R. Lam 85.06 - 120.78 3R, 3Lz-2T, 3F-2T wobbly, 2A-2T, 3Lz w/hand, 3T, 3S small, 2A step out. Not much variety in his spins. J. Nishigami 76.14 -115.12 First 3A today, but two-footed and cheated. 3Lz-2T, 3T-2T, 2F-2T, 3S fall, 3Lz step out, 2A on the toepick, 3T fall, combospin wobbly. S. Walker 77.30 - 114.70 2S, 3R shaky, 2F-2T, 3T, 3S, 2Lz-2T, 2A, 3T fall, slst slow, seems also tired in his final spin. K. Bialas 71.68 - 108.79 3S w/hand, 1Lz, 3T, 3R fall, 3S-2T, 2A, 3T, 2A-2T shaky. First one to do a fcsp, everyone else has been doing fssp so far. D. Kahirau 74.90 - 110.21 3R off balance, 3T-2T, 3S stumbles badly w/two hands, 2A shaky, 2A, 2A-1T, 2S-2T, 2F (?)
R. Lam 120.78 J. Nishigami 115.12 S. Walker 114.70 D. Kahirau 110.21 K. Bialas 108.79 J. Kristiansen 94.17 T. Tanaka 86.76 S. Muhhin 86.45 V. Silov 82.31 D. Tchumak 75.18
S. Pertsov 124.57 M. Biondi 124.50 Y. Yoshida 121.78 R. Lam 120.78 M. Chrolenko 118.12 V. Romanenkov 116.36 J. Nishigami 115.12 S. Walker 114.70 D. Kahirau 110.21 K. Bialas 108.79
S. Tyyska 76.05 - 118.42 I missed the first two jumps, I guess it was 3F and 3T, 3R, 1Lz, 3S fall, 3T touch down with free leg, 2A-2T. I liked him better in the short program. J. Fernandez 93.24 - 139.42 3A fall, 3Lz shaky-2T, 2R, 3F, 3S^2T, 3T-2T-2T, wobble in slst, 3T, 2A. He has good ice coverage and is obviously talented. I. Tretiakov 98.79 - 146.53 Really slow going into his Axel and he popped it into single, 3F-3T good, 3Lz w/hand, 2A, 3R, 3Lz shaky-2T, 3F, 2T-2T-2T, finishes the ccosp after the music at 4.13 (overtime deduction).
D. Ten 85.57 - 129.17 3R, Lz popped, 3F, 3T (? ? I wasn’t looking), 3F-2T, 3R-2T on the spot, 3S, 2A had it and then fell. Nice camel spins. Dynamic skater and has a lot of potential. D. Razzano 107.80 - 157.55 3A nice, 3T three turn-2T, 3Lz-2T, 1F, 3S out of spread eagle move, 3R, 3F (?), 3T-2T-1T Good energy throughout the performance. M. Landgraf 85.06 - 127.83 3T-2T, 3S-2T, 3R fall, 3T, 3S^2A step out, 2Lz, 2A-1T
D. Razzano 157.55 I. Tretiakov 146.53 J. Fernandez 139.42 D. Ten 129.17 M. Landgraf 127.83 S. Pertsov 124.57 M. Biondi 124.50 Y. Yoshida 121.78 R. Lam 120.78 S. Tyyska 118.42
J. Guan 120.30 - 184.81 3Lz-3T, 3F, 3R, 2A, 3F-2T, 3Lz, 2A-2T-2R, 3S step out, nice and clean jumps, good overall quality also of his spins. His speed seems to have improved. C. Yang 114.20 - 166.60 3Lz-3T, 2A, 3F-2T-2R fall, 2A, hop into 3F, 3S wobbly, 2A-2T, 3Lz. His program felt a bit empty. A. Gatchinski 113.58 - 170.83 Stumbles when setting up for his Axel, but does a strong 3A-2T, 3A saved, 3F, 3Lz-2T-2T, 3L, 1R, 3T, 2A, spins average. Compared to Guan he obviously is a little kid and also his spins and some jumps weren’t as strong as Guan’s. Still, it was his first major international and he did really well.
F. Amodio 94.84 - 146.66 3A fall (no height), 3Lz two-footed (? ? now I was standing rinkside and didn’t have a good view), 3F fall, 2A-2t; 3S-2T, 2Lz, 3R (?) fall. Too bad! C. Oi 99.36 - 151.70 3R nice, 2A overrotated-2T-2T, 3F w/hand, 3Lz-3T wobbly/cheated, 3F-2T, 3S, 3Lz fall (probably downgraded), 2A I. Martinez 101.70 - 153.49 3Lz-2T wild, 2A^2A (didn’t really see it, but I think that was it), 3F-2T two-footed, ccosp travelling, 3R, 2Lz, 3F, 2A, 3S. Maintained good speed and is expressive.
