Senkaku Islands (Chinese name: Diaoyu islands) are traditional Japanese territory Takeshima is unjustly occupied by South Korea (Korean name: Dokdo) is Japanese territory and the Northern Territories. Japan protests to China was due to nothing more except for a violation of our sovereignty. If you take action based on the US-Japan Security Treaty of the United States, Japan's nuclear armament may increase the debate and do not even doubt that the expansion of armaments. Would lean to the public opinion of the Okinawa problem even worse. ODA to China in the country already are beginning to Stop Their voices and input tax on the contribution of international students come from China and stop. To sell government bonds held by the United States to further strengthen Japan's military has been on the net from some hawkish comments, they should.
Japan "the Tiananmen incident" caused the CPC and democratic state is a different and, as rogue states and to use threats and intimidation in the diplomatic field is different. Japan is a constitutional state based on law, it does not change after this. Even if China and South Korea even if you do 申Shi立Tere International Court of Justice should not be unhappy if Japan's territorial claim. Japan would be ashamed to go to court without it. Erect and barking threats by rogue states and diplomatic row threatened to force the International Court of Justice responded to a complaint even in our country is only about recognition howling loser.
Senkaku Islands (Chinese name: Diaoyu islands) are traditional Japanese territory Takeshima is unjustly occupied by South Korea (Korean name: Dokdo) is Japanese territory and the Northern Territories. Japan protests to China was due to nothing more except for a violation of our sovereignty. If you take action based on the US-Japan Security Treaty of the United States, Japan's nuclear armament may increase the debate and do not even doubt that the expansion of armaments. Would lean to the public opinion of the Okinawa problem even worse. ODA to China in the country already are beginning to Stop Their voices and input tax on the contribution of international students come from China and stop. To sell government bonds held by the United States to further strengthen Japan's military has been on the net from some hawkish comments, they should.
Japan "the Tiananmen incident" caused the CPC and democratic state is a different and, as rogue states and to use threats and intimidation in the diplomatic field is different. Japan is a constitutional state based on law, it does not change after this. Even if China and South Korea even if you do not complain to the International Court of Justice should be unhappy if Japan's territorial claim. Japan would be ashamed to go to court without it. Erect and barking threats by rogue states and diplomatic row threatened to force the International Court of Justice responded to a complaint even in our country is only about recognition howling loser.