $1,250USD aren't you?
2の続き 俺から返事した内容 返事したい要点 ・オークションの終了日時は 6月 6日です ・品物を送る手段と料金を確認したいので、正確な西アフリカの住所が必要 ・送金手段は『PayPal』を利用できますか? ・入金確認後の発送になりますがOKですか? ・金額は送料込みの$1,250USDで間違いないですか? ↓ 翌日6月4日夕方ジェニファーから返事 『Thanks for th reply,i can only make the payment via bank to bank transfer so kindly get back to me with your bank details to make the payment hope to hear from you soon.Thanks your name bank name bank address bank account number swiftcode
4の続き まだだまされてるバカ正直な俺 ジェニファーに返事 『Thank you for Email. I am not good at English. your Husband's address has been understood. It is possible to seem to send it. There is no swiftcode in the bank that I am using. use Payment with peypal, please. 』 今回は友人の嫁さんが仕事中ということもあり 翻訳サイトで一文ずつ英文に変換(汗 内容は『わたしは英語が得意でわありません。 旦那の住所はわかったぜ! 私が使っている銀行にはスイフトコードが無いから Paypalで払ってくれ。』
番号ずれたな 6月5日朝届いたジェニファーからのメール 『Hello,i can understand you can get back to me with the following bank details it not need of the swiftcode i hope to hear from you soon.Thanks
your name bank name bank address bank account number
今朝2時頃ジェニファーからメールが 『Hello, I received message from Colony Bank that confirmation have been sent to you and they are waiting for the EMS tracking number and the scan copy receipt of shipment for verification in order to remit your money cos the money is already in your bank account but not yet reflected colony bank will need to verify your shipment so as to have the proof that you have make the shipment..
Kindly ship the package by tommrow or monday and contact colony bank with the EMS scan copy receipt so that they can verify your shipment in order to be able to active your account hope that you understand.Thanks』