The suit seeks at least $5 million in compensatory damages, plus an unspecified amount of punitive damages against Transocean, BP, Halliburton Energy Services Inc. and Cameron International Corp. and Hyundai Heavy Industries Co. 損害賠償は、最低$5Mで、訴えられている会社は、BP、ハリバートン・エネルギーサービス、キャメロン・インターナショナル および現代重工業である。 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ハリバートン・エネルギーサービスは石油・天然ガスの探索・掘削の技術サービス会社、キャメロン・インターナショナル は石油・ガス掘削・採掘の機器の製造とサービスの会社、現代重工はリグの製造らしい
The explosion on the Deepwater Horizon rig (at about 10 pm) left the rig burning and listing at about 10 degrees. Prior to the fire the rig had 700,000 gallons of diesel on board. The Transocean-owned semi-submersible rig, which was under contract to BP, was drilling but was not in production. Built by Hyundai Heavy Industries in South Korea in 2001 the rig was designed to operate in up to 8,000 feet of water and with maximum drill depth of about 5.5 miles. It was drilling in the Gulf of Mexico’s Macondo prospect in about 5,000 feet of water. ttp://