
terry: that's ipforex's Belize office number.you also work for them?

Jack Tran: we don't work for them, we are different company

Jack Tran: we will contact the website to check their information again

terry: you can check it out here.http://www.ipforex.com/en/company/contacts/

Jack Tran: yes, i saw it

Jack Tran: but it might be mistake from IP forex

Jack Tran: we will contact them and find out the reason

terry: mistake?mistake info hasnt been change for a long time?

Jack Tran: i will check with our CEO and find out the reason

Jack Tran: thank you for letting us know

Jack Tran: ipforex is russian company

Jack Tran: we are a japanese company

terry: OK,thank you, Jack.please let us know if tou get the reason

Jack Tran: is your email?

Jack Tran: [email protected]

terry: bye.we keep checking your website

Jack Tran: Thank you for chatting. If you have any questions, please contact us again. Have a nice day!

Jack Tran: Thank you for choosing NatureForex. Please help us to improve our service by completing Customer Satisfaction Survey when you choose 'Close'.