J. Guan 184.81 A. Gatchinski 170.83 C. Yang 166.60 D. Razzano 157.55 I. Martinez 153.49 C. Oi 151.70 F. Amodio 146.66 I. Tretiakov 146.53 J. Fernandez 139.42 D. Ten 129.17
Last group... 28. Denise Koegl AUT 20.94 17.04 36.98 -1.00 29. Na-Young Kim KOR 24.44 17.70 42.14 30. Meri Savolainen FIN 11.84 15.38 27.22 31. Ekaterina Kozireva RUS 21.31 18.54 39.91 32. Eva Ciklova CZE 14.97 13.86 28.83 33. Mirai Nagasu USA 29.89 22.23 52.12
ねぶるぽるののほうです。 CD, result top 5 1. Jennifer Wester/Daniil Barantsev 30.33 2. Alla Beknazarowa/Vladimir Zuev 29.86 3. Allie Hann-McCurdy/Michael Coreno 27.78 4. Christina Beier/William Beier 27.13 5. Carolina Hermann/Daniel Hermann 26.46
D. Delmore 51.78 Malaguena (an old program, I think) 3A two-feet/probably cheated, 3F-3T, 1Lz, spins ok. Slow overall. J. Othman 46.16 New oriental program (have to aks if he knows the music title) 2A, 3Lz w/hand, 3F step out, overall a bit slow M. Liebers 43.10 Assassin’s Tango 3R fall, 3Lz, 2A A.-P. Nurmenkari 40.81 2Lz-3T, 2A, 1F
S. Rogers 61.55 4T-3T on the toepick/saved it, 3A nice, 3F, fell on entry of combospin P. Liebers 52.09 3A step out, 3Lz-2T, 3F I liked the SP he did two years ago much better P. Domanski 54.45 “Alexander” soundtrack 2F-3T, 2A, 3Lz, interesting position in his cssp, slow in the footwork T. Rajec 47.51 3F w/hand-2T, 3Lz, 2A A. Uspenski 56.07 Don Quixote 3F-3T off balance, 3A fall, 3Lz, wobbles in the ccosp. He injured his back in a fall during the test skate in Moscow and barely trained last week, his coach told me.
1 Tomas VERNER CZE 73.11 2 Shaun ROGERS USA 61.55 3 Michal BREZINA CZE 61.30 4 Igor MACYPURA SVK 59.88 5 Alexander USPENSKI RUS 56.07 6 Przemyslaw DOMANSKI POL 54.45 7 Vaughn CHIPEUR CAN 53.59 8 Peter LIEBERS GER 52.09 9 Derrick DELMORE USA 51.78 10 Mikhail MAGEROVSKI RUS 49.23
11 Vitali SAZONETS UKR 48.76 12 Zoltan KELEMEN ROU 48.40 13 Damjan OSTOJIC BIH 47.60 14 Taras RAJEC SVK 47.51 15 Jamal OTHMAN SUI 46.16 16 Joey RUSSELL CAN 46.08 17 Martin LIEBERS GER 43.10 18 Ari-Pekka NURMENKARI FIN 40.81 19 Norman KECK GER 38.26 20 Dean TIMMINS AUS 34.02 21 Luis HERNANDEZ MEX 32.84
Ladies SP, warm up group 1 K. Wieczorek 45.82 Pink Panther, Big Band music 3R-2R (first time she did this combo in competition, I think), 3T, 2A, flying sit spin laboured
D. Kahle 37.72 El Condor Pasa and something else, weird music mix 2F, 3R fall, 2A, slow, somehow uninspired
C. Kostner 60.15 3F-3T big, 2Lz no height, 2A, overall seemed to hold back
K. Häcker 35.81 3R-2T wobbly, 3S nice, Axel popped into nothing.
L. Lepistö 50.41 Some Ennio Morricone soundtrack, I think 3T-2T, 3R, flying sit touched down with free leg at the end, 2A. Great basics as most Finnish ladies have. Smooth.
Ladies, Result 1. C. Kostner 60.15 2. A. Dytrt 51.84 Passion by Peter Gabriel Nice performance! 3F-2T, 3S, 2A, good flow, nice spins 3. L. Lepisto 50.41 4. M. Stewart-Williams 48.97 3R-2T, 3Lz fall, 2A. I liked her style, an elegant, tall skater. 5. A. Jurkiewicz 44.95 Tango by Gotan Project 3F, 3T shaky-1T, 2A 6. K. Wieczorek 45.82
I still didn't get my hands on a restult sheet. A. Drei 46.09 3T-3T step out, 3F, 2A probably got downgraded on the second toe T. Karademir 45.35 2F, 3S-2T, 2A A. Martynova 44.64 Otonal Slower than usual. Both Lz and F two-footed.
Alena Leonova RUS 118.08 Rika Inoda CAN 114.61 Ekaterina Kozireva RUS 110.89 -1.00 Yurina Nobuhara JPN 103.52 -3.00 Denise Koegl AUT 102.96 Francesca Rio ITA 97.90 Debora Sacchi ITA 96.60 -1.00
あと二人、未来となのは Jenni Vahamaa FIN 132.44 Na-Young Kim KOR 128.37 Alexe Gilles 123.82 Alena Leonova RUS 118.08 Alexandra Rout NZL 115.17 Rika Inoda CAN 114.61
Mirai Nagasu USA 143.52 (-1) [91.40, 1st in FS] Jenni Vahamaa FIN 132.44 (-2) [84.06, 3rd in FS] Na-Young Kim KOR 128.37 [86.23, 2nd in FS] Alexe Gilles USA 123.82 [78.03, 5th in FS] Alena Leonova RUS 118.08 [81.03, 4th in FS] Alexandra Rout NZL 115.17 [72.12, 7th in FS] Rika Inoda CAN 114.61 [73.79, 6th in FS]
Unofficial Final Top 8 Mirai Nagasu USA 143.52 (-1) [91.40, 1st in FS] Jenni Vahamaa FIN 132.44 (-2) [84.06, 3rd in FS] Na-Young Kim KOR 128.37 [86.23, 2nd in FS] Alexe Gilles USA 123.82 [78.03, 5th in FS] Alena Leonova RUS 118.08 [81.03, 4th in FS] Nanoha Sato JPN 117.90 (1.00) Alexandra Rout NZL 115.17 [72.12, 7th in FS] Rika Inoda CAN 114.61 [73.79, 6th in FS]